The One That Got Away or You Let Go


Old Master
May 11, 2012
Its one of life's cruel jokes man.

You tend to meet these chicks around 18-21 but on the real what fukkin 18 year old is thinking about settling down and getting married. Even if you do the marriage is destinied to fail. As men and women we need to experience the dating field and game. But it usually too late.

I got a good girl but on the real a nikka aint thinking about marraige for another 5-7 years. So now the question is, is shorty gonna sit and ride it out. Or is she gonna bounce.

I just put it on FB a minute ago.

The average man wants to get married at 30

The average girls wants to get married at like 26

That right there is a disproportion which is bound to cause alot of fukkery :snoop:
Date younger broads :smugdraper:

Carolina Slim

May 1, 2012
Raleigh by way of Crooklyn
I can say I let this one go; I had met this bad broad from Jersey at Yankee Stadium; she was a mix of Italian/Cuban. She had a jealous streak in her, but I figured that was par for the course; I mean, she was part Cuban... :manny: She would always think that someone was trying to holla at me, and at first I was like :obama: thinking "yeah, she all on this", but after awhile it had a nikka like :snoop:

The other problem was her friends. Her unit was this wannabe 90210 group who was fond of talking slick behind each other's back, which didn't sit well with a nikka from the projects who prides himself on keeping it 100 at all times. They would say underhanded slick stuff like "are you going to live in the projects?" to her when I wasn't around. Shorty had a cousin who she had told me herself, was a shady broad. So one day I was chilling with her other cousin (male) at their house before going to some party. Dude went to shower, and I stayed in the living room to play video games. After he got dressed, he called me to the garage to show me a car he was working on. I had to pass her female cousin's room, and this broad stopped me to make stupid small talk. I stayed outside the room while she spat her piece, then kept it moving. Next day, my girl is acting all :sadbron: and I got no idea why. She straight up tells me that she wants to break up, if I wanted to holla at her cousin, I should go ahead. This turn of events had me like :what:. We had been together like 2 years at this point. She tells me that old girl told her I had been all in her room, flirting with her, sitting on her bed, kicking it with her. I denied it of course, and she was still on that, "I don't wanna see you ever again" At a certain point I was like "whatever", but I wanted to clear my name. So her male cousin came through, and co-signed the story, that I had been chilling with him the whole time. Then she realized she had messed up, but at that point I was seeing the light. I saw that if she was willing to take the word of someone who she had said herself was shady, over my word, then I didn't have a chance.

I had put my cape on for this broad cause her home life was crazy, and she was upfront with me. I think sometimes that I might have killed her or she might have killed me if we had gotten married.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
I can say I let this one go; I had met this bad broad from Jersey at Yankee Stadium; she was a mix of Italian/Cuban. She had a jealous streak in her, but I figured that was par for the course; I mean, she was part Cuban... :manny: She would always think that someone was trying to holla at me, and at first I was like :obama: thinking "yeah, she all on this", but after awhile it had a nikka like :snoop:

The other problem was her friends. Her unit was this wannabe 90210 group who was fond of talking slick behind each other's back, which didn't sit well with a nikka from the projects who prides himself on keeping it 100 at all times. They would say underhanded slick stuff like "are you going to live in the projects?" to her when I wasn't around. Shorty had a cousin who she had told me herself, was a shady broad. So one day I was chilling with her other cousin (male) at their house before going to some party. Dude went to shower, and I stayed in the living room to play video games. After he got dressed, he called me to the garage to show me a car he was working on. I had to pass her female cousin's room, and this broad stopped me to make stupid small talk. I stayed outside the room while she spat her piece, then kept it moving. Next day, my girl is acting all :sadbron: and I got no idea why. She straight up tells me that she wants to break up, if I wanted to holla at her cousin, I should go ahead. This turn of events had me like :what:. We had been together like 2 years at this point. She tells me that old girl told her I had been all in her room, flirting with her, sitting on her bed, kicking it with her. I denied it of course, and she was still on that, "I don't wanna see you ever again" At a certain point I was like "whatever", but I wanted to clear my name. So her male cousin came through, and co-signed the story, that I had been chilling with him the whole time. Then she realized she had messed up, but at that point I was seeing the light. I saw that if she was willing to take the word of someone who she had said herself was shady, over my word, then I didn't have a chance.

