The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse


Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
Rick Beato's a cool dude. Very talented. But I think he lacks the ability to understand why people really enjoy certain songs that don't follow traditional music rules
Dude tried to raise a musical genius, but music got so easy to make today that everyone sounds like a musical genius with FL Studio and a couple weeks of watching youtube videos.

I think dude a little salty now as you can basically click in a Grammy-winning beat.

Then people are now able to do it in a few seconds:

Now A.I got songs in a single click.
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2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
I’m subbed to Rick too :pachaha:

It’s over simplified but I understand where he’s coming from because the business basically takes advantage of all these factors he’s mentioned.

Basically, there are a lot of “performers” without much experience performing and creating. While that doesn’t bother me too much as a musician/performer that has come from the mud, it messes with the talent pool for the future. I mean, I realize it’s just all art anyways and artistic expressions so while I can see lack of skill because of my own experiences and skill, generally I’m just happy if you feel happy expressing yourself, regardless of it adheres to any former idea of organized sound expressions.

People use to either be eliminated or basically realize they didn’t/couldn’t cut it but now, because a lot of tech, a lot of people are making songs and music from their homes, without really going thru the steps you’d go thru in the past to become a competent and confident performer.

I see it a lot as a musician myself; I have this one girl following me on instagram randomly years ago because she liked me, but I swear in the past years I’ve seen her attempt guitar and shyt, knowing most of the work she’s putting in isn’t really high level, she’s just starting.

But now, like 2-3 years later, she’s trying to push this single she made that’s basically a song about not nutting in her.

life is wild sometimes :pachaha:

I’ve had other female singer friends that I know aren’t on the scene like that just living off of social media clout, presenting themselves as the genuine article and they only got one damn song. I’ve had more songs (ideas) stolen from me and made into whole projects but if you post enough pictures of you standing in front of a mic, all of the sudden, you’re really out there?


I’m just glad I got my credentials when I did. Now, all I gotta do is outlive these fools selling mediocrity.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Th commoditization of music since race records was going to culminate to what is happening now.

In the meantime it’s cool to just jam and play. Glad I’m a trained musician and can use FL Studio. Just need to figure out how to make my money

Also defunding of art education = destroys the taste of the art consumer


Feb 16, 2017
Lack of music education avenues for students to learn an instrument which is crucial for becoming a legit musician and not a FL studio/abelton sample kiddie...

Studios are simply too cheap to foster new talent, so here we are..
not only that but there's not even neighborhood venues where new music can develop.

They're used to be regional sounds groups honed their talent at Talent shows. nikkas was either good or they got booed. I was a decent Drummer but not that decent.

Now all I need is to make a bunch of Tik Toks get one to go semi viral and get signed to a major.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
not only that but there's not even neighborhood venues where new music can develop.

They're used to be regional sounds groups honed their talent at Talent shows. nikkas was either good or they got booed. I was a decent Drummer but not that decent.

Now all I need is to make a bunch of Tik Toks get one to go semi viral and get signed to a major.
Used to be for the good of the community that’s why they told Robert Johnson to GTFO stage when he was trash. He had to get a teacher and practice because the community wasn’t having it. The community used to humiliate musicians for being trash then they got their flowers when they practiced and got better


Feb 16, 2017
Used to be for the good of the community that’s why they told Robert Johnson to GTFO stage when he was trash. He had to get a teacher and practice because the community wasn’t having it. The community used to humiliate musicians for being trash then they got their flowers when they practiced and got better
exactly Go hard or go home. Had to have musical talent, great songs and Stage presence.


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
Used to be for the good of the community that’s why they told Robert Johnson to GTFO stage when he was trash. He had to get a teacher and practice because the community wasn’t having it. The community used to humiliate musicians for being trash then they got their flowers when they practiced and got better
I don’t think the crowds was out to humiliate the bad performances as much as the bad performers feel humiliated when they realize what they’re doing doesn’t work and it’s articulated.

Not to say there weren’t people out there actually humiliating bad performers. I just think the general idea was much like how we look at entertainment today; like if you turn on your tv and there’s a really bad singer on, if you couldn’t change the channel with your remote but your voice, you’d probably occasionally let out a disappointed tone along with criticism for a show you don’t like.

Basically that’s what the stage was, a big tv screen that you’d interact with in the past more so than now. Most times people know what to expect when they’re going to a show in this day and age, so the chances of you being disappointed are lowered when there’s an expectation off of past.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
I don’t think the crowds was out to humiliate the bad performances as much as the bad performers feel humiliated when they realize what they’re doing doesn’t work and it’s articulated.

Not to say there weren’t people out there actually humiliating bad performers. I just think the general idea was much like how we look at entertainment today; like if you turn on your tv and there’s a really bad singer on, if you couldn’t change the channel with your remote but your voice, you’d probably occasionally let out a disappointed tone along with criticism for a show you don’t like.

Basically that’s what the stage was, a big tv screen that you’d interact with in the past more so than now. Most times people know what to expect when they’re going to a show in this day and age, so the chances of you being disappointed are lowered when there’s an expectation off of past.
In the jazz cutting contests nikkas was trying to humiliate each other sometimes. Purposely tripping people up over chord changes. It was like playing the dozens and also how some of them got jobs.

Dizzy and Charlie got embarrassed when they were younger. Dizzy especially used that trauma to learn every key and became a legend

Sometimes it turned into getting your ass beat if you fukked up the jam session. Mafia would beat your ass too

The old guard was different man.. they lived their shyt. You HAD TO KNOW what you were doing