The Russia - Ukraine Conflict


Feb 16, 2017
NATO is going to have to give Russia something really good though. I dont know what exactly. What kind of appeasement can be made to Putin to make him call it off? What can they offer him? An end to sanctions?...... i dont feel thats enough. He can painfully occupy multiple cities in Ukraine for a long time with his air superiority,controlling the power,food,etc Are Western hearts strong enough to see Ukraine suffer through that? Russians will be fine even with the sanctions in the short term, they will endure for now. Its a double side high stakes bluff using human lives. The world isnt completely abandoning Russia either. China,India,Isreal,Mcdonalds,Coke,etc Its getting weird. You also have to think they planned ahead for this. I think they are ready for a bit of a long game. They wont be forced into anything anytime soon.
If Russia backs down they're on Third world status. During the Soviet era Russians were saying that they were A Upper Volta with Missiles Belarus would buck, The Balitic states would join the EU and NATO Moldava would join too shyt even Georgia and Chechneya would probably try to break out of the Russian sphere of Influence.

China would super duper little bro Russia.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Two issues The Russians conquered the Ukrainans at least 3 times before.

Secondly you're assuming that the Russians will follow the rules of Law Warfare which wouldn't even apply during an insurgency.
No, I'm not. Following the "rules of law warfare" is generally irrelevant in nonviolent resistance. Mubarak in Egypt didn't give a shyt about the rules of law yet he ran out of Cairo with his tail between his legs. Same shyt happened to the dictator Marcos in the Philippines - he literally ordered his troops to fire on the crowds and they wouldn't do it, and he had to leave because he lost control. It's happened over and over again.

Russian soldier morale is already low. The Russians have already said over and over that they don't want ot be in this war and they don't want to kill Ukrainians. They'll want to kill defenseless, nonviolent Ukrainians even less. There's a TON of Russians and Ukrainians from mixed families, they have all sorts of relatives on both sides, they feel like they're killing their brothers and sisters.

You think the Russians will tell their troops that? You think that a ünmotivated" Russian solider will be in a armored vehicle see some dudes shooting at him with an AK or throwing a Molitov Cocktail and wheel the Co Ax Gun (the light Machine gun) at them or will he fire a Main Gun round that will kill them and destroy several houses full of innocent people? That's not what the Russians did in any other war.

The only reason they wouldn't do that is because they think that NATO would intervene which would mean that the Russkies were disiplined which means that they are somewhat motivated.

What does Victory look like for the Ukrainains? A devastated countryside with the Russians taking everything they can and the 82nd Airborne in the Donbass. If I were Russia I'd play up the fact that It will be like Germany Black soliders will be fukking the shyt out of broke ass Ukrainan girls.

I have no idea what you're trying to say, you're literally making my point for me.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
NATO is going to have to give Russia something really good though. I dont know what exactly. What kind of appeasement can be made to Putin to make him call it off? What can they offer him? An end to sanctions?...... i dont feel thats enough. He can painfully occupy multiple cities in Ukraine for a long time with his air superiority,controlling the power,food,etc Are Western hearts strong enough to see Ukraine suffer through that? Russians will be fine even with the sanctions in the short term, they will endure for now. Its a double side high stakes bluff using human lives. The world isnt completely abandoning Russia either. China,India,Isreal,Mcdonalds,Coke,etc Its getting weird. You also have to think they planned ahead for this. I think they are ready for a bit of a long game. They wont be forced into anything anytime soon.

Why do you think "Russians will be fine with the sanctions"? It's already starting to look ugly.

I don't think they prepared for this at all. All the reports are that the sanctions are much higher than anticipated and that the economic impact reports prepared internally were crap because they didn't think Putin was going to go through with it anyway. They prepared for a 15-day occupation and re-supplies have already sucked, why would they be ready for a 12-month occupation?

For the Russian people to feel fine and tough it out, they'd have to feel they were winning something. They'd have to have a goal. But they have NO win here. The average Russian person doesn't give a flying fukk about any NATO concessions, so what are they holding out for? The longer they suffer, the more of them who will just feel like Putin's a dikk who needs his ego massaged. Putin would be losing control of his people.

In terms of the Ukraine side of the factor, what would air superiority matter for? And yeah Russia controls the food and the If they shut off the food and power, then what? They ain't gonna fukking starve the Ukrianians to death, the Russian military would mutiny before the partook in that. Like I said up above, Ukrainians and Russians are literally family, tons of marriages across the border, they see them as relatives. This is the reason the war has been so low-key from the jump - Putin knows if he goes to far he's gonna lose the support of his own people.


