man hell yeah bruh i went in there early this morning and i asked the guy were they takin pre order's he said yeah i was likebecause i expected gamestop to be packed that shyt was dead
he said come back around 6 so i can sell my 360 + games/controllers etc im so happy breh but them ryse reviews look bad but then again when KZ3 came out they give it great scores or at least better scores than ryse and when i played it that shyt was booty to me so
but i heard the campaign is only four hours ? is that true cuz if so ill cop that 3d world instead
if I were a betting man knowing my gamer history i'd say that's a nod to Majora's Mask
mine preordered since E3gamestop had extra pre orders on decki read it on n4g that gamestops today all across the U.S. are letting people pre order that didnt so if you're near a gamestop dont waste no time BREH
GO GO GO ! i literally just got back home
oh iight just lookin out fammine preordered since E3bout to text wifey to let her know.She could get her own
what's the difference between the ultra edition pack ?tears of joy I've been waiting 16 years for this
Classic costumes and the original KI gamewhat's the difference between the ultra edition pack ?dude was mad hype at the end
I'm selling my shyt there too, what did they say they would give?man hell yeah bruh i went in there early this morning and i asked the guy were they takin pre order's he said yeah i was likebecause i expected gamestop to be packed that shyt was dead
he said come back around 6 so i can sell my 360 + games/controllers etc im so happy breh but them ryse reviews look bad but then again when KZ3 came out they give it great scores or at least better scores than ryse and when i played it that shyt was booty to me so
but i heard the campaign is only four hours ? is that true cuz if so ill cop that 3d world instead
the ultra pack comes with extra costume packs, and the original KI arcade from back in the day, plus you will get early access to character (kinda like you beta test them before they are released)what's the difference between the ultra edition pack ?dude was mad hype at the end
breh its just surreal for us that was in the arcades back then. playing it on Super nes can't even explain itThat KI trailer gave me goosebumps I hadn't experienced since...I can't even remember when.