The Powerful Nature of our music/ The destructive power of rap


Mar 18, 2013
i dont disagree with analysis, but i just dont think thats important, that isnt what motivates me, i think its a freec country and people can think whatever they want to think and people have the right to be racist

there are only 2 things that will end discrimination against black people, economic power and military power

I agree with you but image does have weight in the country. I don't agree with a few bad apples ruining the whole batch but that's the world we live in.

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
Yea not everybody will think that way especially not the younger ones but there will always be some who do. My family came here from DR in the 80s. From a tiny ass town in the hills to Harlem durin the crack era :russ: my mother was always so scared cause of all the shootouts and when she learned English and me and my brother started blasting rap and watching rap city, her impression of young black men only got worse. She is much more intelligent now and she doesn't think that way but one time she saw me walking on Broadway with my black homies and assumed I was about to get jumped :lolbron: we was just about to go play ball.
I just found that post funny cause that's my Chinese buddy's favorite biggie song :dead:

it's my favorite too :deadrose:

my parents still aren't much for rap though, it's too violent for them :deadmanny:

my dad likes public enemy though :obama:

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
lol, what's funnny is.. most of the shyt i've said on here wasn't flattering or bragging. most of it was bad. and yea... since I keep bring up immortal technique... even he said " what you think revolutionaries don't like to fukk to?" i impregnated a white "hoe" like 5 years ago, black nationalism has nothing to do with that and i don't even hit "hoes" like that anymore - yall bringing up old shyt.. I've grown up since then. And you can't help anyone if your poor so unless you get in line with capitalism you will be poor so while you may be a socialist - this is the real world breh.

damn so not my political views are added to the long list of things that are bad :ohhh:
I don't even really care about any of that shyt :troll: I was just playing with you. You can agree with Marx's observations while being financially savvy, I know I do.


Jun 4, 2012
No. Chun is popular all over the world because of Bruce Lee, and I think you know that too. Next time you call Xingyi impractical, you should read up on it and realize that it's the only style in China (well arguably Bagua and Baji too) that made the transition from being a military style to a family style to being taught to an elite few in the bodyguard business, to the military again and has survived to retain relevancy in full contact(which is the watermark of MA excellence today, seeing as how bare knuckle brawling is illegal). Xingyi has a presence in literally every facet of Chinese martial history in some form or another.
To me it's like how Isrealis have krav for their military.... but there is a better version of Krav that even they don't get. and there is a a weaker version that is taught to the masses.

IP Man and those guys went all over china fukking up all these different styles because that's how things were back then... people fought, masters fought. There are clown chun people all over the world.. because the system is simple and effective but it's hard to learn, even when u think you have it - you realize that you're not as powerful and effective as you could be. .... so there are weak people with no lineage opening up schools and trying to copy the real schools. Bruce lee was a freak of nature so he was able to learn 2/3rd and beast... he was able to combine it and train people - Not everyone can do that.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
You didn't explain that... in detail. Military from who, what nation, from gorilla warfare, from what? and how does it play into ending discrim

there are no details, military power is just a euphemism for violence

when you put a gun in somebody's face, they will respect you

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
You didn't explain that... in detail. Military from who, what nation, from gorilla warfare, from what? and how does it play into ending discrim
It's like the Civilization games. You can be dope in culture, science, diplomacy but if your standing army is :flabbynsick: then you're gonna get clowned on.


Jun 4, 2012
there are no details, military power is just a euphemism for violence

when you put a gun in somebody's face, they will respect you

never had more respect of your opinion before now. I agree.. i will say, there are lil neighborhoods all around that police, and pizza deliver will not go to. The set us is perfect for gorilla... but realistically we like in a nation that has a massive force.. lets say we get everything in order - we can still be bombed out. ask black wallstreet.... and who around the world is gonna come help like we do other groups around the world who fight against their government? no one likes black americans, many african's aren't even down with Pan-afri


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
It's like the Civilization games. You can be dope in culture, science, diplomacy but if your standing army is :flabbynsick: then you're gonna get clowned on.

pretty much, that is the problem with focusing on racism, black people start to think that we are exempt for the basic forces of human civilization andf that if we end white racism we will be :ahh:

white racism is only significant because of their military and economic power, by itself white racism doesnt mean anything


Jun 4, 2012
It's like the Civilization games. You can be dope in culture, science, diplomacy but if your standing army is :flabbynsick: then you're gonna get clowned on.

2.5 million us military members. They can't use WMD's without fukking up their own shyt.

most white Americans are scary. but the militia guys.. at least here in MI are hard core.. but their also anti gov and they usually support shyt like gorilla ( i think)

40 million blacks... highest fertility is blacks and hispanic blacks... and some other Hispanics. Training isn't too hard...

so do you feel that forming a force would still be an uphill battle?


Jun 4, 2012
pretty much, that is the problem with focusing on racism, black people start to think that we are exempt for the basic forces of human civilization andf that if we end white racism we will be :ahh:

white racism is only significant because of their military and economic power, by itself white racism doesnt mean anything
you may not see it.... but economics wise... we are making improvements... plus there are soooo many in the 25-34 age group of us that are 100% about empowering the youth of us....

Don't you think that with the group that is in middle school now - we will see madd improvements?

