6 years of Air Force in communications. The first Ukrainian person I met told me that he thought shaking a black man’s hand would rub off on him.
Trust me bro, they don’t give two shyts about you but I’ll let you sob over your fallen euro brothers.
Which is double insanity, because the current power grid (with subsidies) could cover most of the US with charging stations. Not to mention giving more subsidies to auto makers that make more electric vehicles.
But even beyond that, I have no idea that we haven't mandated that EVERY new house built in the US comes with some form of solar power. Even if it's just for something like heating/cooling.
broke bytchi'd gladly take $15.
What about himLavrov
Which is double insanity, because the current power grid (with subsidies) could cover most of the US with charging stations. Not to mention giving more subsidies to auto makers that make more electric vehicles.
But even beyond that, I have no idea that we haven't mandated that EVERY new house built in the US comes with some form of solar power. Even if it's just for something like heating/cooling.
broke bytch
Why can't we have a civilized discussion in here without all the derogatory comments & name calling ?
Chechens fighting on Russian side, wtf