"The Pro-Black to 'There's no hope for these nikkas' pipeline is an underrated one"

Dec 13, 2019

Were they ever Pro-Black to begin with? :mjpls:

Nope, not at all...

OP, as someone that is heavily into the history of black people worldwide(my major was not even close to history but after graduating I decided to focus on history), I have noticed that:

1 - There are black people that actually love, believe and care about other black people and want changes...

2 - There are black people that have developed this fake concern about black people, in order to mask their inferiority complex developed due to Cac bullying and propaganda...And you can sense this in their words and the way they structure their thoughts...

"Only black people bla bla bla...I'm tire of black people bla bla bla...I want us to do better" = White people are talking that weeee do this and that, we need to stop doing it so they won't talk anymore...

Black people in group 1 tend to have a better understanding of history and they understand how the past affects the present. In a sense that if you have been marginalized and excluded, then you are more likely to adopt desperate positions in your life that will later reflect in your lineage...

Black people in group 2 are just the products of Cac propaganda, that has programmed many black people to see every other group as individuals while seeing themselves in other and unknown black people or to see the actions of a black person and see a group. Cac propaganda has also programmed them to subconsciously act as dummies of a ventriloquist. In the sense of "Well, it's not a white person saying, it is a black person saying what I also believe...".

So yeah, most of these "pro-blacks" are just the product of this propaganda highlighted in group 2. You see this from the things they value, the ethnic groups they respect or see as role models, their social views etc.

Black people in group 1 and group 2 are completely different but, due to Cac propaganda, many who are in group 1 believe that the only way everything can work for black people is if they also align themselves with or change the minds of those in group 2.
Dec 13, 2019
Being pro-black is as simple as having self respect.

I'll be honest, the primary reason I don't fukk with racism is because I don't want no one being racist to ME.

I will never understand how any adult black male doesn't take that stance by default, at minimum.

Lol, racism is about power. One racial group using their power to marginalize another racial group...

For instance, assuming you are AA, most likely you come from lineages farmers. This means that your lineage didn't depend on the government in order to eat...But then, you see news about how the US took billions of dollars from black farmers by stealing their lands, charging higher taxes, prohibiting products they were master cultivators etc...What exactly does this means? It means that your grandparents were not dependents on the system in order to eat, but your parents struggled to maintain the farms they inherited because of the obstructions from the US government and now, in 2024, because your parents lost or were forced to sell their lands at lower prices than their real value, you are back at depending on the government in order to eat...This is racism...

"In 1910, Black farmers owned more than 16 million acres of land, according to experts. In 2017, when the most recent agricultural census was done, that figure was just 4.7 million acres, about 0.5% of all farmland."

PS: Funny, the same thing is observed when you research about Brazil and Colombia. The other non-black majority countries in the Americas with a huge percentage of black people. Black farmers were doing an amazing job at competing with white farmers, and in many cases producing way more, that the government had to aid white farmers and marginalize black farmers.

"Black rural producers are the majority, but have the smallest properties"
"There are more black producers than white producers throughout the country. However, black people are the majority only on land that occupies less than 5 hectares"

This is one is about Brazil and in portuguese, but you can use google translate. Same thing...

the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal
Nope, not at all...

OP, as someone that is heavily into the history of black people worldwide(my major was not even close to history but after graduating I decided to focus on history), I have noticed that:

1 - There are black people that actually love, believe and care about other black people and want changes...

2 - There are black people that have developed this fake concern about black people, in order to mask their inferiority complex developed due to Cac bullying and propaganda...And you can sense this in their words and the way they structure their thoughts...
Is it possible to be in Group 2 and not be a c00n? Have you ever seen 2s turn to 1s?


Mar 11, 2022
I thought the quote was gonna be of a TLR poster because there was a post that had a similar sentiment a few days ago. And I honestly get it to a degree.

There are so many issues plaguing our community and people just... don't want to hear about it. Or feed into it. It's super frustrating when you actually try to start a dialogue and people do not care.

The worst part is that we don't really get to get away with not caring/doing nothing. Because our real opps (white supremacists) are always ACTIVELY attacking us. A Black person trying to live a normal life where you do your own thing, like most other races get to, is LITERALLY losing. Like the shyt we're in on a global scale is just... :snoop::birdman::what::demonic::mjcry:


Aug 6, 2012
I thought the quote was gonna be of a TLR poster because there was a post that had a similar sentiment a few days ago. And I honestly get it to a degree.

There are so many issues plaguing our community and people just... don't want to hear about it. Or feed into it. It's super frustrating when you actually try to start a dialogue and people do not care.

The worst part is that we don't really get to get away with not caring/doing nothing. Because our real opps (white supremacists) are always ACTIVELY attacking us. A Black person trying to live a normal life where you do your own thing, like most other races get to, is LITERALLY losing. Like the shyt we're in on a global scale is just... :snoop::birdman::what::demonic::mjcry:
:jbhmm:That the problem right there a lot black people just want to talk but not do any thing it remind of a point Eitan Hersh's make about "political hobbyism" the same thing he said about that can be said about a lot these so call "pro-black" types you see online they are just "pro-black hobbyism ":mjpls:. Hell just look at that black mentorship thread you had a bunch's black male posters going :mjpls::camby::pacspit: at doing that but be in other threads calling black male athletics and entertainers c00ns for not doing enough to help out the black community but they themself are not trying to do shyt it really is:mindblown:

He coins the term “political hobbyism” to capture the problem. “We participate in politics by obsessive news-following and online slacktivism, by feeling the need to offer a hot take for each daily political flare-up, by emoting and arguing and debating, almost all of this from behind screens,” Hersh says. Many of us think we’re politically active — but in fact, we’re doing little more than signaling who we are to other people. We may be emotionally invested in politics, but we’re not actually committed to solving problems.

I spoke to Hersh about how politics became mere sport for so many people, why it’s particularly a problem on the left, and what he thinks people should do if they really want to organize and change the world around them.
Dec 13, 2019
Is it possible to be in Group 2 and not be a c00n? Have you ever seen 2s turn to 1s?

In my experience, it is super difficult because people in Group 2 spend most of their times in white anti-intellectual environments. Yet, they usually see themselves as enlightened and smarter than the rest of black people and believe to know everything simply because they repeat nonsense from whites who belong to these environments...They usually move on the basis of "If many white people have said something or have made similar observations, then it is true"...

They can't think for themselves.

In a super funny way, you will see some of them advertising themselves as "Free Thinkers", but the root of 99% of everything they say is based on nonsense that whites have parroted before. You correct them, introduce them to information completely debunking the nonsense they learned from ignorant whites, and most of them get mad at you.

To me, group 2 are a lost cause...

Ski Mask

Friendzone: Collection 1
Jan 10, 2013
Pro black don't mean shyt these days but a bunch of pocket and dikk watchers. All that energy towards crying about draft day or which celebrity didn't date black could go into building their own generational wealth or linking up with like minded individuals to create their own communities.


The high exalted
Feb 4, 2016
@tuckgod you dont even clear the baseline of 100k a year, I would sit this debate out amigo