The Peripheral | Prime Video Series | Season 2 Cancelled


as a mountain
Sep 13, 2012
I think at least part of the peripheral damage you take might be more a mental/psychic thing. Like when Flynn's bro didn't want his homie plugging into a corpse. I think part of the game seems to be you gotta have a certain mental fortitude to really excel.


Aug 23, 2014
No Whammies!!
I think at least part of the peripheral damage you take might be more a mental/psychic thing. Like when Flynn's bro didn't want his homie plugging into a corpse. I think part of the game seems to be you gotta have a certain mental fortitude to really excel.

Right. The 'mental' damage is real, but the physical effects that Flynn has (that we THOUGHT were coming from having her peripheral damaged) were mainly coming from the weird data encoded as bacterial DNA in her brain.

I think the whole idea that data transmitted from one stub to another stub can turn into an 'infection' is more evidence that the "plague" part of the Jackpot was due to interference from yet another stub universe somewhere out there in the multiverse. Cherise is blaming the Jackpot on human nature, but I'm thinking its really caused by the equivalent of the "RI Prime".


as a mountain
Sep 13, 2012
Right. The 'mental' damage is real, but the physical effects that Flynn has (that we THOUGHT were coming from having her peripheral damaged) were mainly coming from the weird data encoded as bacterial DNA in her brain.

I think the whole idea that data transmitted from one stub to another stub can turn into an 'infection' is more evidence that the "plague" part of the Jackpot was due to interference from yet another stub universe somewhere out there in the multiverse. Cherise is blaming the Jackpot on human nature, but I'm thinking its really caused by the equivalent of the "RI Prime".
like most smart fiction too shyt is always mirrored multiple ways. Like we talking about psychic damage and mind set and we got a CLEAR example of the klep mind tonight with how treated the two dudes working for him. Like i said earlier with Wilf he cares etc but if you cross him its nothing to him to gut you but at the same time he gotta show legit care/passion. Breh one of the better actors on the show tbh, his job is much more subtle, him and WIlf's actor gotta show so many different kinda emotions subtly and silently. They're killing it. Wilf had barely any lines this ep but still had to show concern/worry. Some good shyt man.


May 10, 2012
Some interesting answers came out this episode.
So, I guess that the 'haptic implant' that everyone in the future has can be used for mass mind control, and that this 'secret' is part of the information downloaded into Flynn's brain.

I guess that that is the same implant that Wilf found that Aelita had dug out of her body and left behind in her lair. There was a conversation that indicated that she might not be able to survive long without her implant because it was what was giving her immunity.

Assuming that they're talking about the same implant, I guess what happened is that the RI convinced basically everyone that they needed to get these implants or else the Jackpot plague virus would get them. Whether that's true or not we don't know, but the RI's other motive was to install mind control software in everyone's body so that they could control them like robots. And that the technology involved was 'beta tested' as part of the haptic implants given to Burton's squad several years ago when they 'created' the Stub.

I think I would rank this show as just slightly below "Raised By Wolves"...since that show was just SO weird and original that there wasn't anything like at at all, anywhere.

:ohhh:I wasn't even sure every one in the future had those haptic implants. One of my nitpicks with the future stuff is we haven't really grasped a glimpse at the larger world to really care what happens or the people outside of a few players. Sometimes with the exposition dumps, they go for clever/jargon filled dialogue which doesn't help either. I get there are 4 main groups

RI- headed up by Cherise - whose ultimate goal seems to be for mass mind control and they use stubs to perfect the tech
Klept - headed up by main goatee bad guy, which seems like a futuristic crime family that Wilf is working for
Neo Prims - Which I guess are like future revolutionaries that want to change the status quo and bring society down, with the Asian lady and Alieta seemed to be aligned with
Police - headed up by the inspector and her robot pseudo daughter and I guess advanced AI

Can't blame breh for wanting to live in the future though.

Secretary was giving Tommy the :francis:, did not expect him to bust his gun like that.

