naw I'm serious about being pro black,
Idk y this bothers you guys...I seriously didn't expect Indians to be offended by that shyt.
You need to understand the difference between being offended by you, and laughing at you. Speaking for myself, I am not offended by anything you say. You're not relevant enough to me to offend me. I think you're a humorous online character, as I think many who post here are. But the things you say that people take issue with, are not even remotely pro-black, they're just ignorant and anti-other people you dislike. Unless perhaps you can make a convincing case to me how describing how you think Indian men have sex on the internet upholds the legacy of Marcus Garvey.
You also need to stop claiming "pro black" as if you define and embody the term. Everybody who has a vested interest and vision for the progress and growth of black people is pro-black...everyone from John McWhorter to Louis Farrakhan, from J. C. Watts to Glen Ford is pro-black in their own vision. You can debate the merits of peoples' ideas, but you're not more pro-black than anyone else because you say "CAC" a lot on the internet.
It's been said my many posters since sohh, but I'm just gonna say it again... You guys are very unique. Just because your lil online group, all circle jerks each others warped POV and points,-- in real life things just aren't this way.

More transparent "I'm cooler than you because you post on the internet even though I post here daily too" bullshyt an 8 year old can see through.
Damn, lol, I'm a nerd.. far from it. You used to say I was dumb so which one is it.
Both. You can't be dumb and a nerd? Nerd describes your personality, not necessarily your IQ. You can be an IT nerd and still be dumb.
And there's nothing wrong with being a nerd when you've already graduated from high school.
I guess in the eyes of you lames, an urban black guy can't be intelligent.

Yeah, that's it. I'm an "intelligent urban black guy." So are all my friends and so are a lot of the posters here whose intellect I respect. You're just not one of the them.
I don't even think you realize how it looks for someone like you to talk about someone like me.

What? I already said you act like a little white girl...all image and status-obsessed always going out of your why to try and separate yourself from "lames" (even though it's apparent that's how you view yourself one some level) and turn the board into a middle school cafeteria on the set of Mean Girls with a social pecking order instead of discussing things like a grown man.
You in a mini-skirt showing your t*ts right now. You should change your name from blackking to white princess.
So let me get this straight... I'm insecure when I'm very attractive and you've been called ugly, malnourished, lame and corny. I'm light skinned... when I'm not lightskinned?? I "live in a sphere of whites and Indians - When I live in a mixed environment.. with all races and types of people but hardly any Indians. Retard, I work and have friendships w some Indians,, they don't really live around me. I don't play up being "blackking" .. I just do me.
I've been called ugly? males?...who post on the coli?

Sorry dude, but chicks here and far more importantly, in real life have always considered me attractive. But I'm not going to play this feminine game with you.
But anyway, you've already admitted you work in IT I think, around a bunch of white dudes and Indians and you admitted you're part white. Your whole "militant pro-black blackking" Farrakhan-quoting posturing here strikes me as painfully forced and enormously exaggerated. I think you're mostly just projecting your insecurities about not feeling authentic enough and I think others here agree with that assessment. But I digress.
Also, every one online isn't "supposed" militant.. So people are real (shocker!) I've put my money were my mouth is... probably more money than you've earned in your entire adult life -

Sure you have. It's funny how you vacillate between your "blackking" militant revolutionary posture and this other narcissistic, elitist, diva-ish "I'm a sexy heterosexual former thug IT cert-having baller who fukks dimes and is superior to internet lames" one. You seem confused...and disingenuous.
Money that I've struggled and worked hard for and I'm always down for My People. Key word My people... that you pretend to identify with. Clearly since you feel the need to clown everyone who is "pro black" or anything "black" I can see what this is really about.. took you this whole essay to try and diminish my blackness. I do not clown anyone who is "pro black," I clown you and you are not more pro black than anyone else as I stated earlier.
Maybe you should try being pro-black without hating on everyone else, including other black people who don't fit in your narrow lens. It's not that hard. Many other people, including posters here do it.
And gtfoh with all this "my people" shyt.

nikka nobody elected you or appointed you to anything. If you preached most of the shyt you say here to most black people they'd be like

If you were that passionate about black nationalism, you wouldn't be on the fukking internet waging jihad against cacs and fakkits all day.
so you're a IT guy, an honor student who the OG's kept out of trouble making 6 figures, fukking dimes, mad kids with mad women, and a martial artist to boot?
just stop, you had this shtick on sohh and dudes clowned you for it. nobodys buying it, better yet, nobody cares.
He also said some shyt about how he "sold poison to his people" when he was younger or something like that.

Dude's full of