Feb 16, 2017
No, I'm not. Following the "rules of law warfare" is generally irrelevant in nonviolent resistance. Mubarak in Egypt didn't give a shyt about the rules of law yet he ran out of Cairo with his tail between his legs. Same shyt happened to the dictator Marcos in the Philippines - he literally ordered his troops to fire on the crowds and they wouldn't do it, and he had to leave because he lost control. It's happened over and over again.

Russian soldier morale is already low. The Russians have already said over and over that they don't want ot be in this war and they don't want to kill Ukrainians. They'll want to kill defenseless, nonviolent Ukrainians even less. There's a TON of Russians and Ukrainians from mixed families, they have all sorts of relatives on both sides, they feel like they're killing their brothers and sisters.

I have no idea what you're trying to say, you're literally making my point for me.
So you one of them Truth Justice and the american way nikkas, Mubarak and Marcos was in power for years before they were betrayed by their own troops ( Notice none of the people who assisted either dictator went to jail for anything they just switched sides)

It kinda doesn't make sense arguing with you, Unlike you I can admit that there's a possibilty I could be wrong.

Quick ancedote: In the travel trickin' community nikkas talk about "Snow bunnies" Now even though you can go to western europe and get it for free nikkas rather go somewhere where they can get it for the fee. So they bypass the Brothels in Germany and talk about Eastern europe. but they warn brehs to be careful because sometimes Brehs go over there and holla at eastern euro girls and get OOFéd.

I remember one time I was in a small town in England for Christmas and they said a Harlem Gospel Choir was gonna perform in the Town square.

They sounded more like a not from Harlem Chorus than a Foot Stomping Choir. I had a look on my face and this Black girl had the same look and I said This don't sound like a Choir to me She said Doesn't sound right to me either I asked her where she was from and she said Kenya I asked her how did she know what a Harlem Gospel Choir sounded like and she said she went to a Black Church In Germany

I never served in europe so it didn't occur to me that some of the troops stayed some of the troops got out and became civilan DOD contractors some got married and set up shop in Germany and someone decided that Maybe they need a Church there too.

Milli Vanilli was from Germany, that chick who married Peter Gunz was from Germany. the current Gold medal for Running is held by a Italian nikka Named LaMont

I don't think the Ukrainans want a Sosua in Odessa so I would be surprised that the Russkies don't point that out. Because as soon as US boots it the ground the days of dudes rushing a nikka holding hands with a babuskha is over.

prepare for a bunch of Durell Latrell Ledowski nikkas running around in the Crimea in 20 years.


Feb 16, 2017
No, I'm not. Following the "rules of law warfare" is generally irrelevant in nonviolent resistance. Mubarak in Egypt didn't give a shyt about the rules of law yet he ran out of Cairo with his tail between his legs. Same shyt happened to the dictator Marcos in the Philippines - he literally ordered his troops to fire on the crowds and they wouldn't do it, and he had to leave because he lost control. It's happened over and over again.

Russian soldier morale is already low. The Russians have already said over and over that they don't want ot be in this war and they don't want to kill Ukrainians. They'll want to kill defenseless, nonviolent Ukrainians even less. There's a TON of Russians and Ukrainians from mixed families, they have all sorts of relatives on both sides, they feel like they're killing their brothers and sisters.

I have no idea what you're trying to say, you're literally making my point for me.
let's address the ünited' Ukrainans thing. This is like saying that since morale was low in the VietNam war "we lost" No what happened was we decided it wasn't worth fighting anymore and left. There wasn't an uprising of Soliders refusing to fight in large numbers.

The difference is that VietNam was 8000 miles away It's sorta like if Puerto Rico declared it's independance; Puerto Rico has been in the US for a hundred years and it's right off the coast you think the US would just give up and go home? Ukraine is next door to Russia they're Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine There's millions of Ukrainians walking around who used to be Soviet Service members.

They have a jewish president. The Germans had no problems recruiting Christan Ukrainians to be Camp guards for their Jewish "brothers" They also raised an Independent Army who forgot for Germany Until the vast Majority switch sides to the Red Army. the few who kept the faith (with western support were wiped out by the Red Army in 5 years. Ukraine didn't break away when the other Warsaw Pact states did in fact the top Ukrainian dude in the Soviet system was selected President of Ukraine.

So much for U.N.I.T.Y.


Feb 16, 2017
Why do you think "Russians will be fine with the sanctions"? It's already starting to look ugly.

I don't think they prepared for this at all. All the reports are that the sanctions are much higher than anticipated and that the economic impact reports prepared internally were crap because they didn't think Putin was going to go through with it anyway. They prepared for a 15-day occupation and re-supplies have already sucked, why would they be ready for a 12-month occupation?

For the Russian people to feel fine and tough it out, they'd have to feel they were winning something. They'd have to have a goal. But they have NO win here. The average Russian person doesn't give a flying fukk about any NATO concessions, so what are they holding out for? The longer they suffer, the more of them who will just feel like Putin's a dikk who needs his ego massaged. Putin would be losing control of his people.

