The Tariq Nasheed Thread


Mar 11, 2022


Aug 29, 2013
I'm not trying to disrespect OP but since he continues to spread Tariq Nasheed's bullshyt, at some point a decision has to be made whether to bush this guy or remove his threadmaking privileges.

This isn't a matter of sharing a valid political view. It's spreading the reach of a known grifter at best, and propagandist at worst.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

you have to be blatantly racist with the shyts for the feds to go after because we all know housing discrimination exists and 99.9% of the time people get away with it.

And that was just the start of 60 straight years of trying to fukk over Black people.

Everyone knows how he refused to rent to Black folk in all but the worst apartment buildings, and how he tried to get the Central Park 5 executed, and all his racist quotes about Black people. Most people don't even know about the casino in Gary that he used lies to steel it from Black investors, then fukked over his Black business partners, and then took back all his promises to hire Black workers. And, of course, ended up running the place into the ground like all his other failed ventures.

Here's my list of his racist bullshyt all the way up to his first campaign:

I was keeping a running list of all the racist shyt he did in office for the first 2.5 years, but eventually got sick of it.

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Jun 12, 2013
I'm not trying to disrespect OP but since he continues to spread Tariq Nasheed's bullshyt, at some point a decision has to be made whether to bush this guy or remove his threadmaking privileges.

This isn't a matter of sharing a valid political view. It's spreading the reach of a known grifter at best, and propagandist at worst.

@BenchPressPapi does it in a facetious way, it’s not an endorsement of Tariq.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

1927: Donald Trump's father Fred is arrested for "refusing to disperse" at a KKK rally. Donald Trump claims that it wasn't his father named in the news stories, that his father never lived at that address, etc. Five different newspaper accounts show that it WAS his dad, his father's marriage records confirm the same address, and the articles report that the 7 men arrested were "berobed" and wearing Klan gear.

1940s-1960s: Fred Trump becomes well-known for his blatant segregation, keeping Black people out of his desirable units and forcing them into the project units. White folk singer Woody Guthrie, who lived in a Trump building for two years, wrote multiple lyrics about how racist Trump and his building projects are.

1972: Donald Trump takes over his father's empire and continued the segregation policies, only it's illegal now. A government sting after many complaints finds that Donald Trump's men are claiming apartments aren't available when Black people come around, but apartments are suddenly free when White people are there. Four Trump agents admit to coding applications to show which applicants are Black, a superintendent says he was told to send Black applicants to the central office but accept White applicants on site, and three doormen admit to being told to discourage Black persons from renting at their properties.

Elyse Goldweber, a Justice Department lawyer, states that Trump told her during a break in the deposition, “You know, you don’t want to live with them either.”

1975: When Trump finally settles the housing discrimination case and is forced to open up all his properties to Black renters, he claims he "won" because he won't have to "rent to welfare recipients"....continuing the false narrative he'd been pushing the last two years that all the Black people he had been keeping out were just welfare recipients.

1978: The federal government charges that Trump has continued to discriminate against Black renters, citing more complaints.

1980s: "And isn't it funny. I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. . . . I think the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control." - Donald Trump, as quoted by the president of Trump Plaza

1980s: Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, told the New Yorker that when he worked for Trump in the 1980s, Black employees would be shuffled off the casino floor when Trump and his wife came around.

1983: An NAACP anti-discrimination lawsuit charges that several Trump properties in New York City are still over 95% White. Imagine how racist your policies have to be to maintain 95% White apartment buildings in NYC.

1989: “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. If I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I believe they do have an actual advantage.” – Donald Trump in an NBC interview

1989: Just days after their arrest, Trump spends $85,000 to take out full-page ads across New York newspapers with racially charged attacks against the five young Black men accused in the "Central Park 5" trial, calling for the death penalty, attacking the defendants with race-baiting assertions, and mocking Mayor Koch’s call to "end hate in our hearts.

1991: Trump Plaza is fined $200,000 by the New Jersey Gaming Commission for consistently removing the Black dealers whenever Robert LiButti, a racist high roller associated with the Gambino family mafia, came in. The jury heard evidence that LiButti stated frequently used offensive slurs for Black people and women and “did not want women, blacks or other minorities dealing or supervising his games,” and Trump’s casino management complied.

