Just Ryse and Killer Instinct....
I'll have to find that Limited Edition Forza within the next few days
The only games I'll be playing on here are exclusives because, though I love y'all Xbots, I'm still a PlayStanley
Hey, we don't hate over here bruh. And I'm sure you will change your tune sooner than later.
Once you go green, you stay on the team

Now about those multiplats, you do know every xbox game will have dedicated servers.
That alone should make multiplats on XB1 be your destination. You'll see tho, I won't need to convince you about it when you see it for yourself
All I can say for advice about that.. peep the community on here. Often times, some games will be more popular on one system over the other. Or the competition might be much better. Like, PS4 gamers tend to sick at sports games. Just is, I don't know why that is. Ditto with fighting games. they come to the xbox side and get delt with. Just some food for thought. If you ever want to roll with elite gamers