Nkrumah Was Right
I had a Indian landlord for almost 15 years. I live on Danforth, little Bageldesh. Amongst brown people. I grew up in Malvern, Scarborough. Pure brown people. You guys are little boys crying over other people migrating half way across the world for a better life. Canada has always had the same problems. Nothing you guys complain about is new. And the same complaints you have today, people had about Chinese people 20 years ago. Hike your skirt up, your unshaved, yeast infected p*ssy is showing.

What we dislike:
- Indians’ clannish-ness in terms of renting and hiring
- Their Hindu nationalists who help assassinate Canadian citizens
- The government allowing them to make up 27+ % of all newcomers to the detriment of applicants from black countries
- Their wilful ignorance of deodorant