The Roland Martin Discussion Thread


Thread Closed...As Usual
May 25, 2012
Interesting that a bulk of the comments in here are celebratory of the fact that this guy got "worked" in an interview on BET, smh.

As usual, I'm more interesting in finding levity in the conversation and would like to dialogue on how we move forward from here. For one, I'm appreciative of the fact that this supremacist actually got on TV and articulated a very candid insight into how most white people think. Yeah, yeah I know a bunch of you probably like "we already knew this" or whatever other dismissive rhetoric you'd like to apply to what he shared. But in reality, this is big, white people very rarely admit to systemic racism in public, they typically go for the smoke and mirrors approach of KKK, Neo-Nazi, or rural overt redneck bigotry that is hard for us to compete with from a legal standpoint.

Point is, the things he's saying, about Euro-Centric pride and how whites have a superior intellect and are more capable of creating and maintaining power structures is usually closed door talk, but this is the stuff they instill in their children and never really expressed on a public platform. My question to everyone responding: fukk however you feel about Roland "bodying" him, how do you feel about what the man said, from an ideological standpoint? What do you think we can do to combat it? Do you at least appreciate that he admitted it/put it out there so bluntly? Not looking for daps, looking for dialogue, or as usual do y'all have nothing further to contribute other than a few catch phrases, rhetoric and blind threats? Let's chat...


All Star
Jan 23, 2016
It's just amazing how this is the supposed leader of the movement and Roland was doing brain teasers on his ass. Does he have no shame for getting schooled in such a public fashion? :dwillhuh:


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
Interesting that a bulk of the comments in here are celebratory of the fact that this guy got "worked" in an interview on BET, smh.

As usual, I'm more interesting in finding levity in the conversation and would like to dialogue on how we move forward from here. For one, I'm appreciative of the fact that this supremacist actually got on TV and articulated a very candid insight into how most white people think. Yeah, yeah I know a bunch of you probably like "we already knew this" or whatever other dismissive rhetoric you'd like to apply to what he shared. But in reality, this is big, white people very rarely admit to systemic racism in public, they typically go for the smoke and mirrors approach of KKK, Neo-Nazi, or rural overt redneck bigotry that is hard for us to compete with from a legal standpoint.

Point is, the things he's saying, about Euro-Centric pride and how whites have a superior intellect and are more capable of creating and maintaining power structures is usually closed door talk, but this is the stuff they instill in their children and never really expressed on a public platform. My question to everyone responding: fukk however you feel about Roland "bodying" him, how do you feel about what the man said, from an ideological standpoint? What do you think we can do to combat it? Do you at least appreciate that he admitted it/put it out there so bluntly? Not looking for daps, looking for dialogue, or as usual do y'all have nothing further to contribute other than a few catch phrases, rhetoric and blind threats? Let's chat...
I appreciate it too. These feelings have been brewing with them since 9/11. Obama's presidency emboldened them. For them Trump's election was like a victory. Will Trump cater to them? Whats gonna be interesting is how Trump deals with it becuz he's unique. He's a businessman and not a politician. He ran to promote his brand and invest in himself. Its already obvious he cares more about his investments than being president. With that said any type of unrest that might happen will be bad for business. That's why I think Bannon has been in his ear. He say an opportunity to hop on the bandwagon and influence someone who really is out of touch. Trump is such a narcissist he's prolly oblivious to shyt that doesn't directly affect him. Im not really worried about Sessions. But he's also surrounded himself with people who might not agree with the alt right. So its gonna be interesting becuz Trump is gonna be getting pulled in every direction. Not to mention a Congress who might be salty that an outsider came in and did what they couldn't. In 2020 we may very well look back and see that these 4 years were a big waste of time

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Interesting that a bulk of the comments in here are celebratory of the fact that this guy got "worked" in an interview on BET, smh.

As usual, I'm more interesting in finding levity in the conversation and would like to dialogue on how we move forward from here. For one, I'm appreciative of the fact that this supremacist actually got on TV and articulated a very candid insight into how most white people think. Yeah, yeah I know a bunch of you probably like "we already knew this" or whatever other dismissive rhetoric you'd like to apply to what he shared. But in reality, this is big, white people very rarely admit to systemic racism in public, they typically go for the smoke and mirrors approach of KKK, Neo-Nazi, or rural overt redneck bigotry that is hard for us to compete with from a legal standpoint.

Point is, the things he's saying, about Euro-Centric pride and how whites have a superior intellect and are more capable of creating and maintaining power structures is usually closed door talk, but this is the stuff they instill in their children and never really expressed on a public platform. My question to everyone responding: fukk however you feel about Roland "bodying" him, how do you feel about what the man said, from an ideological standpoint? What do you think we can do to combat it? Do you at least appreciate that he admitted it/put it out there so bluntly? Not looking for daps, looking for dialogue, or as usual do y'all have nothing further to contribute other than a few catch phrases, rhetoric and blind threats? Let's chat...

We combat this ideology with interviews like this one.

They thrive in environments absent of knowledge. The points the cac put out there can be refuted by any black person even slightly knowledgeable. Roland actually let him off the hook with several points. You have to dig in that ass until they have no choice but to admit truth.

