Dum Shiny
Boneyard match was entertaining in a bad way, I'd expect Firefly fun house to be even worse, which could be even better
It's like Vince doesn't understand that what made the Final Deletion great was how self-consciously ridiculous it was. The Hardys knew that they were doing trumped up backyarder nonsense and completely leaned into it, while AJ/Taker was them taking it completely seriously and trying to have an epic in the format.
I'm watching the Boneyard match and it just seems like a vehicle for Taker to live out his old man biker fantasies. It's bad enough that WWE staged a feud based around random shooting and Michelle fukking McCool that completely killed my interest in the match, but then they put on THIS trainwreck, seemingly only to chump out AJ and make a broken down 55 year old man look good.
fukk this match and this feud on general principle. If I wanted to see a bad action movie (as a lot of people are comparing this to), I'd watch one of the million B-movies Cuba Gooding Jr. or Stephen Dorff have put out in the last decade.