When Burton and his military buddies link up :wow:


Giving game to lames since the 90s
Apr 30, 2012
In Dallas, From Cleveland
Damn, wish this was 10 episodes. Can’t believe we already up to the finale. Love this show and how we get a little more insight to the Sci Fi aspect each week. There are some things this show struggles with like some of the action scenes, but I really hope they get a season 2 to improve upon those things. The lady who plays Cherise is a excellent villain, she’s just has a presence as a actress, she was great in Foundation as well. I hope they end it well. I need my Sci Fi fix now that Westworld and Raised by Wolves are cancelled


Aug 23, 2014
No Whammies!!
:ohhh:I wasn't even sure every one in the future had those haptic implants. One of my nitpicks with the future stuff is we haven't really grasped a glimpse at the larger world to really care what happens or the people outside of a few players. Sometimes with the exposition dumps, they go for clever/jargon filled dialogue which doesn't help either. I get there are 4 main groups

RI- headed up by Cherise - whose ultimate goal seems to be for mass mind control and they use stubs to perfect the tech
Klept - headed up by main goatee bad guy, which seems like a futuristic crime family that Wilf is working for
Neo Prims - Which I guess are like future revolutionaries that want to change the status quo and bring society down, with the Asian lady and Alieta seemed to be aligned with
Police - headed up by the inspector and her robot pseudo daughter and I guess advanced AI

Can't blame breh for wanting to live in the future though.

Secretary was giving Tommy the :francis:, did not expect him to bust his gun like that.

When Burton and his military buddies link up :wow:

Seems like the Klepts aren't just one single crime family, they're an entire Mafia made of multiple crime families out to make money. When Cherise was talking to the Metro Police inspector, she mentioned that they had once totally wiped out one of the other Klept families.


Aug 23, 2014
No Whammies!!
OK....I'm totally confused.
I can tell that there's some kind of "The Prestige"-like plot with killing her duplicate self, but other than that I have NO IDEA why they created a duplicate universe and how that actually benefits them.

I'm going to have to rewatch and/or read internet recaps and theories in order to have even the slightest idea what is going on. Because I'm lost. :dahell:


May 10, 2012
OK....I'm totally confused.
I can tell that there's some kind of "The Prestige"-like plot with killing her duplicate self, but other than that I have NO IDEA why they created a duplicate universe and how that actually benefits them.

I'm going to have to rewatch and/or read internet recaps and theories in order to have even the slightest idea what is going on. Because I'm lost. :dahell:

Yeah, I came here because I thought I understand the basics of it, but maybe not and the post-credit scene with Luv were murky.

From my understanding

I thought at 1st that Flynn sacrificed herself in order to stop Cherise and escaped to a new stub somehow with future tech, but I hadn't considered the angle of the Flynn that breh shot being a peripheral :ohhh: and the original Flynn being somewhere else. It sounded like the new stub was a place to escape to where Cherise wouldn't know where to look and she would somehow have all the data they stole from the RI and would be able to use that against them. The mechanics of all this seemed unclear as I'm not sure exactly what they can and can't do or how she could meet up with the Detective in the new stub


May 24, 2022
OK....I'm totally confused.

London - real time, the actual time line
The South - a stub of the actual time line. Real to Flynne, but a simulation for the London people in the Future.

Russian Mobsters and Black Lady's Research Institute
- both want the stolen data. Russian's want it to make money, RI has the data, and needs to destroy the copy on GP.
- both have the "coordinates" to the stub
- both keep messing with them. Russians have control of Flynne in the London Timeline. RI sends killers to the 2032 stub.

The plan - overall, Blondie made a "save point".
- Go back to London
- Get info from TransLady
- Find the place where they make the stub.
- Split the 2032 stub into 2032 A and 2032 B, at some time unknown to anyone. Her save point.
- Break the watch and that erases the tracks.

Also 2032 A and 2032 B Blondie
- both have the data from the eye laser thing from episode 1
- both know the plan

Then Flynne goes back to Stub A - the one that everyone knows about.

Stub A Flynne explains to Brothaman, he needs to shoot her.
Stub B either she stops Brothaman, or doesn't tell him in the first place. So she doesn't get shot.

Brothaman puts a bullet in her head in stub A. (her brother could not do it for obvious reasons)

2032 A Flynne gets shot in the head, data that Russians and RI can get to is gone.
Presumably, RI decides they don't need to blow the place up. (2032A)
Flynne has now saved her friends and family from a nuclear explosion in 2032A.

