The crazy thing is, all the same anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers will vote Doug Ford back in a heart beat. They are usually conservative and utterly anti-liberal. So while they protest now, they will check his name come the next election. He ran on a platform of a buck a beer. Basically saying vote for me or the woman who wants to teach children in school about sexual education and the changing dynamics of it in today's society. People got their panties in a bunch and voted for Ford... This could have been avoided if white guys didn't want a Trump style fascist leader. Instead we got what we paid for... And let's be extra honest here, as a man who frequents down town, the businesses were closing down long before Covid. The bars, clubs, restaurants, store fronts etc. Toronto is becoming a town where they highlight the elite and middle class, but sweep everyone else (mainly POC and immigrants) under the rug. All the whule bragging about our inclusivity as a city...
Toronto is going to be a drug dealers paradise post covid. Go look at any park downtown. Tent city. Opiods are about to gut this place like we have never seen before. Bathurst and Dundas will look like East Hastings very soon