I had put my cape on for this broad cause her home life was crazy, and she was upfront with me. I think sometimes that I might have killed her or she might have killed me if we had gotten married.


seems like you avoided a bad situation. That's not the one that got away. lol

Carolina Slim

May 1, 2012
Raleigh by way of Crooklyn

seems like you avoided a bad situation. That's not the one that got away. lol

Yeah, I definitely avoided a bad situation. The story was kinda incomplete...

After that little incident, I was like "OK bet, now you see where I'm coming from" She knew she had messed up badly and was all about "we can work through this". :birdman: "Ain't nothing to work out, you already showed who you was gonna ride for". She had in her mind that we would take a break and then re-connect. :rudy: She was crying so much that I was like OK, OK, whateva... I had no plans or desires to continue on with this broad; I just wanted to get back to the comforts of BK. So I got back across the George Washington Bridge and started re-stocking my roster :win:

She called ya boy the next day to see how I was doing and told me she still loved me, yadayadayadayada. I wasn't trying to hear it. She said she loved me one more time, and asked me if I did. I said yeah, and kept it moving. She used to talk about how I was the only good thing in her life, and said things that made me think she would seriously consider committing dat if I wasn't around. That's probably the main reason I stuck around as long as I did; I didn't want that on my conscience if she did. But after awhile it was like, either she kills herself, or I kill her, either way she gonna be :deadrose:.... :manny:

So I let it go. I heard she got married a couple years later, and her and dude was having problems... Again, :manny:


إن شاء الله
May 3, 2012
the great white buffalo yep

"and you dont know what you got till its gone"

man i remember i was like 19 and deathly sick one day and this chick took the bus over an hour to come and make me tea and soup. The sweetest girl I ever met, religious was waiting for marriage like i was at the time, wasn't a knockout but was very naturally pretty, but i was a demonic individual back then brehs I knew she liked me alot, but I,wasn't schooled in the game and all i cared about was looks and having the prettiest girl on my arm so i dumped her but she still was ok with being friends that sweet ol heart, however i remember it was just like yesterday breh the girl i just started dating told me at the time it was her or my great white buffalo and i chose her, so i stopped talking to the sweetest girl i ever met

Years later I stalked her fb and shes married now working in south america as a missionary with her husband and kids, while i'm single, living at home posting on message boards :obama:

I even messaged her a few years back and she was ah still so nice and told me to keep in touch but i never did :sadcam:

Living at in living with your parents?

I thought you were in the legal field...and were in your late 20s...maybe even early 30s? I'm not judgin, just askin :yeshrug:


May 1, 2012
the great white buffalo yep

"and you dont know what you got till its gone"

man i remember i was like 19 and deathly sick one day and this chick took the bus over an hour to come and make me tea and soup. The sweetest girl I ever met, religious was waiting for marriage like i was at the time, wasn't a knockout but was very naturally pretty, but i was a demonic individual back then brehs I knew she liked me alot, but I,wasn't schooled in the game and all i cared about was looks and having the prettiest girl on my arm so i dumped her but she still was ok with being friends that sweet ol heart, however i remember it was just like yesterday breh the girl i just started dating told me at the time it was her or my great white buffalo and i chose her, so i stopped talking to the sweetest girl i ever met

Years later I stalked her fb and shes married now working in south america as a missionary with her husband and kids, while i'm single, living at home posting on message boards :obama:

I even messaged her a few years back and she was ah still so nice and told me to keep in touch but i never did :sadcam:

that shyt is so sad breh. the worst pain is the pain we cause ourselves...


May 8, 2012
Ah... :snoop:

Not sure this was one that got away, cause we were young as hell, but who knows: met her in school, I was 17 and she was 16. She was friendly, never stepped up to me herself, but would always tell other girls how she liked me. Eventually after hearin' about it from enough people, I approached her. She came to my house the same day and had the AMAZING box. :deadrose: So that became the summertime thing. But I played her off somethin' serious when school started back up. I only treated her good when nobody else was around, but got on some brand new shyt when they were. She eventually decided to quit dealin' with me because of that, and I didn't find out til 2 years later that I hurt her feelings bad. I still know her now and I kinda regret shyttin' on her, cause she turned out to be one of the most ride-or-die women I know. If most of the fickle-ass women I've dealt with since her were half as loyal as she is/was, it'd be a vast improvement. The dude she got with after me also went to our school and they're married now. She holds him and the kids down even tho' dude has ZERO goin' for him, became a super-freak who even allows other chicks in the relationship, and is good people all the way around. She jokes about these things with me now, on some 'see what you missed out on' shyt. Again, not sure I was up for gettin' cuffed-up that early in life, but I woulda prob. had a real ally for life if I had treated her better.

