Nkrumah Was Right
well let it be known then, lol. what's the yellow-belly's name?
Jagmeet Singh
well let it be known then, lol. what's the yellow-belly's name?
When has a conservative government ever made things better for most people?
They won't fix this housing crisis due to how much its tied to the economy and will cripple many. Sadly, they would lose an election if they were to fix the situation. Also, many politicians are deep into the game, so there's no chance they will look into that. Canada failed on many levels when it didn't make the country a powerhouse by strengthening the resources we have or specializing in multiple industries. I think we have multiple natural resources, but we don't really tap into as much as we should which has hurt the economy. Also, I can't remember where I was reading it but Canada allows corporations to take advantage of us. For example, they allow corporations to make a ton off us from water, and Canada as a whole is like a top 5 country in a source of fresh water.i hate Canadian politics breh....i can't bear it. I just need someone who doesn't wanna gut social services like healthcare and will make housing more affordable by making it less palatable for foreign investors so locas can afford homes. got anyone like that for me?
Prison? He's deadPlease snitch.
I want him in federal prison
Poilievre took in about 55 per cent of the total CPC leadership donations but over 70 per cent of the money from convoy donors. Charest took in about a fifth of the overall fundraising but essentially collected nothing from convoy donors.
Kayla actually cute as hell. Never really watched her interviews
Hmmm, seems like all of the black women in Toronto media are with white menmeh she went from a white husband to being divorced and now being on this pro black tip