It's a wrap
Great album in your avi breh
It's a wrap
Great album in your avi breh
yup. can't sell it short, Hillary got Sec of State and an unchallenged (establishment) run to POTUS for coming in second last timeBernie might not win, but hes put a spotlight on the REAL issues and that = a win for me. I'm riding with Bernie till the end
yup. can't sell it short, Hillary got Sec of State and an unchallenged (establishment) run to POTUS for coming in second last time
Momentum was on Bernie’s side. He had just won a solid victory in Wisconsin. Now he was coming home. A Brooklyn native, he was drawing great crowds. The following entertainers gave speeches on his behalf: Harry Belafonte, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Mark Ruffalo, Spike Lee, Rosario Dawson.
Pre-election polls showed that Hillary was a likely winner. But Bernie had the Big Mo; he would overcome the systemic fraud which plagued his campaign in the primaries.
NYC was a natural for Bernie, despite the fact that Hillary Clinton was a senator for eight years. But it was Arizona all over again. Thousands of voters reported their registrations were changed or dropped.
Only 22% of approximately 8 million registered voters turned out. Clinton won by 57.9-42.1%.
The exit poll indicated a close race. Hillary led by just 52-48%, an 11.8% discrepancy from the recorded vote. There were 13,791 respondents and a 2.6% exit poll margin of error. But Clinton led by a whopping 62-38% in the vote count with 33% of precincts reporting.
Assuming that Sanders’ 48% exit poll was accurate, he must have won the election due to thousands of suppressed votes. Sanders True Vote = 48% exit poll + suppressed vote.
Let’s assume that 10% of registered voters (800,000) were disenfranchised and Sanders had 75%. Then he had 52.4% assuming his 48% exit poll share.
Votes……….Clinton Sanders Total
Recorded …….1037… 762….. 1799
Suppressed…. 200…. 601…… 801
Total………….1237…. 1363….2600
Adjusted……..47.6% 52.4% 100%
As always, the final CNN exit poll was forced to match the recorded vote. 2016 Election Center
View the Early Exit Poll vs. Final (matched to recorded vote) vs. True Vote
Probability of 11.8% exit poll discrepancy
……………..Sanders Clinton Margin
Recorded …..42.1%….. 57.9%……15.8%
Exit poll…….48.0%…..52.0%……4.0%
The probability P of the discrepancy is 1 in 236,000.
P = 1- normdist(0.579,0.52,.026/1.96, true)
Sanders’ exit poll share declined in the recorded vote in 18 out of 19 primaries.
The probability: 1 in 26,000.
And they will continue to regulate CongressThe quote in the thread title is crazy but Wall Steeet just regulated(relegated) Bernie.
This is pretty crazy, they did the same thing to Ron Paul though.
It's funny how Hilary fans are treating Bernie fans for complaining about the above and lack of mainstream coverage even though he draws some of the largest crowds but when Ron Paul did the exact same liberals were mocking his supporters.
Oh how the tables have turned.
But ya, that youtube video.... that's some crazy shyt