Please, explainThere's reasonable doubt
And then there's being 100% sure something did or did not happen
Some of you are conflating the two

Please, explainThere's reasonable doubt
And then there's being 100% sure something did or did not happen
Some of you are conflating the two
Found interest out here for a sec. Why u mad bro?90% of your posts are in The Arcadium you are the definition of a dikk rider
The lady in the back is so good.
the prosecution asking for a continuance is also weird if the driver's accounting of the events is concise it ought to be easy to wrap up his testimony in 45 minutes. The issue is likely they wanted a way to hem up the witness if his account was in the defences favour.The defense not taking the week to make sure the driver was able to testify doesn’t sit well. He’s literally the only person who can provide a somewhat accurate description of the incident.
Yall got amnesia like a mutherfukker.
This is September 2020
Tory Lanez releases ill-advised concept album about Megan Thee Stallion shooting
Tory Lanez has released a tone-deaf concept album denying he shot Megan Thee Stallion in the foot. Listen to the cringeworthy record
This is Meg's interview in April 2022
That is what everyone was wondering when Tory released the album, trying to make a promo run. Like I said earlier, he's a cornball that moves funny AF. He made an album that loosely referenced shooting a woman for clout and yall are trying to blame her for talking to the media a year and a half later????
Come on yall. don't make these kinda clearly incorrect remarks
How soon should we expect a verdict? Friday?
Literally in one of her tweets she said she just got done taking to Megan's PR teamMilagro is bias. Will tell you she's bias. But her notes have been great.
How soon should we expect a verdict? Friday?
She was worried about the wrong judgement (ours) and not the actual jury…She should've been honest about everything from the beginning, but one's vision is always better in hindsight. She probably thought she had to portray herself as the "perfect victim" to be believed. But in leaving out details that presented her in a less favorable light, she ended up creating the very situation she wanted to avoid with people questioning her credibility.
Moral of the story, always tell the truth. lol