1993: During Congressional testimony on Indian gambling, Donald Trump claims that the Indians in question "don't look like Indians to me", states that the Indian casinos will be cesspools of organized crime, and mocks the ability of "Indian chiefs" to stand up to mob figures. The committee is flabbergasted and one congressman states: “In the 19 years I have been on this committee, I have never seen such irresponsible remarks,”

1996: After having spent years trying to block Indiana from getting casinos, Trump tries to get one of the new licences approved for Gary. In order to head off a Black businessman competing for the license, Trump makes a deal with 8 minority investors, mostly Black men, to join in on his bid so that he'll get the approval of the state of Indiana. Once Trump gets the license, he drops all the Black investors, giving them nothing, and goes on alone. He also dropped a commitment he had made to give 7.5% ownership in the casino to a charitable foundation in Gary, which was 80% Black at the time. Trump was sued by the minority investors, eventually settling with six of them for $2.2 million and having the other two awarded $1.3 million by the court. However, the charitable money he had promised was never seen by the charities he had pledged it to.

1996: Trump is sued by 20 Black workers for turning back on a promise he had made to hire primarily minorities at the Gary casino.

1990s: Trump is accused by his ex-wife of having kept a book of Hitler's speeches next to his bed and reading it every night. Trump denies that he ever read the book, but admits to owning it.

2000: As the Mohawk Nation tries to get permission to build a casino in New York, Donald Trump creates a fake nonprofit charity which begins taking out racist ads against the Mohawks. In the ads, Trump claims that gambling creates social ills, that Indian casinos are especially violent, that Indians have a history of criminal activity, and shows images of syringes and cocaine, implying the Indians. The ad asks, "Are these the kind of neighbors we want?" Trump is fined $250,000 for violating election law when it is found out that he was behind the ads.

2004: Trump accuses Kevin Allen, a Black contestant on The Apprentice, of being too educated and "intimidating" and uses that as the reason to fire him.

2005: Trump suggests ”an idea that is fairly controversial — creating a team of successful African-Americans versus a team of successful whites. Whether people like that idea or not, it is somewhat reflective of our very vicious world.”

2005: When Randal Pinkett, another Black man, won The Apprentice, Trump asked him to share the title with the White runner-up. Pinkett later is one of six Apprentice contestants who come forward to accuse Trump of racist and xenophobic behavior. Trump staffers have been recorded admitting that a tape exists of Trump using the N-word on set.


Apr 30, 2012
I'm not trying to disrespect OP but since he continues to spread Tariq Nasheed's bullshyt, at some point a decision has to be made whether to bush this guy or remove his threadmaking privileges.

This isn't a matter of sharing a valid political view. It's spreading the reach of a known grifter at best, and propagandist at worst.


Mac Ten

Class of 97 !!!
Dec 15, 2019
Trump had those folks scared including the folks who put him in office....

I respect how Trump clapped back at his detractors though.

Obama was letting Bill O'Reilly diss him on Fox for his whole two terms but he had time to call Kanye a Jackazz..


Apr 30, 2012
@BenchPressPapi does it in a facetious way, it’s not an endorsement of Tariq.

I thought that was obvious, no different than when people pull up quotes on certain posters who switch up personas or say things that don't match.

I am very worried for the reading comprehension of some folks on here. Wow. :picard:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

2011: Trump enters politics by falsely claiming that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya and is ineligible to be president. At various times he claims special insider knowledge that Obama's birth certificate is forged and that Obama is really an African by birth.

2011: Trump falsely claims Obama was a poor student and states that he needs to release his college records, declaring, "I'd like to know how does he get into Harvard, how does he get into Columbia if he isn't a very good student...the word is he wasn't a very good student."

2011: Trump falsely claims about Obama, "the people that went to school with him, they never saw him, they don't know who he is. It's crazy."

2011: Trump tells Obama to, "Get off the basketball court."

2011: Trump implies that President Obama only got into Columbia and Harvard Law due to affirmative action, casting aspersions on his intellect and qualifications.

2011: Trump falsely claims that Obama issued a statement for Kwanza but forget to issue one for Christmas.

2011: “I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks.” - Donald Trump on Albany’s Talk 1300

2013: Trump tweets: "Sadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics-a tough subject-must be discussed."

2013: Trump tweets: “Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won’t see another black president for generations!”

2013: After the Central Park 5 are shown to be innocent and released from prison, Donald Trump continues to attack them, saying, "what were they doing in the park anyway?"

2013: Trump again tweets that “the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our cities is committed by blacks and Hispanics.”

