The Red Summer of 1919-The Race War you Never knew about...

cole phelps

Nov 11, 2013
Press coverage
In mid-summer, in the middle of the Chicago riots, a federal official told the New York Times that the violence resulted from "an agitation, which involves the I.W.W., Bolshevism and the worst features of other extreme radical movements."[28] He supported that claim with copies of negro publications that called for alliances with leftist groups, praised the Soviet regime, and contrasted the courage of jailed Socialist Eugene V. Debs with the "school boy rhetoric" of traditional black leaders. The Times characterized the publications as "vicious and apparently well financed," mentioned "certain factions of the radical Socialist elements," and reported it all under the headline: "Reds Try to Stir Negroes to Revolt."[28]
In response, some black leaders such as Bishop Charles Henry Phillips of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church asked blacks to shun violence in favor of "patience" and "moral suasion." Phillips opposed propaganda favoring violence, and he noted the grounds of injustice to the blacks:
"I cannot believe that the negro was influenced by Bolshevist agents in the part he took in the rioting. It is not like him to be a traitor or a revolutionist who would destroy the Government. But then the reign of mob law to which he has so long lived in terror and the injustices to which he has had to submit have made him sensitive and impatient."[29]


The connection between blacks and bolshevism was widely repeated. In August 1919, the Wall Street Journal wrote: "Race riots seem to have for their genesis a Bolshevist, a Negro, and a gun." The National Security League repeated that reading of events.[30] In presenting the Haynes report in early October, The New York Times provided a context which his report did not mention. Haynes documented violence and inaction on the state level.
The Times saw "bloodshed on a scale amounting to local insurrection" as evidence of "a new negro problem" because of "influences that are now working to drive a wedge of bitterness and hatred between the two races."[1] Until recently, the Times said, black leaders showed "a sense of appreciation" for what whites had suffered on their behalf in fighting a civil war that "bestowed on the black man opportunities far in advance of those he had in any other part of the white man's world."[1] Now militants were supplanting Booker T. Washington, who had "steadily argued conciliatory methods." The Times continued:[1]
Every week the militant leaders gain more headway. They may be divided into general classes. One consists of radicals and revolutionaries. They are spreading Bolshevist propaganda. It is reported that they are winning many recruits among the colored race. When the ignorance that exists among negroes in many sections of the country is taken into consideration the danger of inflaming them by revolutionary doctrine may [be] apprehended.... The other class of militant leaders confine their agitation to a fight against all forms of color discrimination. They are for a program on uncompromising protest, 'to fight and continue to fight for citizenship rights and full democratic privileges.'
As evidence of militancy and Bolshevism, the Times named W.E.B. Du Bois and quoted his editorial in The Crisis, which he edited: "Today we raise the terrible weapon of self-defense....When the armed lynchers gather, we too must gather armed." When the Times endorsed Haynes' call for a bi-racial conference to establish "some plan to guarantee greater protection, justice, and opportunity to negroes that will gain the support of law-abiding citizens of both races," it endorsed discussion with "those negro leaders who are opposed to militant methods."[1]
In mid-October government sources provided the Times with evidence of Bolshevist propaganda appealing to America's black communities. This account set Red propaganda in the black community into a broader context, since it was "paralleling the agitation that is being carried on in industrial centres of the North and West, where there are many alien laborers."[31] The Times described newspapers, magazines, and "so-called 'negro betterment' organizations" as the way propaganda about the "doctrines of Lenin and Trotzky" was distributed to blacks.[31] It cited quotes from such publications, which contrasted the recent violence in Chicago and Washington, D.C. with
"Soviet Russia, a country in which dozens of racial and lingual types have settled their many differences and found a common meeting ground, a country which no longer oppresses colonies, a country from which the lynch rope is banished and in which racial tolerance and peace now exist."[31]
The Times noted a call for unionization: "Negroes must form cotton workers' unions. Southern white capitalists know that the negroes can bring the white bourbon South to its knees. So go to it."[31]
Coverage of the root causes of the riot in Elaine, Arkansas evolved as the violence stretched over several days. A dispatch from Helena, Arkansas to the New York Times datelined October 1 said: "Returning members of the [white] posse brought numerous stories and rumors, through all of which ran the belief that the rioting was due to propaganda distributed among the negroes by white men."[32] The next day's report added detail: "Additional evidence has been obtained of the activities of propagandists among the negroes, and it is thought that a plot existed for a general uprising against the whites." A white man had been arrested and was "alleged to have been preaching social equality among the negroes." Part of the headline was: "Trouble Traced to Socialist Agitators."[33] A few days later a Western Newspaper Union dispatch captioned a photo using the words "Captive Negro Insurrectionists."[34]


