Feel free to comment, suggest alterations/additions, or ask questions about the codes.
Code of Conduct
This is a set of codes that will help identify and handle agents working against the black community. The codes also provide guidance on how to handle nefarious agendas while giving the people a framework to advance the Community.
Black Community (BC): Men, women, and children who live and identify themselves as black. They live in the same place or have particular characteristics (language, music, food, lifestyle, etc) in common. The Black Community is a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
Agent: Any person, agenda, or entity that works actively or passively against the interest and image of the BC.*
Never verbalize community building strategy in open forums
Always assume that you are under surveillance
Be well versed in American law
If someone brings up a stereotyped characteristic in the BC, turn the topic against them
Don't engage in activities that will harm members of the BC; If you do, take restitution/reconciliation matters immediately
Don't make public accusations against members without proof
Personal beefs between members should be handled privately; If the beef spills over into the public arena, reconciliation efforts must be made as soon as possible. Participants who fail to sincerely reconcile will be viewed with exhibiting agent-like behaviour
Fair call-outs are game
Don't air BC dirty laundry
In public, if something negative must be said about someone or something of the BC, use only constructive dialog/criticism
Don't fall for divisive or deflection tactics
When someone tries to blame the BC for anything, counter with cold hard facts; Most, if not all talking points against the BC are false
Be wary of people who ask too many questions or probe for sensitive information
Be wary of people who engage in gossip
Don't fall for people who work to provoke strong emotional reactions
Don't promote or fall for anti-Black propaganda no matter what
Be wary of people who try to establish others or themselves as leaders; They are looking for targets. Don't be one
Expose and shun agents no matter how slick their tactics
Actively support historically Black colleges & universities (HBCU)
Work to recover co-opted/hijacked movements and cultural values
Never work against, exploit, undermine, or denigrate the BC
***The only leaders of the Black Community are those that adhere strictly to the aforementioned codes. All others who claim to be are liars and frauds
Thanks to all who actively participate in advancing the Black Community. For those who wish to participate, doing at least one of these things as a member of the BC helps immensely:
Save more, spend less
Be frugal with spending, especially outside the community
Shop and obtain services at black owned businesses and institutions
Help each other get around when you can
Get networked with other like-minded black people
Learn how investment works and invest in pro-Black businesses
Use joint savings accounts for community projects
If you can't help but tithe at church, ensure the money works for the benefit of the whole community
If you can afford to, get an advanced education
Learn some trade work or obtain a certification
Learn things that can help you make some side money and be empowered to raise the community's children
Pass on constructive life-learned knowledge to young people
Learn your Black history, White history, and world history in general
Self educate and travel whenever you can; If this isn't on your radar, at least get a passport or learn 1 other language
Participate and vote in local politics and governing systems
Participate and vote in national elections
Learn this country's economics and foreign policy
For the Children
If you have spare time and a gift of tutoring, offer to tutor the children; Online tutoring is available and you can make $$
Consider fostering Black children
Participate in after school programs (or offer to sponsor snacks for the kids)
Self-defence/Community Sovereignty
If you own firearms, make sure you are up to date in practice
Read military science-books
If you watch TV, be very aware of the types of programming being projected onto you
Get to know black people from all over the world; Though there are some who have elite-type attitudes, the vast majority are cool and worth building international contacts with
Beware of eugenics programs
Support Black news media giving us necessary information
Buy land
Wean off government dependence if you are on it
If you hustle, try to turn it into something bigger
If someone tries to paint your ambitions as hopeless, realize that they are either paid to do this or they are jealous
Support positive black groups
Surround yourself with positive people
Keep tabs on your health; You are important to the BC
Get a chance to meditate
Expanded Agent Definition
Agents exhibit certain characteristics that once realized must be exposed immediately. Here is a list of their tactics:
•They tend to keep discussions and action unproductive and still (debate, hate, and wait tactics)
•They tend to create messes in groups and between group members
•They tend to gravitate toward people in the group who are dissatisfied
•Some agents have been former prisoners who do this work as part of a deal
•When confronted, they will get defensive and start making their own accusations
•They act like zealots, but they don’t have the fruit of it
•They create scapegoats, red herrings, and target people who may be onto them