Someone put a drawing of a noose in her daughter’s backpack. Then things got worse
When Shakespeare’s daughter came home from school on the first day, she told her mother that she had found a picture of a hand-drawn noose in her bag. “Mom, I don’t want you to say anything because I just want to make friends,” she said.
“I started crying,” said Shakespeare. “I was angry. I was mad. I was scared.”
But he did not inform about it. Anyway, his daughter grabbed the picture and threw it in the dustbin. With this any chance of being believed is gone.
Shakespeare’s daughter was referenced in the chat, the content of which was so gruesome, so violent, so graphic, and so full of hatred that the school called the Ontario Provincial Police. Shakespeare said that ultimately the three boys – including the one apologizing for saying the N-word – were suspended for two and a half weeks.