I don't even know anymore...
Damn, wish I was watching it live. As soon as Bernard said 'what door?' it was confirmation of him being a robot. They coulda made it a little less obvious with how they set it up, but it was still set up nicely, and you coulda missed it if you weren't paying attention. Poor Theresa. Thought she was slick, and was being played the whole time.
Hopkins is absolutely killing his role man. I mean, of course he is, but I mean, he is KILLING it. God I love him. His delivery, and inflections, and facial expressions are just perfect. We always like to say 'X was the perfect person to play character Y', mainly because that's all we see, and bias creeps in, but damn if they couldn't have picked a better person to play that part.
Also, Dolores was one of the prototypes in his secret lab, so it's now doubly clear that she's got a big time part to play here. Maeve trying to get out now too. Next couple episodes gonna be on tilt.
Hopkins is absolutely killing his role man. I mean, of course he is, but I mean, he is KILLING it. God I love him. His delivery, and inflections, and facial expressions are just perfect. We always like to say 'X was the perfect person to play character Y', mainly because that's all we see, and bias creeps in, but damn if they couldn't have picked a better person to play that part.
Also, Dolores was one of the prototypes in his secret lab, so it's now doubly clear that she's got a big time part to play here. Maeve trying to get out now too. Next couple episodes gonna be on tilt.