I think we are downplaying the silent conservative voters. This September we might see a shocker.
provincial politics rarely match up to federal though. There's only 2 liberal premiers at the moment for example
I think we are downplaying the silent conservative voters. This September we might see a shocker.
I think West Indian immigrants should look to expand outside the immediate GTA or even Ontario
Its already happened..i have seen black people down in Welland,Dunnville,Stoney Creek,Binbrook which is outside of Hamilton...
All of these places have new townhomes much much cheaper than in the city.
Most Jamaicans I know living in Chatham are there on Farm visasnikkas have already infiltrated trent, orangeville, shellburne, barrie, guelph, cambridge, Peterborough, chatham (historical reasons that go all the way back to slavery) waterloo, paris, etc
Can't stop...won't stop650 new cases
nikkas have already infiltrated trent, orangeville, shellburne, barrie, guelph, cambridge, Peterborough, chatham (historical reasons that go all the way back to slavery) waterloo, paris, etc
650 new cases
How’s the leg room on Flair? Thats what I want to know. My experience with RyanAir in Europe left me feeling like I’d never take a budget airline again mainly cuz I’m 6’4 and they had installed the seats in such a way that I had to sit with my legs diagonal and the chairs didn’t recline either…I haven’t yet but know people who have. It’s a budget airline so anything extra will cost but the deals are real. Would do it for a domestic flight.
trueWhat's crazy is that this same time last year cases were way lower with no vaccine in site.
boeing 737-800...my couzin said same leg room as air canada..but then u 6'4 lol..you always going to suffer long ridesHow’s the leg room on Flair? Thats what I want to know. My experience with RyanAir in Europe left me feeling like I’d never take a budget airline again mainly cuz I’m 6’4 and they had installed the seats in such a way that I had to sit with my legs diagonal and the chairs didn’t recline either…
but no delta last year
current vaccine was made for the alpha variant
those 650 cases today..i bet 550 were unvaxxed
i dont know about stronger..but one thing is for sure...if unvax folks are filling up the hospital...they need to enforce vax mandate to non essentials spotsStiil the alpha variant was stronger and more life threatening then the delta. Also we were on lockdown longer. Toronto was on lockdown since November and didn't start being open until phase 1 in June of this year.
I'm all for restricting social liberties/privileges for the unvaxxed (the ones that dont have a legitimate reason for taking the vax)i dont know about stronger..but one thing is for sure...if unvax folks are filling up the hospital...they need to enforce vax mandate to non essentials spots
im not trying to stay home all winter like last year with a lockdown
Innisfil near Barrie feels like a black town up north so many black ppl have moved up there....Peterborough has always had black people,huge population of african students go to Trent and Fleming College...
i dont know about stronger..but one thing is for sure...if unvax folks are filling up the hospital...they need to enforce vax mandate to non essentials spots
im not trying to stay home all winter like last year with a lockdown