The percentage of men between ages 18-30 with zero sex partners tripled from 08-18

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Most dudes are not raised to be mentally tough to handle the ebb and flow of dating. Rejections and success. they simply dont think they're good enough. Just no grit in their souls.

And to make matters worse, most american media conditions women to be emotionally infantile and extremely vain so its like the prize is barely worth the effort.

Large amounts of mentally & emotionally damaged women pass their damage along online to young girls via think pieces and raise them with delusions or hatred for men. Young nikkas cant straightforward pursue something with a chick without having to sift thru the massive insecurities, mental issues, feminist delusions, selfishness, fatness, alcoholism, impulsivity and more. Its a bad recipe for guys who can barely get out their own head

All for a bytch that cant cook:mjlol:
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Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Peoples upbringing have a lot to do with this. Over the past 10-15 years or so parents been real comfortable letting their kids chill at home all day in their own little bubble on the internet or playing video games and shyt. So as a result kids aren’t developing the social skills they used to. Kids gotta be exposed to shyt outside the house

I’m glad I grew up when I did :whew:
What do you attribute this too? The parents letting them be in their own bubble.

Koba St

Feb 1, 2015
This is a great thread. Lots of good advice and tips in here.


Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Who are you to criticize anything I do?

Some of us are financially flexible, older and recognize exactly what we want. Money equals paid bills to you, to others like myself after becomes leverage and means of investment. Some younger cats have this mindset and I have no problem with buying what you want, period..better than crying about your lack of options on a message board when you could create and buyout an option for yourself.
I'm saying. This dude should be the last person saying anything at all about people being weird or otherwise odd when he has unresolved issues and won't get them clinically addressed.

Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s
So much for the idea that social media has made it easier to get puzzy. Its only made it easier for brehs who had no issue getting puzzy before

But this kind of crazy to me. even when I was in college and broke I was getting cheeks from an ugly girl with a phat ass.
It’s just too many options and opportunities now that allows people to be selfish

We at a stage in the game she can literally be texting you while on a date with her main nikka, and she only texting you to keep you in her back pocket just in case the one she actually chose fukks up.

Dating game is the trashiest it’s ever been, jerry springer status


Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Most dudes are not raised to be mentally equipped and they simply dont think they're good enough.
Grit is built on the foundation that you are someone who is good enough. It's reinforceable. If you are told you suck all your life by people in some cases who are supposed to take care of you, what chance have you got? Or worse they lie to you about your value.


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
I believe that stat. I know a guy from work who is 30 and a virgin, really weird guy. Always feels the need to tell women he's a virgin completely unprovoked. Conversations will have nothing to do with sex then he'll find an angle, flip the whole thing make it sexual then say "but I wouldn't know anything about that because I'm a virgin :sas2:". Every single time, he'll derail the whole conversation and have people doing variations of :francis:, :picard:,:gucci:,:what:,:jbhmm:, and:pachaha:. I even hooked him up with a girl I met when I was doing my Master's, they went out on a date, I asked how it went and she blocked me. To this day I don't know what happened he just says it went well and tries to change the subject. Brilliant at his job though I can't lie, just a weird guy.


Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s
Like I always mention in these types of threads, the people here giving advice and specifically the advice given speaks volumes where we are. It’s seems the pinnacle of doing the dating game “right” is smashing multiple people and getting around. Those who prefer traditional values of meeting one girl, taking her out from time to time and making her your girlfriend are literally shyt out of luck in today’s world
Dec 19, 2017
Young gun checking in and porn if used correctly is GOAT, when I wanna grind to save up for something or save in general, I can drain myself with porn when I get horny, and get back to school/work as opposed to get distracted/off track tryna entertain some broad long/well enough to get the drawls


A lot of y'all OGs/oldheads are falling into the trap of assuming the reasoning for something as opposed to simply asking. Some of y'all hit the nail on the head already ITT. Social media + the internet has tipped the scales for women, and it's only getting more imbalanced as time progresses. I'm a guy with 30+ bodies and I live at home (transferring to finish up school in the fall and will move out then). If I had my own place I could probably have 40+ because I've been dubbed by at least 10 chicks who lost interest when I told them I didn't have a place to myself. Realistically, even more because I'd be more open to approaching as I'd have added confidence knowing I could close and actually bring them to my spot. Those bodies I got came in spurts (got like 5-6 in a month a few times, there were/are droughts, and there also periods where I'm either too preoccupied, or simply don't care enough to put in the necessary effort to fukk a broad. Risk/reward is also kinda slanted with STIs, metoo, and now Rona.

