Make sure to set up the cable box. Then go to apps and download everything that interest you
OneDrive allows you to share movies with anyone
Go thru all the tutorials
And you should have a free XBL either 2day or week card with the system or possibly one of the games (usually)
XBL cards can be had for $35 right now, so the time is now to cop one.
FIFA online will never get boring bruh. Titanfall with season pass is $12.50 on the dashboard. You gotta cop that at that price. Insane not too cuz its a GREAT game.
And make sure you download the 2 free games right now if you go gold (Volgarr and Chariot) both are EXCELLENT games. Neither are online, so its right up your alley. Worms armageddon or whatever its called is the free game for next month
Hollaback, welcome to the greener side