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012

2.5 million us military members. They can't use WMD's without fukking up their own shyt.

most white Americans are scary. but the militia guys.. at least here in MI are hard core.. but their also anti gov and they usually support shyt like gorilla ( i think)

40 million blacks... highest fertility is blacks and hispanic blacks... and some other Hispanics. Training isn't too hard...

so do you feel that forming a force would still be an uphill battle?
I cannot place myself in the shoes of the american black man.... However I'll just say this, the reason that most of the middle eastern countries like Asia and Japan built up their armies quick wasn't initially to wage war... They did it to have a big enough stick to deter foreign interests from completely dominating them. I'm not sure if rapid militarization is the correct answer for y'all. I do however think that young black people would do well to raise their children with a foremost emphasis on STEM and education in general, and start minimalizing culture, sports, etc. The former just has a larger success rate in terms of helping out a community, imho, and the latter leaves a lot of failures in its wake. As far as discrimination and all that goes... I think blacks will never be able to overcome white discrimination here... but you might be well served by knowing your civil rights up and down. I think there should be serious civic classes and education going on there. That's one of the reasons I loved 99 Problems actually, it demonstrated a scenario in which a man was being harassed on the basis of his race and he turned to his rights first... a lot of black people are exploited by the law based upon ignorance or lack of enforcement of individual rights imo. I don't know the problems of yalls community in depth, but I think those are good starting points.

Staying strapped doesnt hurt either, but it has to be more like the Panthers.


Jun 4, 2012
I cannot place myself in the shoes of the american black man.... However I'll just say this, the reason that most of the middle eastern countries like Asia and Japan built up their armies quick wasn't initially to wage war... They did it to have a big enough stick to deter foreign interests from completely dominating them. I'm not sure if rapid militarization is the correct answer for y'all. I do however think that young black people would do well to raise their children with a foremost emphasis on STEM and education in general, and start minimalizing culture, sports, etc. The former just has a larger success rate in terms of helping out a community, imho, and the latter leaves a lot of failures in its wake. As far as discrimination and all that goes... I think blacks will never be able to overcome white discrimination here... but you might be well served by knowing your civil rights up and down. I think there should be serious civic classes and education going on there. That's one of the reasons I loved 99 Problems actually, it demonstrated a scenario in which a man was being harassed on the basis of his race and he turned to his rights first... a lot of black people are exploited by the law based upon ignorance or lack of enforcement of individual rights imo. I don't know the problems of yalls community in depth, but I think those are good starting points.

Staying strapped doesnt hurt either, but it has to be more like the Panthers.

true. But the Stem degrees are only good for wealth building.... you're right about white racism.. because you wouldn't believe how many time I make phone calls and hear " this that this technology, blah at least you're not one of those Indian guys, ha ha". And that is coming from someone who probably has 20 indian developers working for him. Or how about asians innovating and basically running an industry that have white guys directing things or managing everything... maybe that comes from asian cultural mistakes, or western CACerism... idk... but I don't want blacks to get into that type of position if we can avoid it. There are more blacks in STEM programs now. In 2002, i was 17 sittin in 5 classes and seeing hardly any black kids... As a young kid you're like fukk that shyt, i wanna smoke n hang, not be in here with all these asian dudes who i can't relate to (cuz the asian dudes who were 'cool' aren't in those classes either). Because the world mocks and attempts to copy black ideas and culture... i feel that once we get the training we can talk our way to the CEO positions most 'minorities' have troubles getting to.

I'm down for the black panthers way of thinking.. they were bold enough to use the law and sit around with rifles on open carry.

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012

true. But the Stem degrees are only good for wealth building.... you're right about white racism.. because you wouldn't believe how many time I make phone calls and hear " this that this technology, blah at least you're not one of those Indian guys, ha ha". And that is coming from someone who probably has 20 indian developers working for him. Or how about asians innovating and basically running an industry that have white guys directing things or managing everything... maybe that comes from asian cultural mistakes, or western CACerism... idk... but I don't want blacks to get into that type of position if we can avoid it. There are more blacks in STEM programs now. In 2002, i was 17 sittin in 5 classes and seeing hardly any black kids... As a young kid you're like fukk that shyt, i wanna smoke n hang, not be in here with all these asian dudes who i can't relate to (cuz the asian dudes who were 'cool' aren't in those classes either). Because the world mocks and attempts to copy black ideas and culture... i feel that once we get the training we can talk our way to the CEO positions most 'minorities' have troubles getting to.

I'm down for the black panthers way of thinking.. they were bold enough to use the law and sit around with rifles on open carry.
White guys direct and manage everything. That's what happens when you have hundreds of years of free labor, armed dominance, exploitation, and outmaneuvering coming at you. Most indian guys have minimal interest in challenging the power structure. Indian communities are severely internally focused; if they're eating well, have a wife to fukk, some kids to raise, they're mostly happy. Most indians don't really care about media fame or political shine or w/e over here, simply because we don't truly expect to be taken seriously by most groups of people, so we just focus on improving ourselves and making sure our children not only have what we have, but another platform to jump off of. It's a slow building strategy, but it's relatively risk free and you have a low chance of losing or getting someone to hate your small unarmed community... I'm not saying blacks have or should be like that, or anyone really. I think they all have different approaches. A lot of the new indian and asian cats born here aren't like that though; they want to be CEOs and investment bankers and PIs at research firms and have as much wealth as humanly possible; greed is ENDEMIC to these communities. Indians and asians often commit more white collar crime than you'd expect, though I'd say we proportionally have the least amount of people floating around in the justice system because we're not seen as a threat.

But then again, most of us were raised rich(brain drain immigrants) and so we don't care about having everything. Flossing, having more money than people, being rich is overrated. It doesn't make people happy and i'm not sure it makes communities healthy.