100%. Say what you will about Quebec and I don’t agree with everything but over there it’s assimilate or get phased out. Everywhere else is the opposite. Allow people to come here and create their own country here. fukk all that. But we don’t have a strong enough culture to force people to assimilate. Then tue amount of fraud that is tolerated is insane. So many scams being run especially by that group on their own people especially. Indians exploiting other Indians while the Canadian gov exploits thrm.
We won’t set caps because we so desperately need people Because cost of living is so high that people aren’t having kids. We also have a huge aging population. Literally a mess that has been created by shyt government.
I do agree on more balanced immigration, how do you convince Lib government who has their heads so far up India’s ass?
yup the amount of diploma mills and folks scheming on the ielts portion is insane. Canada one of the few places in the world where you automatically get citizenship by birth. When i used to work in finance in the hospital I saw that scam so many times. People literally coming to canada just to give birth and then would leave and go back to their country then when their kid is old enough they would come back and reap the benefits of canadian citizenship without ever paying taxes. In uk for example one of your parents have to be a uk citizen for you to get citizenship.
Even in terms of the refugees you're supposed to claim refugee status at your first country of arrival, as somone who has been to uganda recently and going again in 2.5 weeks there are no direct flights. Technically any ugandans should be claiming refugee status at kenya, or germany, or usa but by all means come on down.
Revamping immigration would be so easy
Canada needs skilled workers, doctors, nurses etc. not another 100,000 walmart, fast food workers uber drivers and IT analysts. Canada should be going to english speaking countries like in the carribbean or even uk and recruiting healthcare workers. As well when the last time a new hospital was built? You bring in so many people but don't have the systems in place to look after them.
As well more provincial nominees, when you are a provincial nominee basically you have to settle in the province that nominated you. This is how canada can grow these small provinces and stop all this immigration to Toronto