I've made the same points that
@Washington_Red made when this topic frequently shows its face, and its the fact statistical evidence fails to support the claim that hip hop is a verifiable negative for black youth. Almost all important metrics when it comes to black youth are moving in the right direction. A serious study hasnt established a relationship either way, but the fact that crime has plummeted during the hip hop generation doesnt lend any empirical validity to what the anti-hip hop crowd keeps yappin about.
So we know the anti-hip hop niccas are going off their "feelings". These feelings of theirs are manifested two fold. Either:
A) Current Hip Hop is a daily reminder they're aging.
Hip hop's target audience has always been teenagers and young adults, and its messages are powered by rebellion, aggression, hedonism, and a care free attitude and lack of maturity that only youth brings. When rap critics hear contemporary rap, it reminds them that they arent invited to that party anymore. This is evidenced by older hip hop fans romanticizing about the artists from their day, and how much better they were --- a time when rap was far more violent themed and misogynistic, which obviously works against their message of moralizing against negative lyrics. Rap was great back in the day because they were younger, and now they're not so its not.
B) Rap activates their own self-hatred.
You'll hear them complain about how rap makes black people look bad, as if they are paralyzed by the idea that another black man acting ignorantly is a reflection on themselves. Basically they are obsessed with being judged by other groups. Additionally, they have such a low regard for the intelligence and maturity of other black people. They think whites and other groups are smart enough to handle adult hip hop messages, while they consider blacks dumber, emotionally regressive, and therefore ill equipped to listen to rap --- as if the average black teen is going to listen to "Trap Queen" and be inspired to throw his school books in the trash, and go run work out the 'bando.