The Official XBOX WON Thread - News and Info


Solo Dolo
Jan 17, 2013
Little more info on Dead rising 3...Look like there A Story And Missions Exclusive To SmartGlass


When Dead Rising 3 was unveiled for the Xbox One, it served largely the same purpose that the original Dead Rising did for the Xbox 360, which was flexing the hardware’s capabilities.

But Microsoft’s Xbox One initiative is far more ambitious than its predecessor. For example, there’s its use of SmartGlass, an app that connects a tablet to an Xbox 360 console. Dead Rising 3 supports SmartGlass, and Siliconera asked Dead Rising 3 executive producer Josh Bridge how a zombie playground utilizes this feature.

I see Dead Rising 3′s SmartGlass capabilities being demoed with a Windows 8 tablet, which makes sense at a certain level, given how much Microsoft is trying to tie Windows 8 with the Xbox. Is it a Windows-only thing, or will there eventually be an iOS or Android version?

Josh Bridge, Executive Producer: It will ultimately support all operating systems for sure. But currently we have it running on a Windows device.

Is it its own stand-alone app?

No, it’s part of an upcoming version of the Xbox SmartGlass app and will function much like the current version. After you launch the app, it notices that Dead Rising is currently being played, press a button, and in kicks our phone. It actually skins your phone to be like the phone from the game’s universe.

You’ll get calls from a character that are only on the SmartGlass device. So if you don’t have SmartGlass, you won’t get those calls from that guy. Which also means you won’t get those missions.


Will you be able to finish the game without it?

You can finish the game without it. There’s plenty content as is without it. But we put some exclusives in the game for those who have a SmartGlass compatible device.

Personally, I’m a child; I love gadgets, hearing a little ring… I can even customize the ringtones too… and hearing a little voice, that gives you exclusive missions.

So there’s a character unique to SmartGlass?

Yes. His storyline is his own. And it interweaves with the main storyline. Without it, you’re not losing out on what the story is. But you’re getting more out of the game.

You’re not missing out on any unique achievements?

Ummm… no. I don’t think we can do that.

Initially I thought it was something for a second player to do.

You can… it’s mostly part of the single player mode, but as we’ve been working on it, playing it on our studio, I’d toss it to a buddy as go, “Hey, help me out here; can you do this for a sec?” It ends up being pseudo-cooperative play. But it’s not an answer to co-op, we have co-op.


The apps, which allow you to perform areal strikes and such… once you have access to them, can they be used as will? Is access unlimited?

Oh yeah. When you complete missions, he gets you more app codes, and those app codes can be spent on whatever you want, plus used whenever you want. Though they do have cool down periods.

Meaning you can’t use them over and over and over again…

No, because then you’d hit the credits in one hour. And there’s no microstransactions at all. This is all within the game’s own ecosystem.

Dead Rising 3 will be released this holiday. The game is being developed by Capcom and published by Microsoft.


May 6, 2012
Little more info on Dead rising 3...Look like there A Story And Missions Exclusive To SmartGlass


When Dead Rising 3 was unveiled for the Xbox One, it served largely the same purpose that the original Dead Rising did for the Xbox 360, which was flexing the hardware’s capabilities.

But Microsoft’s Xbox One initiative is far more ambitious than its predecessor. For example, there’s its use of SmartGlass, an app that connects a tablet to an Xbox 360 console. Dead Rising 3 supports SmartGlass, and Siliconera asked Dead Rising 3 executive producer Josh Bridge how a zombie playground utilizes this feature.

I see Dead Rising 3′s SmartGlass capabilities being demoed with a Windows 8 tablet, which makes sense at a certain level, given how much Microsoft is trying to tie Windows 8 with the Xbox. Is it a Windows-only thing, or will there eventually be an iOS or Android version?

Josh Bridge, Executive Producer: It will ultimately support all operating systems for sure. But currently we have it running on a Windows device.

Is it its own stand-alone app?

No, it’s part of an upcoming version of the Xbox SmartGlass app and will function much like the current version. After you launch the app, it notices that Dead Rising is currently being played, press a button, and in kicks our phone. It actually skins your phone to be like the phone from the game’s universe.

