The Prince of All Saiyans
Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
Madone! was just saiyan20 is way too many episodes. That’s how good shows like Walking Dead get watered down and end up being garbage. 10-12 is optimal.
Madone! was just saiyan20 is way too many episodes. That’s how good shows like Walking Dead get watered down and end up being garbage. 10-12 is optimal.
Always a fun time looking back on the pilots of successful shows and seeing the evolution. A lot of them at the time not only waiting on the greenlight from the studios, but don’t know who they truly are yet.Theres a lot of inconsistencies in the pilot when compared to the rest of the show, but since it was the beginning and they were still working through the kinks,
I dont even think Silvio was a made guy in the pilot, they ask what hes doing at Satriales, and hes shown as more of a strip club owner thats affiliated with Tony but not in the mafia (like Hesh)
She looked so different in the pilot, her nose was like a natural canopy.
did she have a nose job when she was a kid?
U are gehI think so. It helped her a lot, she looked much better.
Movies are dead...David Chase declares the Golden Age of television dead.
It’s 25 years since I created The Sopranos — but TV’s golden age is over
David Chase reinvented television with his mafia series. Now, he says the streaming giants are killing intelligent
David Chase declares the Golden Age of television dead.
It’s 25 years since I created The Sopranos — but TV’s golden age is over
David Chase reinvented television with his mafia series. Now, he says the streaming giants are killing intelligent
Goes to show you how much the right choice of song adds to what you're seeing
Movies are dead...
There are great shows coming out evey year
of course the're not all great. you cant just make a great movie/ series time and time againgood shows every year? yea a few
great? not at all