Its sad. I warned people years ago that this placw had been infiltrated. Too late now.There's no almost... Many of them are. Been told yall about this section. There's so many Trumpers and Russian bots it's hilarious
Absolutely no way nukes are fired. Political posturing and chest banging
If he pushes the button...their country will be turned to dust
Heroes never dieHell of a way to be remembered if he doesn't make it through this.
Romania is in NATO breh, did you mean someone else?
Belarus been a main one helping and they're led by a tyrannical dictator who only survives due to Putin support, no chance he's gonna back down.
Some comrades in this thread. Lol
Your still talking a year into the war
Russia literally in ukraines capital in 3 days
Where is Bernie Sanders ?
No I meant Romania. They can provide direct access to resupply and safety if the Ukrainian ground forces are back into a corner, as well as a place for the Ukrainian air force to land and refit.
Lol we already knew coming into this that Belarus’ leadership would be licking the salt off the back of putin’s nuts.
Kazakhstan saying “no” knowing full well Russian can try to push their shyt in was surprising. I wonder if we might see a kind “caucus spring” with all the former satellites completely turning their back on Russia.
We buy no oil from RussiaWe lack the infastructure to make that possible right now. All we're doing is making Russia rich buying oil from them. The US has no choice but to drill for more oil domestically before this gets out of hand. And Biden ends up looking like Jimmy Carter 2.0 soon.