You’ll get calls from a character that are only on the SmartGlass device. So if you don’t have SmartGlass, you won’t get those calls from that guy. Which also means you won’t get those missions.


Will you be able to finish the game without it?

You can finish the game without it. There’s plenty content as is without it. But we put some exclusives in the game for those who have a SmartGlass compatible device.

Personally, I’m a child; I love gadgets, hearing a little ring… I can even customize the ringtones too… and hearing a little voice, that gives you exclusive missions.

So there’s a character unique to SmartGlass?

Yes. His storyline is his own. And it interweaves with the main storyline. Without it, you’re not losing out on what the story is. But you’re getting more out of the game.

You’re not missing out on any unique achievements?

Ummm… no. I don’t think we can do that.

Initially I thought it was something for a second player to do.

You can… it’s mostly part of the single player mode, but as we’ve been working on it, playing it on our studio, I’d toss it to a buddy as go, “Hey, help me out here; can you do this for a sec?” It ends up being pseudo-cooperative play. But it’s not an answer to co-op, we have co-op.


The apps, which allow you to perform areal strikes and such… once you have access to them, can they be used as will? Is access unlimited?

Oh yeah. When you complete missions, he gets you more app codes, and those app codes can be spent on whatever you want, plus used whenever you want. Though they do have cool down periods.

Meaning you can’t use them over and over and over again…

No, because then you’d hit the credits in one hour. And there’s no microstransactions at all. This is all within the game’s own ecosystem.

Dead Rising 3 will be released this holiday. The game is being developed by Capcom and published by Microsoft.
Game still gonna be ass breh. :childplease:


May 2, 2012

considering they couldn't give a simple yes or no answer, you were warned.

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
reads like something courtdog would write
Software will be better on Xbox One (I hope saying this jinxes it)

I know software exclusives are subjective, so I’m not going to spend a lot of time here. Instead, I’ll just say this: Killer fukking Instinct. Panzer goddamn Dragoon. Maybe these don’t mean anything to you, but they mean an awful lot to nostalgic 90s gamers who want to see their iconic franchises brought back from the dead.

Even the games that aren’t exclusive to Xbox will probably be better on Xbox One, thanks to the immersion technology I’ve mentioned above. So while The Crew will be the same game on both XB1 and PS4, it will most certainly be a better racing experience on Microsoft’s console. You’ll feel your tires slipping when you turn too tight. You’ll see cars overtaking you as you tilt your head. You’ll come to the next race better prepared because you studied your mistakes from your cell phone on your way back from school or work.

It’s like the perfect storm of technological synergy, and it’s going to tear through your expectations as violently as it will tear through your savings account.
Playstation 4′s (remarkably) superior specs won’t
Read more:

The Phoenix

All Star
Jun 8, 2012
A really good exchange in the comments section....If that had been in The Coli it would have been page after page of nonsense and smilies.

OmegaNITRO said:
TL;DR version: “The XBOX ONE is a superior machine because of a bunch of Kinect features that don’t necessarily add anything to any gaming experience, and the controller made me orgasm because… analog triggers, and my thumbs slip from normal analog sticks, or something.
Smart Glass is amazing because they showed it off at E3 and Sony’s Playstation App isn’t out yet, and what’s a Vita? Also, as far as I know, Gamefaqs, recording stats about gameplay, and Internet surfing for game related material didn’t exist before I could tether it to my console for no reason.
PS4 is a more powerful, yet cheaper machine. I’m going to ignore that this point means anything because I say so. Let me make that seem legitimate by referencing sales figures, because we ALL know that’s a good indicator of quality (not really).”

Cool Story, Bro. Once Microsoft shows me a reason why heartbeat sensing or tilting my head is at all relevant to any core game, ever, without the game having to go out of the way to incorporate such features (i.e. gimmicks), then you may have a point.
I own a smartphone. Gamefaqs exists. I don’t need an XBOX app for gameplay strats on my phone. If a game can display stats and customize well from the console, why do I need it on the go? It’s a nice little novelty, but XBONE is superior because their’s is demoed already? Riiight….
Good job disregarding PS4 Remote Play on Vita, BTW. I’d much rather PLAY the game on the go then just look at stats about it. That’s actually a substantial use of mobile integration. Just saying.

