Don’t Be Like He-Man
Excerpt is full of holes..
Just overall economic productivity and macroeconomic performance. When I brought up democratization of the workplace and democratic socialism to this centrist person who's (I think) a liberal socially and centre right capitalist economically, he was saying that he wasn't opposed to democratic socialism morally/philosophically and that it would probably be better if it was the most viable option, but that in his opinion it would be more inefficient economically than private capitalism, generally.Efficiency with regards to what specifically?
The reason people are poor is because we are on a fiat monetary system and CRONY capitalism.
Real unmanipulated Free Markets is the way to go Not bigger govt and central planning
Excerpt is full of holes..
I don't understand what is appealing about socialism. Or why brehs are attracted to it. Black Wall Street was great until it was destroyed
The reason people are poor is because we are on a fiat monetary system and CRONY capitalism.
Real unmanipulated Free Markets is the way to go Not bigger govt and central planning
>Socialist logic
>1. "We need to regulate the markets to make sure it's 'fair'"
>2. "Oh noes, something bad happened. Clearly this is the fault of the free market and not our regulations so and we need MORE regulations!"
>Repeat 2 until socialism
Daily reminder that Karl Marx was a mentally ill NEET who spent his neetdom writing about how it's not fair that people have more than him. And that his ideas when applied has only managed to distribute poverty instead of wealth. Also, the only ppl still supporting for pure socialism are either young ppl who never experienced real responsibility, NEETs, or have no knowledge on basic economics like Bernie "IT'S ALL FREE" Sanders. .
Why do people always conflate socialism with communism? There are differences you know. So your list should have asked to name successful socialist countries. Just saying.Fun game: list successful communist countries.....I'll start
Why do people always conflate socialism with communism? There are differences you know. So your list should have asked to name successful socialist countries. Just saying.
I don't understand what is appealing about socialism. Or why brehs are attracted to it. Black Wall Street was great until it was destroyed
You understand that capitalism literally requires poor people correct? You understand that free markets are impossible?
Crony capitalism is capitalism in its functional form.