Not bad season. But they could of saved Russo return for season 3 as its own plot and focused more on the church killer plot more this season. Go more into his past, etc.
Seemed rush to have both characters in 1 season
Also, a little too much talking for a Punisher series.. found myself being occupied by my phone when long dialogues would happen
Almost felt like Dexter series with all the explaining the reasoning behind shyt but with guns half the time
Thats cool for Dexter, but I watch the Punisher to see him kick in doors and shoot people

the first 3 episodes showed this well then it seemed like for 10 epidodes it was more story than action
Edit: also, Madani could of finished the church killer in episode 4 outside the restaurant when he approached her. She said she could arrest him. He said on what charges? And she lets him go
Just the episode before she had a helicopter light on him doing a mass murder at a police station

she seen with her own eyes