then you may be able to.. you have to cal them and make sure its ready to be picked upi wanna pick it up tomorrow morning
then you may be able to.. you have to cal them and make sure its ready to be picked upi wanna pick it up tomorrow morning
It should bruh. You have two options until the XB1 HBO Go app land.
1.) You can ask your coli brehz to have those episodes in there shared skydrive folder since we can host channels. The content we share via skydrive will show up in your one guide. You will eat bruh
2.) HBO Go has a website you can go to, and XB1 has a browser that can take you there.
You could even snap it and watch while you game
You know whats more forced than Kinect?
Make a new thread, or better yet. I got you, new thread to discuss this, make it happenok cool, lets just basically make a coli circle and not many people outside of us in, add all our dummy accounts as friends
The web browser is one option, the other? skydrive sharing is just online storage where you can put movies into, then ppl on your friendslist can view the content you put in there. I can't post any videos right now because my new internet company hasn't hooked cable up yet. I shouldn't be posting right now, but for some reason my laptop (only via firefox) can still get internet from the company I no longer use (fios)I be honest I am not up to knowledge on this skydrive or snap piff. So much I still need to learn bout this great system which is why I can't wait to get my hands on it tonight. But could u elaborate or post some vids to help guide a brotha
how you do it breh?brehs...... i...i...i got that pre order
man hell yeah bruh i went in there early this morning and i asked the guy were they takin pre order's he said yeah i was like because i expected gamestop to be packed that shyt was dead he said come back around 6 so i can sell my 360 + games/controllers etc im so happy breh but them ryse reviews look bad but then again when KZ3 came out they give it great scores or at least better scores than ryse and when i played it that shyt was booty to me so but i heard the campaign is only four hours ? is that true cuz if so ill cop that 3d world insteadMoney taken from my account, tracking info
I don't think nobody but @Brief Keef now understands...I was so prepared to take the L on just Tuesday. And to turn around 36 hours later having everything confirmed? It's just...
Honestly, Twitter is the greatest contribution to man since the TV.
gamestop had extra pre orders on deck i read it on n4g that gamestops today all across the U.S. are letting people pre order that didnt so if you're near a gamestop dont waste no time BREH GO GO GO ! i literally just got back homehow you do it breh?