That’s one way to look at it. But another way of my close homies did a couple years for armed robbery and has now dedicated his life to helping kids from his situation go a different path. I guess I’m saying this cuz it’s not all so cut and dry. Some of these guys are LOST and would be very difficult to redeem but others aren’t. It’s not so cut and dry. My own father used to be involved in ‘the life’ and is now a God fearing family man working and paying taxes. There are a lot of those kinds of stories too but they don’t get the clicks.
Is this loss of young innocent lives sad? Yeah. Should we be angry? Of course. Shiiiit it’s motivated me to work with these youths and I’ve been able to help turn some lives around AND change policy. What I’m trying to say is “bury em under the jail” isn’t actually gonna stop this kind of shyt from happening. Put Top 5 or Rolexx Homi away for life and someone else just gonna take their place doing the same shyt or worse until the actual issues are addressed.
I’ve lost several family members to violence. I know the anger of that shyt. I know the wanting to seek revenge. I know the loss. The emptiness of wondering what life would be like if they were still around, the moments you’ll never get to have cuz someone else shot/stabbed them for dumb reasons. From having that anger I know it can consume you if you get stuck to it. But being angry doesn’t help nobody...doing things to change the situations that cause this shyt to happen does.
I’m not even on my soapbox (or if I am I ain’t trying to be cuz I respect y’all nikkas), for me it’s coming from a place of...I hate to see Black men shyt on other Black men who woulda did different had society set themselves up differently. Obviously responsibility goes to the actions of the individuals who do this kind of shyt but you can’t place all the responsibility on them without talking about the shytty parts of society that got them there. I been in a room full of thug nikkas bawling talking about their trauma and depression, man dem who done robbed, beat up and flashed guns on other nikkas...these issues ain’t that simple...
What we get out of these news reports are highlights of the symptoms and eventual ends of the sources.
That's why, no matter how many social workers we have, the problem still lurks and manifests itself into more youth.
Some of these schools that we went to have 27% of kids in special education. Why is that number so high? And then looking at the gifted children, it is usually less than 1%. How is that possible? Kids are being ruined.
To make matters worse I read a report that nationwide, nearly half of Canadian adults are illiterate. How far in life can you make it without knowing how to read? Some of these cargo haulers and pilots can not read. People carrying thousands of tones on the road and in the sky can't read.
These teachers are showing up and telling black kids you're worthless and will never amount to anything. After being in a class with these teachers for hours that mentality becomes reality. Some of those white female teachers did it to me.
Your marks start to slip even though your work is above everyone else's. I'm still struggling with having confidence in my written work. If that happens to you from grade 3 onward and in multiple classes, you will release some of that elsewhere.
By the time 2000 was coming around, there was supposed to be a shift in education to include black history into textbooks. Toronto officials scrapped that once they got in.
Canada is hailed as diverse but why is one group like ours struggling mightily? Policies are canceled when they would help the community. They can't have us out of our designated status.
Remember that Jane revitalization project that would help the community? Scrapped.
The evidence is there why madness occurs. No one wants to take action on fixing it.