The Rainmaker
Mr. Money in the Bank
Saw the Steiner match. It was similar to the style of the Broken Saga, but lacked something. Still was pretty entertaining.
I respect what Jarrett has been able to do against a rasslin titan like Vince but I ain't interested in seeing thatRemember those GFW shows that never aired? Well, they will now as 4 one night only PPVS
Only problem was how refused to call Christopher mordestky by his TNA nameI missed the first hour but it really was a dope show. I really enjoyed Robert Flores on commentary he actually called the match and sold the storylines and characters. GFW/Impact really should find away to keep him around even of it's for a couple of shows a year.
I don't know who those ppl are but I could easily believe anyone that says it's the best event since right before hogan/bishoff came aboard in 2010A lot of people are saying this was very good and the best TNA PPV ever. Good to see Don West and Borash on commentary.
I still believe in this company.
You aren't serious? When they had him go over lashley and for it to not be a fluke or stroke of luck it was silly. His Mic work and stage presence following his win only proved how inadequate he was as the guy. X division or nothing at all dude sucksThis PPV was really good. There wasn't really a bad match the entire night.
Was great having Don West back at the announce booth. Dude's enthusiasm is infectious.
The Tag match got a little unwieldy at a couple of points but overall it was good.
DeAngelo WIlliams looked pretty damn good for a guy who has been training for such a short amount of time. He really does have a future career in pro wrestling.
The EC3/Storm match was good but I wasn't a fan of the ending.
Borash/Park vs Josh/Steiner was way more entertaining than it had any right to be. It was one of the most fun comedy matches I have ever seen and it also could be used as "Exhibity A" in any case against Matt Hardy to prove that Jeremy Borash was responsible for 90% of the Broken Universe stuff.
Adding in Shark Boy and James Mitchell were great touches too. And Scott Steiner needs to become a full time heel manager because he isn't in any shape to be wrestling full-time anymore but he is still a funny ass motherfukker.
Eddie & Alicia Edwards vs Davey & Angelina was a good match. Both of those broads put in work and should both be moved into the Knockouts division. And while I have been enjoying the Eddie/Davey feud this was a good way to culminate it. Now they can move Eddie into the world title or Grand title pictures and Davey can finally get a stint as X-Division champ.
Sonjay Dutt/Low Ki was a cool match that felt more like an old school X-division match than most X-division matches have felt like over the last few years. Also having Low Ki's necktie be used against him to cost him the match was smart and that moonsault double foot stomp Sonjay hit was cool as hell.
Rosemary's entrance with all the creepy crawly demon bytches was cool.
Sienna is thick as hell.
Gail Kim was looking tasty.
Oh yeah the Rosemary/Sienna match was OK too. Nicely booked with the way they used Rosemary's mist against her.
Lashley vs Alberto was probably the match I liked least on the whole card but even that was still a decent match.
I thought I was the only one that hated that fuker, I don't get the appeal at all even as far back as when he was with fit finlay. He's just an irritantSpud beating Swoggle with a hammer was one of the most gratifying moments I've ever seen on TV![]()
I thought I was the only one that hated that fuker, I don't get the appeal at all even as far back as when he was with fit finlay. He's just an irritant