Annnd another one... a girl I also knew from school had a young friend. One of those things where their parents were close, so they were more like big sister/little sister. But I mean YOUNG... we were 20 and she was like 12. And after she met me, she had a little-kid crush on me or whatever. Of course I didn't fukk w/ her, but she was like my lil' buddy. Time went on and I hadn't seen/heard from her in years... then she finds me on Facebook. By that point, she was 20. I'm figuring ain't a chance in hell she even remembers that crush shyt, but she ends up fallin' hard and fast. She pours her heart out one day about how she was in love w/ me then and she always hoped she'd still know me when she was old enough, and now that she does, she wants us to be together cause she still loves me. But it came off a lil' clingy outta nowhere and I was on some "man fukk these hoes" shyt at the time, so I didn't wanna get w/ her. Partly cause I was anti-relationship, and partly cause I knew I was gonna break that girl's heart and she didn't deserve that. And it's another decision I regret, cause I ended up breakin' her heart anyway. She also turned out to be a good one, who prob'ly woulda been just the relationship I ended up wantin' to have.

My decision-making is all kinds of fukked up. :noah:

Henry Orbit

Wave Gods
May 4, 2012
The Old North State
it's kinda like the chick who's at the club 4 days a week,
fukkin niccas for rent money and aint doing shyt with their lives.
same hoes going.....God why wont you send me a good man:to:

bytch you dont deserve a good man:pacspit:
most cats aint ready for a good woman until he's 2 baby's
in with a jumpoff with good p*ssy,a bad attitude and a nursing gig.


Gus Money

May 20, 2012
going through something very similar to twam but i was let go during a relationship. Probably the cutest, sexiest and coolest girl I know to this day. Or at least the best combo. It may be hard without the background story to understand but if anyone wanna know exactly what happened I'll explain. It's petty though so I may be embarrassed to do so.

it was the good ol "i think we should take a small break and go back to the drawing board because were moving fast" type deal. It was my first chick and I had mad love for her not realizing exactly the tactic she was using/stringing me along while she probably tested a new dude out or explored her options.

I didnt simp and still can hold my head high at that. Wasnt knockin down or textin her phone all day but when we did talk shyt was tooooo different and i got many mixed signals to the point where I confronted her and tried to get everything laid out on the table after this two month break.

During this confrontation shyt was getting real and I still to this day cannot understand how she was willing to throw a relationship that we worked so hard to create after such a short period of time over some fukking foolishness. She had some temerity man. Its something that she said that relates to the background story that in itself corrupted me as a gentleman and put me on game. shyt was ether. We started really getting heated through text or at least I did and I tried to call because it seemed like everything I said was gettng twisted around to sound negative. bytch had the audacity to ignore my calls on some childish foul shyt.

After it all officially ended and I had my little mourning period I started to realize what she must have been doing in stringing me along/testing the waters perhaps with a new fellow. My mind still be warped over whether or not thats what she was doing but conventional wisdom says that it is. She would send breadcrumb texts and what not during holidays and odd times and just recently actually suggested us spending time together in person (this is a year and couple months after we broke up) but I just dont know man. I wish I didnt have love for this broad but I do. The devil and angel on my shoulder telling me to try smut her out...or try to make another relationship with her respectively. And then its my conscious self saying to just leave that bytch alone and keep trying to find other girls that I know I am deep down capable of pulling. Theres days that I truly do miss her/what we had especially cause i'm a relatively lonely fellow but I think I know what I oughtta do.

But then aint easy finding someone you got such chemistry with. *sigh*
Damn, man. I'm sorry to hear that. I know exactly how you feel, especially with the parts about missing her and being lonely. I had a similar experience last year where she was one who ended it on some bullshyt, and I'm pretty sure she was testing the waters too. I still think about her a lot, even though we barely talk nowadays. But if she's the one who ended things, I can't recommend trying to get back with her.

How long were you guys together? You should explain the bolded parts and give the background story.