IMO, that's the more UNREALISTIC approach. You can't erase generations of debauchery so easily.
We live in a society full of people unwilling to accept personal culpability.
Your way tries to address cuplability to lawmakers but still fails in actually protecting people.
How will you ever address your own personal culpability to your son?
The bad guy with a gun was deemed a good guy with a gun until he became a bad guy.
So would a person be good or bad to react to a shoving fight with the use of a gun?
This is why everyone can't carry guns.
You might be a good person 99% of the time, and overreact 1% of the time and kill someone.
As I said, I'm learning a lot of stuff this week.....
Semi-auto = 1 pull of trigger = 1 bullet.... Correct??
Automatic (already illegal) = 1 pull of trigger = multiple bullets.... Correct??
So then technically, APPEARANCES ASIDE, A Semi-auto IS NO DIFFERENT THAN A TYPICAL HANDGUN in its basic fuction/capability?? ..... Correct??
So apparently when they did the 1994 ban they were banning guns based on appearances NOT on function..... a shiny black plastic rifle looks more "impressive/scary" than the same rifle in wood???
So they were banning weapons based on looks and accessories??? Although they were still technically in function a semi-auto.. correct?? Or am I off base?
it's sad this what we are coming to. everybody needs to be armed and ready for that action. there will no longer be a distinction between who is and who is not bout that life, because from this point forward we are all chief keef now. that's basically the vision for america the NRA is handing us.
but on a serious note...republicans hate paying for the public servants we already have, let alone a whole new battalion of school guards, and if they try to do it on the cheap and have armed teachers, it's only a matter of time before the teachers start shooting the kids. and in that case the NRA will say we need child-sized guns for the kids because what else can stop an armed teacher but a baby uzi toting kindergartener
what if we all admitted that we probably cant do much about this phenomenon? it would be terrifying at first, but we would go on with life and stop blaming video games.
yep, we need to crush the teacher's union, pay them less, and give them guns. what could go wrong?