In terms of the Ukraine side of the factor, what would air superiority matter for? And yeah Russia controls the food and the If they shut off the food and power, then what? They ain't gonna fukking starve the Ukrianians to death, the Russian military would mutiny before the partook in that. Like I said up above, Ukrainians and Russians are literally family, tons of marriages across the border, they see them as relatives. This is the reason the war has been so low-key from the jump - Putin knows if he goes to far he's gonna lose the support of his own people.
Damn homie shyt doesn't work like that. The Russians wouldn't be starving the Ukrainians until all roads are cut off they can get some food

But not enough of it. In Saint Petersburg during the siege of Leningrad not all of the people starved some food got in. the problem was if you were old or sick you wasn't eating The strong and the leadership maybe lost a few pounds.

Why do you assume familar ties go only one way? You think they're ain't no Ukranian c00ns?


Nov 22, 2016
Why do you think "Russians will be fine with the sanctions"? It's already starting to look ugly.

I don't think they prepared for this at all. All the reports are that the sanctions are much higher than anticipated and that the economic impact reports prepared internally were crap because they didn't think Putin was going to go through with it anyway. They prepared for a 15-day occupation and re-supplies have already sucked, why would they be ready for a 12-month occupation?

For the Russian people to feel fine and tough it out, they'd have to feel they were winning something. They'd have to have a goal. But they have NO win here. The average Russian person doesn't give a flying fukk about any NATO concessions, so what are they holding out for? The longer they suffer, the more of them who will just feel like Putin's a dikk who needs his ego massaged. Putin would be losing control of his people.

In terms of the Ukraine side of the factor, what would air superiority matter for? And yeah Russia controls the food and the If they shut off the food and power, then what? They ain't gonna fukking starve the Ukrianians to death, the Russian military would mutiny before the partook in that. Like I said up above, Ukrainians and Russians are literally family, tons of marriages across the border, they see them as relatives. This is the reason the war has been so low-key from the jump - Putin knows if he goes to far he's gonna lose the support of his own people.

Over the past week, Western countries have ramped up sanctions against Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine. The measures are the toughest since those imposed on Iran in 2010 and North Korea in 2013.
So Yes. no doubt youre right . Sanctions are crippling....but sanctions will not cripple the entire russian economy. It will go on. The regime will go on.
Yes. The Russian people will suffer and SHOULD turn on Putin, but they wont. They wont. Thats the major problem because its the best way to end all this.
They wont turn on him and he wont back down or come to the table in a meaningful way until he gets something. Im trying not to get biased by the Western media machine telling me its going so awfully for russia and they are about to fold, im just going to wait and see. That seems very off. North Korea is still standing today with only China as a friend, they still stand defiant. Russia still has way more friends. Russia isnt going down so easily. This isnt ending so easily.

Air superiority means Russia dosent have to commit many troops to hold cities. They can pull back when they're losing control, reign down fire from the skies and then retake ground. Ukraine did get hooked up with some sick surface to air weapons but its not going to cut it.

Mike Nasty

Nov 19, 2016
See you armchair Coli Generals who haven't or will not do one day in service to any Nation are super invovled in something that you don't really care about.
I wouldn't say I'm super involved, those are your words.
At this point you aren't pushing back that "media line". You are using weak analogies to make your odd points, (unlike the other posters) and it's hard to tell if you're pro-russia or anti-ukraine.


Nov 22, 2016
If Russia backs down they're on Third world status. During the Soviet era Russians were saying that they were A Upper Volta with Missiles Belarus would buck, The Balitic states would join the EU and NATO Moldava would join too shyt even Georgia and Chechneya would probably try to break out of the Russian sphere of Influence.

China would super duper little bro Russia.

China's bytch ass asking Russia to delay this shyt till after the Olympics. They play both sides.
You just know China is with all the fukkery here. THey want Taiwan. This is like their wet dream. They prolly gassing Russia up.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
f Tsar Alexander didn’t intervene with blockades and threats of WORLD WAR to keep British and French forces from reinforcing the Confederacy during the Civil War then guess where our black asses would be?

I'm not a Russia stan but this is history I am surprise more Black folks don't know. The admiral of Russia's Baltic fleet visited Washington and President Lincoln with sealed orders to be opened in case of a British invasion from Canada. They were going to get revenge for that Crimea shyt if Britain got out of pocket. Ironically, Prussia and Russia were the only reliable allies the Union had in Europe during the Civil War. What German generals learned observing Civil War battles helped them win the war against France to unify Germany later. General Philip Sheridan was even their special advisor during that conflict.

Russia was a US ally right up to the Revolution and folks forget this.