If anything I prefer a roster to randoms anyway, meeting new women is usually cancer filled with wasting time/money doing shyt I'm uninterested in, acting like she's interesting/different from the thot next to her, listening to her babble just to have meh sex (most these broads don't put in any effort, and expect you to do damn near everything) with a condom. Unless she feeling you, is fully comfortable with you or is a ho in general, she's not doing a third of what you peep in softcore porn position wise.

Frankly having porn available and beating your meat since 10-12, makes you choosy IRL to some degree. For example I have never and WILL NEVER fukk a fat chick, because I can get a nut of greater value just beating my dikk. If a woman wants me to go too far, or meet up too late, again I can just beat my meat.

Most of my generations (Gen Z) gripes from well adjusted (non weirdo, school shooter types) is that the women lack depth, and have unrealistic expectations. Frankly a lot of guys in my gen are still holding out for gfs/wives, but experience/being in the field is letting them know that there aren't those types anymore and those values/characteristics aren't valued. That adds to a waining will to pursue. A lotta dudes are more aware of 80/20 and the privileges guys with money/good looks/clout have so they either don't try at all, or set limits on what they're willing to do. I'm in the latter group. Expectations/hoops for regular dudes to jump through for sex have increased quiet as kept, and to some degree I get it. Why would a broad let a 6.5/7 like me fukk without putting in some effort when she could get a 8/9 to do the same. Where I and men in my ilk diverge from simps is I don't feel the need to prove that value to her. That's good and well you've had 8/9s go fukk on them exclusively then, because I'm not putting in 2 weeks of effort and $30-70 to fukk when another dude hit same day for free, call it ego/pride whatever, but nah I'm cool.

Ironically when I have candid conversations with women my age about the future they seem annoyed, frustrated or down right angry that I (a guy they know is smarter than average, in good shape, working towards a strong career and would make a good partner, later on) isn't interested in dealing with any women long term past 26-27. With our societal economic setup if a woman ain't getting it out the mud with me or holding me down (just being a good gf, not financially aiding) when I''m on the come up, if she doesn't bring equal or greater value in terms of your financial setup past that age, her ceiling is friends with benefits. It's hilarious how a lot of women have become used to the safety net of guys in the study not eating, or even average guys who eat decently want them after they decide they're done having fun/being promiscuous/fukking 8-10s exclusively. I'm cool on leftovers, I already ate.

Just my 22 year old perspective :ehh:

Wise young breh :ehh:.

Young Men know the game but it seems like the Gen Z broads don't understand what's coming.

Women can date "up" for casual fukkin but not for relationships. A female 6 can be the sidepiece of a male 8 but the male 8 will never see her as anything more than a sidepiece. She knows deep down that she can't have him....but gotdamn she's gonna suck his dikk as much as possible to lock him down.

Then she has her wakeup call and discovers that her best chance at a quality breh is dating down to her level....the male 6.

This used to be a legit workable strategy but men don't trust women anymore. The male 6 wants the freaky sex from female 6 that she gave the male 8. She wants to give up as little as possible to get male 6 to commit. He KNOWS she's holding out so he holds out too.


The smart broads limit the amount of time they spend chasing the 9s and 10s. A little bit in college and then early 20s before ducking out. The dumb ones keep chasing until they get desperate.


Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Some threads on the coli:

this celeb, this athlete, this artist, this person is accused of sexual crime

other threads on the coli:

you nikkas not getting p*ssy!
Not really the same. The former is either abuse of power or an attempt to gain notoriety by accusing some in power.

We ain't getting arrested or caught in a scandal if you aren't a) being malicious b) a person of great importance who is being used or manipulated.