2014: When a settlement was made compensating the Central Park 5 due to their unjust imprisonment, Donald Trump writes an editorial for the New York Daily News denouncing the payments, saying "these young men do not exactly have the pasts of angels" and strongly implying they were actually guilty.

2014: Trump goes on a rant during a campaign event where he claims that Mexican immigrants are "rapists" who are "not you" and says they are bringing drugs and crime into the country. Later, defending the rant during an interview, he calls Mexican immigrants "killers".

2014: Trump tweets: “Our great African American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore.”

2014: Trump tweets: "President Obama has absolutely no control (or respect) over the African American community-they have fared so poorly under his presidency."

2015: Trump tweets fake statistic from White nationalists claiming that 81% of White murder victims were killed by Black people. The actual number is 15%.

2015: Trump claims he saw thousands of Muslims on Jersey City roofs cheering the falling of the towers, though no one has ever reported seeing such a sight and the television footage Trump claims he saw does not exist. This is one of dozens of lies Trump makes about Muslim people, immigrants, and refugees. At least four Muslims are assaulted by people who yell vocal support of Trump's anti-Muslim policies either during or immediately after the attack

2015: Trump claims that Black youth are "a point where they've just about never done more poorly, there's no spirit, there’s killings on an hourly basis virtually in places like Baltimore and Chicago and many other places...There’s no spirit. I thought that President Obama would be a great cheerleader for the country. And he’s really become very divisive."

2015: Trump issues a press release stating: “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”

2015: Trump tweets: “Jeb Bush has to like the Mexican Illegals because of his wife."

2015: When a Black Lives Matter protester is beaten up at a Trump rally, Trump states, "Maybe [the protester] should have been roughed up. It was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.” This is one of numerous times that Black or Latino protesters are beaten up or called racial slurs during Trump rallies.

2015: Trump tells evangelicals that they shouldn't support Ted Cruz because he's Cuban

2016: Trump tweets: "There are places in America that are among the most dangerous in the world. You go to places like Oakland. Or Ferguson. The crime numbers are worse. Seriously."

2016: When asked a question about the vocal support that David Duke had given him, Trump refuses to reject the support and twice pretends that he doesn't know enough about David Duke and the KKK to comment. It is later shown that Trump has known Duke for at least 20 years and spoken about him in public before.

2016: Trump's twitter account is shown to have re-tweeted at least 75 statements of members of the "White Genocide" movement, who claim that White people need to band together to prevent the "genocide" that other races are subjecting them to.

2016: Trump repeatedly refers to Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas" in order to mock her disputed Native American ancestery and his supporters begin responding with "Indian war whoops" whenever he speaks her name at rallies.

2016: Trump makes a crazy string of racist attacks against the judge presiding over his Trump University case, including claiming the judge cannot sit on his case because he's "Mexican", despite the judge having been born in Indiana and lived his entire life in the USA.

2016: A Reuters opinion poll finds that Trump supporters are "much more likely to describe Black people as "criminal," "unintelligent," "lazy" and "violent" than supporters of other candidates, with half of Trump supporters using one or more of those words."

2016: When Black protesters are removed from his rallies, Trump begins repeatedly referring to the "good old days" when they'd "rip him out of his seat so fast" and "used to treat them very, very rough" and "be carried out in a stretcher folks", obviously hearkening back to how police abused Black protesters during the Civil Rights Movement of Trump's teenage years.

2016: Trump receives the endorsement of White Nationalist organizations and blogsites the Daily Stormer, the National Policy Institute, American Renaissance, Hunter Wallace, the Virginia KKK, the American Freedom Party, and the League of the South. The Trump campaign even names William Johnson, chair of the White Nationalist organization "American Freedom Party", as one of their national delegates for California.

2016: Despite over 40 years at the top of the business world, "No black or Hispanic executive has ever played a prominent public role in the Trump business organization...the Trump team has not presented to the press the name of a single key executive who is either Hispanic or African American."

2016: Trump claims: "Crime is out of control, and rapidly getting worse. Look what is going on in Chicago and our inner cities. Not good!"

2016: Trump strongly implies in an interview that Putin will respect him more than Obama, because Putin uses "the N-word" to refer to Obama.

2016: Trump confuses Ben Carson with Barack Obama during a rally.

2016: Trump claims, “Look at how much African American communities are suffering from Democratic control. … Fifty-eight percent of your youth is unemployed, what the hell do you have to lose?” The actual figure for Black youth unemployment was 19%.

