For those that want me to elaborate, we have so many problems that have been self-inflicted.
- The traffic is atrocious. Mostly self-inflicted
- I'm a black breh but sometimes feel like I live in a different country. Place is way too segregated. White people truly are minorities in the city. They have their pockets but that's just weird. I don't really see more black people either. Just a gang of Indians and Arabs.
- There is a lack of civility, a coldness that I see now. Just weird vibe.
- Construction everywhere to build what? More shytboxes that no one can afford.
- My kid went to take some pics with Santa...Santa barely made a peep..looked fed up, spent..this was in the morning.
- Many closed down businesses
- Many understaffed buinesses
- Cost of shyt is insane.
- Foodbank use at record highs
- So many scam artists
- Homeless everywhere
- Mental health issues everywhere
- No identity, just a city that exists
It's a Canadian problem really, but it has really impacted Toronto and Ontario really. Our healthcare system, transit system, law enforcement. Crime is on fire! I hear too many stories of people I know moving away. Employment for youth is shyt. Schools who exploited international students now having to lay off staff and cut classes as the money simply isn't there. Our mayor is a flipping moron. This city is done...Ford is an asshat, Trudeau is holding the country hostage.. Jagmeet is a coward. This city is done for a long time. It will never be on the level it was in the mid 2010. Completey ruined and it's no easy fix.
And we haven't even gone through the recession yet + tarrifs. It's going to get worse.