cole phelps

Nov 11, 2013
Government activity
During the Chicago riot, the press learned from Department of Justice officials that the IWW and Bolsheviks were "spreading propaganda to breed race hated."[35] FBI agents filed reports that leftist views were winning converts in the black community. One cited the work of the NAACP "urging the colored people to insist upon equality with white people and to resort to force, if necessary.[30] J. Edgar Hoover, at the start of his career in government, analyzed the riots for the Attorney General. He blamed the July Washington, D.C., riots on "numerous assaults committed by Negroes upon white women."[14] For the October events in Arkansas, he blamed "certain local agitation in a Negro lodge."[14] A more general cause he cited was "propaganda of a radical nature."[14] He charged that socialists were feeding propaganda to black-owned magazines such as The Messenger, which in turn aroused their black readers. He did not note the white perpetrators of violence, whose activities local authorities documented. As chief of the Radical Division within the U.S. Department of Justice, Hoover began an investigation of "negro activities" and targeted Marcus Garvey because he thought his newspaper Negro World preached Bolshevism.[14] He authorized the hiring of black undercover agents to spy on black organizations and publications in Harlem.[35]
On November 17, Attorney General Palmer reported to Congress on the threat that anarchists and Bolsheviks posed to the government. More than half the report documented radicalism in the black community and the "open defiance" black leaders advocated in response to racial violence and the summer's rioting. It faulted the leadership of the black community for an "ill-governed reaction toward race rioting...In all discussions of the recent race riots there is reflected the note of pride that the Negro has found himself. that he has 'fought back,' that never again will he tamely submit to violence and intimidation."[36] It described "the dangerous spirit of defiance and vengeance at work among the Negro leaders."[36]


TSC's Ric Flair | Heel
Jun 8, 2012
Negativity (Kayfabe)
@Stuntone I've been meaning to address guys like you, thecoli Black Suffrage Movement.

Y'all sit comfy, on your computers and smartphones and cry about how hard it is and was for black ppl. You sit healithy, not maimed nor harmed by the struggle. You sit able to peacefully to reflect or even violently remember. But, you still sit--hence why I marked out "Movement."

Yes, we've suffered in this country, but, no differ than scores of groups around this world and throughout history. But, don't spit on the graves of those who've forced this govt to do better by us. We got far to go, but, don't act like we aren't in a better place, while u are able brag about how much u making and the financial freedom you've earned.

Stop that defentist attitude of "There Is No Savior For Black People." That's ludicrious and disrespecful to those wbove fought foe us to have what we have now!

It can be better, but, will only be when we start moving like those before us, who had far less than we did.

I can't stand all this complaining about Afro-American life, here!

Relfect, yes, we need it. But, we need to stop being blinded by discontent and selfishness and forget where we were...

It ain't hopeless and you are proof, my brother, THAT IT AINT.



All Star
Nov 9, 2012
Our Black have suffered so much and have experienced so much physical and long lasting mental anguish here on Earth, there shouldn't be any Blacks in hell. There's no Savoir or God for our people. No one has helped us. So there shouldn't be a Hell for our peoples.These CACs have ruined us forever. They've destroyed our history, our love for self. They've made our women lose respect and trust in us. We weren't evil enough to face these devils. So we lost. We shouldve went out like the Indians. Live Free or Die fighting for it. What did we integrate with these monsters?

This is sickening. It's hard for me to read this, I actually can't read it. I use to be so deep into the Black struggle that it sent me into a depression at the same time I was on the verge of revenge. I promise if wouldve gotten a little deeper, I'd be famous. You have to be careful how much of this you take it. Especially if you have that Rebellious field slave blood in you.

bru you said it all right there

how the fukk can i believe in hell

im tired of hearing about the last days

you tellen me when nikkas was getting killed for just being black , took from thier homes turned into slaves ,

didnt even have the right to defended yourself

that wasnt the last days ????????

not just blacks but alot of people are not cut to be as evil and low down as white people ,

its not a lie through out history its not that others are dumb they take others kindness and destroy them with no remorse at all

bru whos post i qouted :salute: i feel you