2016: Trump claims during a presidential debate: “African Americans and Hispanics are living in hell. You walk down the street and you get shot.”

2016: While giving a campaign speech in a town literally named after a slaveowner, Trump states, "We're going to rebuild our inner cities because our African American communities are absolutely in the worst shape they've ever been in before. Ever, ever, ever.”

2016: Trump claims, “You go into the inner cities and you see it's 45 percent poverty, African Americans now 45 percent poverty in the inner cities.” This is nearly double the true figure.


Aug 29, 2013
I thought that was obvious, no different than when people pull up quotes on certain posters who switch up personas or say things that don't match.

I am very worried for the reading comprehension of some folks on here. Wow. :picard:
You're acting goofy.
There's a reason why I qualified my post with "at a certain point"

Because when you highlight something as a matter of shining a light to serve as a disinfectant...that's one thing.
When you repeatedly do it, whether you intend to or not, you're helping in spreading it and giving it broader appeal.

This isn't a difficult concept to grasp.


May 14, 2012
:yeshrug: Am I the only one who doesn’t give a shyt about immigrants? I don’t even know any black people (including grassroots like he stated) who even care about immigrants entering the county, sounds like a forced narrative, not really sure why he’s so hellbent on this stance. They can enter in legally or illegally, never was really a concern for me, I feel for those Chicago and NYC residents dealing with that tho. I’m assuming the main people pushing back are because of the crime that could possibly come with them, cause what kind of jobs would they be taking that would be of any significance to you? The kind that they sit in front of a Home Depot and advertise for them all day long, Uber, some warehouse job with a turnover rate of 150%? So basically, some type of unskilled labor? fukk it, let ‘em have iwitnesseby

It's more than that. I've never ever gave a shyt about anyone outside of the people in my house. Ive always had to and always will grind for mine, Mrs ain't gonna put a roof over my head, clothes off my back, food in my stomach, or take my house, my clothes or my food. Yet I can't deny that over the last 18 years I have personally witnessed the work force being replaced, at first it was Wal-Mart, target, grocery store jobs, and all the fast food places, even now I'm my professional career I'm seeing Hispanics get the jobs. Which I kind of didnt care about but shyt where I live 6 houses were for sale, not rent, sale, and all them mfs are occupied by Hispanics. The house directly across the street from me, got bought by some somalian mfs. I don't have an issue with any of my neighbors, but the fact that except for the old white guy that lives next to me that I don't like, he moved in maybe 4 years ago, everyone else has been not black, or even American, is concerning. My Mexican neighbors don't even speak English, which is cool to me because I speak Spanish, they all work and shyt, have families, kids and shyt. They are really Mexican not Mexican I grew up in this us state and graduated from this high school and went to this college.

I definitely feel like there's a gap, and that black people are being skipped over, cut out and replaced. I'm seeing more Hispanic basketball and football coaches, more and more Hispanic math teachers and shyt. I went to a doctor's appt in a hospital and they had mad Hispanic staff. These mfs are mixing too. White man, Mexican girls, Mexican men, white women...having babies and shyt... I work with a few of these mfs....and I'm like, what happened to America?

I feel like this was planned. I don't thinking voting against anything would've changed where we/what I'm witnessing today.

You can blame crime and fatherlessness, rap, crack or whatever but the long story short, the opportunities, the grants, the funding, the programs, the resources aren't going to go into black hands, homes. They're going to go to these people, I guess they are the future?

shyts crazy now and only going to get worse. I'm glad im getting old, fukk this shyt.


May 8, 2012
:yeshrug: Am I the only one who doesn’t give a shyt about immigrants? I don’t even know any black people (including grassroots like he stated) who even care about immigrants entering the county, sounds like a forced narrative, not really sure why he’s so hellbent on this stance. They can enter in legally or illegally, never was really a concern for me, I feel for those Chicago and NYC residents dealing with that tho. I’m assuming the main people pushing back are because of the crime that could possibly come with them, cause what kind of jobs would they be taking that would be of any significance to you? The kind that they sit in front of a Home Depot and advertise for them all day long, Uber, some warehouse job with a turnover rate of 150%? So basically, some type of unskilled labor? fukk it, let ‘em have it then.

You aint the only one, I dont give a fukk about those immigrants one way or another

I never worried about them nikkas taking jobs more or anything from me either

only issue I got is them nikkas party til 5 am. Had a whole fukking mariachi band nextdoor