So you one of them Truth Justice and the american way nikkas,
I have zero clue what this means. Violence is integral to America, how is opposing violence the "american way"?
Mubarak and Marcos was in power for years before they were betrayed by their own troops ( Notice none of the people who assisted either dictator went to jail for anything they just switched sides)
They were betrayed by their troops BECAUSE their troops didn't want to fight against people who weren't fighting. That's the whole point. Putin has been in power for years too, how is this situation any different?
It kinda doesn't make sense arguing with you, Unlike you I can admit that there's a possibilty I could be wrong.
Statements like that are classic in the Bad Faith Arguments thread.
Quick ancedote: In the travel trickin' community nikkas talk about "Snow bunnies" Now even though you can go to western europe and get it for free nikkas rather go somewhere where they can get it for the fee. So they bypass the Brothels in Germany and talk about Eastern europe. but they warn brehs to be careful because sometimes Brehs go over there and holla at eastern euro girls and get OOFéd.
I remember one time I was in a small town in England for Christmas and they said a Harlem Gospel Choir was gonna perform in the Town square.
They sounded more like a not from Harlem Chorus than a Foot Stomping Choir. I had a look on my face and this Black girl had the same look and I said This don't sound like a Choir to me She said Doesn't sound right to me either I asked her where she was from and she said Kenya I asked her how did she know what a Harlem Gospel Choir sounded like and she said she went to a Black Church In Germany
I never served in europe so it didn't occur to me that some of the troops stayed some of the troops got out and became civilan DOD contractors some got married and set up shop in Germany and someone decided that Maybe they need a Church there too.
Milli Vanilli was from Germany, that chick who married Peter Gunz was from Germany. the current Gold medal for Running is held by a Italian nikka Named LaMont
I don't think the Ukrainans want a Sosua in Odessa so I would be surprised that the Russkies don't point that out. Because as soon as US boots it the ground the days of dudes rushing a nikka holding hands with a babuskha is over.
prepare for a bunch of Durell Latrell Ledowski nikkas running around in the Crimea in 20 years.
I think you got shellshock breh, you rambling.