“Watered down next-generation gaming setup” LOL, shots fired. And what about the PS4 is watered down, as it’s admittedly the more powerful machine than XBONE and has less architectural bottlenecks than your average gaming PC? Hmm…. back up your statements please.
Panzer Dragoon is nice, but good job referencing a fighting game that’s exclusive to a console that’s designed against offline play, which is vital to real fighting game tournaments. Nice move, lol. The anti-Microsoft tone was cute, but your points betray your true bias. And I’m not referring to the PC “master race”. I already have a gaming PC. I also have a ton of console games that never come out on it. If you want to enjoy the majority of amazing console games, having a console is kind of a necessity.
At least with PS4, I actually own the games I purchase.

I disregarded Remote Play on the Vita for several reasons: Sony did not provide compelling demos at E3, and the Vita is a substantial financial investment that more than negates the PS4 price difference over the XB1. As for the Kinect, I did provide an example, but people just like to throw the words gimmick around left and right. Guess what, the N64 Rumble Pak was a gimmick when it debuted, and 15 years later it is a part of every game. Haptic feedback changed modern game design despite it being a throwaway accessory for a few titles on one platform. I also found it hilarious that the PS4 touch screen is never called a gimmick, even though it wasn’t even demonstrated.

OmegaNITRO said:
*Shrug* I never call the Touch Pad on the PS4 controller a gimmick because so far it’s a non-issue. Currently nothing is even really utilizing it, much less actually using it as a selling point to promote anything. I have no problem with tools or capabilities being there if there’s a use for them; it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. But when people try to push trivial gadgets such as those as selling points is when I’ll call it what it’s used as – a gimmick.

As for the Vita, if lack of compelling E3 demos is why you ignored the feature, logic would dictate that there WAS some sort of compelling gameplay demo to warrant you mentioning Kinect, to say nothing of how you speculate how it’s going to enhance our gameplay experience. But the article lacks specifics to that end, and leaves open the very real possibility that nobody does anything with it. So, which is it? If there was some sort of game demo where Kinect was integrated into a core game and the game was substantially better for it, why aren’t you sharing that with us? Needless to say, I’m not referring to Kinect games like Dance Central or something. Many people have speculated on what an amazing game changer Wii’s motion controls or the original Kinect would be with all the myriad possibilities with that as well. It amounted to basically nothing.

Also, calling the Vita an additional financial investment on behalf of the PS4 could only possibly be accurate if the SOLE purpose you buy a Vita for is as a PS4 accessory. Which would be your fault, as the Vita is it’s own platform. Unlike the XBONE with Kinect, PS4 and Vita exist and operate independently from each other as well as together. You could have had a Vita a long time ago, and do not need a PS4 to enjoy one. If anything, Vita just needs more games. Remote Play creates a symbiotic relationship between the two that both expands the Vita’s library in a sense, and allows you to play your PS4 games in entirety while mobile. But hypothetical head tracking used in nothing to date is more substantial than that I guess. Not saying that Sony and PS4 are doing anything particularly compelling yet – neither them or MS are. But MS is digging itself into a hole that Sony has largely steered clear of, and by most accounts PS4 is shaping to be a better suited platform for games and gamers than XB1. So you claim that XB1 is a better machine… from your points, I’m not seeing how.


Jun 2, 2013
Burnt SUVs, Swimming Pools, Dominican dimes and Al

this definitely does :dahell:

Playstation 4′s (remarkably) superior specs won’t matter

On paper, the Playstation 4 is a stronger gaming computer than the Xbox One. It has faster RAM, and more chips in its pipeline for maximum vector rendering (or something like that). But the PS3 was faster than the Xbox 360, which was faster than the Wii. And how did those sales numbers turn out?

as someone who is a fan of quality material whether it be music, movies, art, or video games.... I can not stand it when people bring up sales when determining if something is better than the next thing. It's the most annoyingly/unimportant thing a person could bring up.