2032 B - Flynne - can now move freely - because
- Still Has the data
- Knows their moves
- But is no longer under control of the Mob, nor can the RI people send assassins to 2032 B - because they can't find it.

2032 B Flynn will now go after Cherise and the Research Institute.

I get the sense that the people that wrote this, were trying to come up with some sort of cool video game strategy - because that's what they had Flynne talk about in this last episode - but also to close the circle on what they set Flynne up at the beginning of the show - a really get video game/sim player.

In trying to be cool/clever, I think they created more problems than they solved. And it's hard enough to follow to begin with.

Why? These show runners did WestWorld - where it has 2 different worlds (the park and the real world), and a few different times all flowing at the same time. And people ate it up.


May 10, 2012
London - real time, the actual time line
The South - a stub of the actual time line. Real to Flynne, but a simulation for the London people in the Future.

Russian Mobsters and Black Lady's Research Institute
- both want the stolen data. Russian's want it to make money, RI has the data, and needs to destroy the copy on GP.
- both have the "coordinates" to the stub
- both keep messing with them. Russians have control of Flynne in the London Timeline. RI sends killers to the 2032 stub.

The plan - overall, Blondie made a "save point".
- Go back to London
- Get info from TransLady
- Find the place where they make the stub.
- Split the 2032 stub into 2032 A and 2032 B, at some time unknown to anyone. Her save point.
- Break the watch and that erases the tracks.

Also 2032 A and 2032 B Blondie
- both have the data from the eye laser thing from episode 1
- both know the plan

Then Flynne goes back to Stub A - the one that everyone knows about.

Stub A Flynne explains to Brothaman, he needs to shoot her.
Stub B either she stops Brothaman, or doesn't tell him in the first place. So she doesn't get shot.

Brothaman puts a bullet in her head in stub A. (her brother could not do it for obvious reasons)

2032 A Flynne gets shot in the head, data that Russians and RI can get to is gone.
Presumably, RI decides they don't need to blow the place up. (2032A)
Flynne has now saved her friends and family from a nuclear explosion in 2032A.

2032 B - Flynne - can now move freely - because
- Still Has the data
- Knows their moves
- But is no longer under control of the Mob, nor can the RI people send assassins to 2032 B - because they can't find it.

2032 B Flynn will now go after Cherise and the Research Institute.

I get the sense that the people that wrote this, were trying to come up with some sort of cool video game strategy - because that's what they had Flynne talk about in this last episode - but also to close the circle on what they set Flynne up at the beginning of the show - a really get video game/sim player.

In trying to be cool/clever, I think they created more problems than they solved. And it's hard enough to follow to begin with.

Why? These show runners did WestWorld - where it has 2 different worlds (the park and the real world), and a few different times all flowing at the same time. And people ate it up.

That does make sense the way you broke it down, I just wasn't aware that

2032 B Flynn would still have the data from the RI institute that A had, but if you think of it in videogame terms it makes some sense. Where B experienced everything that A did up to a point where there paths diverged and going forward we jump to B's stump and see how she plans to shake things up.
What was your take on the end scene with Lubov? Just that he needed to get rid of his employees like Wilf and the Asian Lady?


May 24, 2022
What was your take on the end scene with Lubov? Just that he needed to get rid of his employees like Wilf and the Asian Lady?

That I'm not sure about.

It's not like those 2 characters are all that important.
To me, they take up screen time.
They are basically double agents for "The Resistance" aka the "NeoPrims" - neoprimitives who want to reject all technology.
And we also find out that Wilf's "Sister" - Aelita - is running a faction of "rebels" as well. Maybe there's a connection, maybe not.

Maybe the "rebel alliance" will play a greater role in S2, if there is a season 2 - but the show has not made me care about the "neo prims", them, or really Aelita at all.

I was really rooting for the writers, because the source material is really only for Sci Fi heads, and really only the casual Sci Fi heads tbh.
I stopped really rocking heavy with Sci Fiction 20+ years ago, but I usually read Gibson and Stephenson when they drop something.