I hate that shyt when they try to put you "in the middle of the action". The Dark Knight movies were really guilty of it. I feel like it's done by lazy and/or unskilled action directors that don't know how to pull back and let you see what's happening. It's no different than showing a PG-13 close up chest-to-chest shot of 2 people having sex as opposed to a pulled back R/NC-17/porn shot where you can see all the action.
It's probably done to hide the fact the actors in question really can't throw hands like that, the fight scene in Taken 2 was just disgusting. That shyt could cause a seizure with how many different camera's they cut to to hide the sloppy action -
I hate that shyt when they try to put you "in the middle of the action". The Dark Knight movies were really guilty of it. I feel like it's done by lazy and/or unskilled action directors that don't know how to pull back and let you see what's happening. It's no different than showing a PG-13 close up chest-to-chest shot of 2 people having sex as opposed to a pulled back R/NC-17/porn shot where you can see all the action.
That's because Nolan is a pretty mediocre action director.
But in general, too many people are trying to copy the shaky-cam style that's so popular right now. Greengrass mastered it in the Bourne series and everything since is playing catchup.
sony pictures will be releasing in theatres in march.brehs this is literally my most anticipated movie of all time.... I've seen the first one and dredd so many fukkin times now... I hope they release this piff in theaters so I can feast. Too bad they shelved the sequel for dredd, that shyt woulda been piff as well.
This looks like a Korean crime drama with Raid style action. this has GOAT potential.