Shockingly (get it?), it's bad. Really bad, like "worse than Roland Emmerich" bad. For starters (and I'm really not trying to get too deep into this mess) this movie might have one of the worst opening scenes I've ever seen. Like you kinda know that outside of the CGI porn, this movie will have nothing going for it. Which would be true except that Daddario's titty game is A+ and carries the movie on its back. Seriously, that's why I ended up giving it a 5/10 on IMDb instead of like a 3/10. They know it too, or at least that's what I'm lead to assume seeing that her first scene in the movie has her sunbathing in a bikini by the pool, and that's not even her most gratitious moment (no spelling mistake there).
Anyway, the rest of the movie is embarrassingly poor written trash, so unless you like bad throwback Roland Emmerich Day After Tomorrow shyt (I can't really imagine why), there's absolutely no reason to watch this movie unless you really can't wait until the Blu-Ray rip to see that Daddario goodness.