I earn 6 figures and my pay increases by an increment of 10K per year.
A drug addict and an adulterer created a $1 billion shortfall. Eat the rich(me!) We need higher taxes.
Oga kpata kpata

I earn 6 figures and my pay increases by an increment of 10K per year.
A drug addict and an adulterer created a $1 billion shortfall. Eat the rich(me!) We need higher taxes.
Didn't follow the election too closely
Why is Chow a problem?
Who would you like to have seen win and why?
Toronto police media relations officer Shannon Eames confirmed to CP24 that police were only made aware of the missing child today. When asked whether an Amber Alert will be issued, Eames said the incident "does not match Amber Alert criteria."
@Nkrumah Was Right
Scarborough homicide victim identified as student from Nigeria
Police were called to a strip mall on Eglinton Avenue just west of Brimley Road around 7 p.m. on Sunday after reports of two people fighting.toronto.citynews.ca
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) says 20 employees have been terminated after an internal review found they claimed COVID-19 benefits while still working at the tax authority.
The CRA said in a late Friday statement that more workers could be fired as it investigates about 600 employees who may have “inappropriately” received the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) despite not losing their job during the pandemic.
Those employees represent less than 1 per cent of the CRA’s workforce, the agency noted.
The CRA was responsible for administering the $2,000-per-month CERB when it was in effect between March and September 2020.
im ignorant to why chow was so badCity is now officially done. I will be selling and trying to get as far away from this shythole as possible.
From what I gather it's about tax hike coming with her in charge. I think it's going towards social services though. Plus, I think many feel she got votes due to her husband being Jack Layton. I know Ford is against her, so maybe she's not that badim ignorant to why chow was so bad
would you mind explaining?