Like the point about Egypt, Roland should have made the cac back pedal until the cac had to admit Egypt was black. Roland should have made the cac state white women benefit the most from AA.


Thread Closed...As Usual
May 25, 2012
I appreciate it too. These feelings have been brewing with them since 9/11. Obama's presidency emboldened them. For them Trump's election was like a victory. Will Trump cater to them? Whats gonna be interesting is how Trump deals with it becuz he's unique. He's a businessman and not a politician. He ran to promote his brand and invest in himself. Its already obvious he cares more about his investments than being president. With that said any type of unrest that might happen will be bad for business. That's why I think Bannon has been in his ear. He say an opportunity to hop on the bandwagon and influence someone who really is out of touch. Trump is such a narcissist he's prolly oblivious to shyt that doesn't directly affect him. Im not really worried about Sessions. But he's also surrounded himself with people who might not agree with the alt right. So its gonna be interesting becuz Trump is gonna be getting pulled in every direction. Not to mention a Congress who might be salty that an outsider came in and did what they couldn't. In 2020 we may very well look back and see that these 4 years were a big waste of time

yeah it's really gonna be something to pay attention to because on one hand, as a business man Trump understands the Black Dollar, and on the other hand, he understands that to keep the top 1% of wealthy Americans in the position they are in, they can't transfer wealth. Those two things have to intersect somewhere if you're a business man who is also the leader of the free world. Not sure which direction most of his policies will go in, but economics just might be the platform where he gets the most resistance from his "party"


Thread Closed...As Usual
May 25, 2012
We combat this ideology with interviews like this one.

They thrive in environments absent of knowledge. The points the cac put out there can be refuted by any black person even slightly knowledgeable. Roland actually let him off the hook with several points. You have to dig in that ass until they have no choice but to admit truth.

Like the point about Egypt, Roland should have made the cac back pedal until the cac had to admit Egypt was black. Roland should have made the cac state white women benefit the most from AA.

I respectfully disagree. Interviews like this one are indeed important...but only for awareness and motivation. As we learned from the election (and countless other examples throughout history where ideology trumps intellect) you don't win battles with words. I'm talking large scale homey. I'm talking, HOW DO WE TAKE WHATEVER WEALTH RICHARD SPENCER AND HIS IMMEDIATE FAMILY HAS ACCUMULATED OVER THEIR LIFETIME AND TRANSFER IT TO OUR ECONOMY!! A Supremacist getting bodied on BET is small potatoes...unless it motivates and inspires the transferal of said supremacists' wealth :manny:


May 29, 2012
See the scary thing is everyone tends to think WN are all low class snaggle tooth looking skin heads who crave violence. They're not. Plenty of them are manicured and educated like Spencer. We on the other side always forget that these people aren't the backwards hill billies portrayed in the media. They are literally in every facet of society. This is why the white liberals and moderates were so shocked about the outcome of the election. They literally thought all suorecamists were uneducated hill billies with no power so they laughed and laughed and didn't think this shyt would happen.

Also uneducated skinheads are probably salivating over a "leader" like this guy. They'd gladly follow him Into the dark

Anyone shocked by the outcome is a retard. "White liberals" more often than not aren't liberal. They're usually authoritarian leftists or psuedo-progressives that just want to look good and be on the "right" side.

All of the polls put out by the media were oversampling democrats at massive margins and completely ignoring the silent majority of people that were sick of the nonstop barrage of disinfo and manipulation the media was engaged in. When people like Alex Jones were literally 100-percent dead-on with most of their predictions and exposed the willful manipulation and disinfo of the media, they began spitting out these talking points recent: "Alt right leader, Neo Nazis, fake news"

Instead of learning from their mistake they are now beginning to associate any alt media and fringe media platforms as untrustworhy, dangerous, white supremacist connected, etc.

Poisoning the well, ad hominem, every logical fallacy in the book is now being used.

The democrats paraded arguably the most out-in-the-open corrupt and flawed candidate in modern electoral history.

This current attempt by the media to build up this alt-right movement that they coined and created has one goal and one goal only: connect anyone that is a non-establishment Trump supporter as a white supremacist or nationalist, which is completely absurd and retarded.

It's part of the strategy. "You don't agree with us? Well then you must be a racist, xenophobe, islamophobe" The fact they're engaging in this tactic is precisely why the Democrats lost in the first place.


Thread Closed...As Usual
May 25, 2012
See the scary thing is everyone tends to think WN are all low class snaggle tooth looking skin heads who crave violence. They're not. Plenty of them are manicured and educated like Spencer. We on the other side always forget that these people aren't the backwards hill billies portrayed in the media. They are literally in every facet of society. This is why the white liberals and moderates were so shocked about the outcome of the election. They literally thought all suorecamists were uneducated hill billies with no power so they laughed and laughed and didn't think this shyt would happen.

Also uneducated skinheads are probably salivating over a "leader" like this guy. They'd gladly follow him Into the dark

Not sure how I missed this early but you are spot on! Like I said in an earlier post, the smoke and mirrors that we've been falling for for decades is the hillbilly/redneck, Neo-Nazi and the Skinhead. Those are just soldiers, they're not really white supremacists. The real supremacists are lobbying, passing bills, running corporations and such.