The Official XBOX WON Thread - News and Info

Brief Keef

May 6, 2012
I'm trying to hold off on buying anything cuz soon I won't have to pay for shyt :banderas:
But, I'll probably end up digital downloading Titanfall. Only because this new chick I'm knocking down liked the Beta and keeps talking about how she's gonna buy it from the dashboard
I be looking at her like :mjpls:
I'm not sure if she saying this to see if I go :gladbron: or if she is really excited for it

For the record, she had a PS3. Had last of us :manny: But we be playing Fifa mostly
Its weird having a girl that is COOL with gaming like this. And after a week with XB1, she has converted to the greener side in terms of what her future purchases are gonna be. Tru Story :win:

smart move breh i wanted to order it or pick it up at midnight but im like fukk it cuz by the time i come back from midnight release it's gonna be in the store already oh yeah where can i go to upgrade the hardrive 500GB aint gonna be enough i need at least 1TB


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
smart move breh i wanted to order it or pick it up at midnight but im like fukk it cuz by the time i come back from midnight release it's gonna be in the store already oh yeah where can i go to upgrade the hardrive 500GB aint gonna be enough i need at least 1TB

External hardrive support is supposedly coming with the next update "very soon"

Brief Keef

May 6, 2012
Titanfall Raw Weapon Stats Decrypted; Titan Health and Speed Revealed

Over on the Denkirson boards, new information on Titanfall's weapons and the health of Titans, Grunts, and Spectres has been revealed.

The Atlas Titan has 8000 Health, the Ogre has 10500, and the Stryder comes in at 5500.

Atlas' standing base movement speed is 280, Sprint speed 420. 1.0x sidestep speed and 0.8x backpedal speed multipliers. The Ogre's stats are 265 and 400. 0.85x sidestep speed and 0.6x backpedal speed multipliers while the Stryder boasts 300 and 435. 1.0x sidestep speed and 0.8x backpedal speed multipliers.

Atlas' melee does 1000 damage and has a pushback impulse of 850. Ogre does 1875 melee with a 510 pushback. Stryder does 1125 with 850 pushback. An Atlas needs 4.1666 seconds to recharge one of its two dash bars. The Ogre takes 4.545 seconds to recharge its one bar and the Stryder takes 3.3 seconds to recharge one of its three dash bars. We have a guide on how to take out an enemy Titan here.

Regarding the game's guns, it has emerged that according to Titanfall's code, the Smart Pistol does 67 damage regardless of range. When used against a Grunt, the Smart Pistol will always do damage equal to the Grunt's MaxHealth meaning that it will always be a one hit kill. The Smart Pistol performs damage of 101 points out of a Spectre's 200 total health.

It doesn't matter whether you make a hear or body shot using the Smart Pistol as the damage will always equal 67 however, accuracy is a factor the further away from your target that you become making the weapon somewhat unreliable and comparatively weak.

The Smart Pistol has an inherit cone of fire spread of 0.5° when aiming down sights (0.25° when ADS and crouched). It won't be making any precision shots at long range like any of the other primary rifles, such as the DMR (0.05° cone of fire when sighted, perfect 0.0° when crouched). The DMR does 120 damage at any range, a two shot kill on pilots, and can get a one shot kill at any range with a 2.0x headshot multiplier.

The Smart Pistol's three shot kill might not match the slightly weaker but more accurate secondary pistols at a distance which have a spread of 0.2° when ADS standing or crouched for both AutoPistol (38-30 damage, 6-7 shots) and the 2011 (60-45 damage, 4-5 shots).

Meanwhile, the Wingman offers 0.15° and 0.1° crouching (135-100 damage, two shots, possibly a one shot kill with a headshot although the Wingman file doesn't show the headshot multiplier).

You won't be able to snipe enemies at long range reliably with most automatics despite low recoil like you would with a Call of Duty weapon but their maximums won't reach the level of huge cones of fire like weapons in the Battlefield series.

For example, both Carbine and R97 SMG have a 0.25° spread when standing/crouched+ADS and 0.5 when in the air+ADS (Carbine's Gyro attachment makes air accuracy also 0.25°). Their maximum cone of fire is 2.0° which it will reach after seven shots when ADS (+0.25 each shot).

Both weapons recover extremely quickly if you let up on the trigger for just 0.15 seconds to begin recovering (and about 0.06 more seconds to recover the 1.75°). Against the SMG and Carbine, the RSPN101 Assault Rifle has a 0.35° spread when ADS. Though the inherit spread may be slightly worse, it's maximum spread is only 0.4°, which is way more accurate. It will retain much better full auto ADS spread compared to the Carbine and SMG.

The base forward running speed of a Pilot is 180.6 units per second, or about 7.7 MPH while the base Sprint speed of Pilots is 269.85 units per second, or 11.5 MPH.

Consecutive wall running speeds up the player gradually, allowing him to reach a maximum of almost twice his sprint speed. About 22 to 23 MPH however, using burn cards and wall jumping you can reach 19.63 MPH.

Titanfall is set for release on PC and Xbox One on March 11th in North America and on March 14th in Europe. The Xbox 360 version has been delayed until March 25th. Yesterday, Respawn revealed the game's launch trailer.