The Official TNA Discussion Thread


Oct 8, 2013
HR? :deadmanny: The fukk are they doing? This storyline isn't helping anyone.

i said yesterday i dont watch impact and wont until they get a buzz like 2012 nyc. i have a soft spot for the company because i want the wrestling business to thrive again (and it will). that doesnt mean i like the product.


Apr 16, 2013
Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results From 4/22: New Tag Team Debuts, One Night Only "Turning Point" Results, Title vs Title, More *Spoilers*

Xplosion match:
Marshae Rockett vs Mahabali Shera (Dave Penzer is doing ring introductions again. Marshae kept trying to hide behind referee Stifler for some reason & at one point pushed him into an oncoming Shera who he barely managed to avoid. Brian finally had enough & DQ’d Rockett. WINNER: Mahabali Shera.

2. Idris Abraham vs Desmond Xavier. Desmond gets the win. Good X division match.

3. Joe Coleman vs KM w/Sienna KM wins with a pump handle slam where he drives the man stomach first. Unique finisher.

Impact Wrestling One Night Only: TURNING POINT Tapings. (These will air in May).

Josh & The Pope are calling the action.

1. FALLAH BAH & Mario Bokara vs VOW-Veterans of War Wilcox & Mayweather Wilcox & Bah trade shoulder blocks with Wilcox knocking finally getting Bah out after numerous attempts by both in an impressive big men collision. Bah has a lot of charisma & I think he’ll have an eventual good face run.) VOW wins with a modified 3D. Good match.

2. Ava Storie vs Laurel Van Ness w/Kongo Kong. Van Ness wins with a very safe Curb Stomp to the back. Van Ness continues to attack Storie after before Allie comes out to attack Laurel & she & Ava head to the back. Kongo carries Laurel to the back afterwards.

3. Marshae “All Day Rockett vs Mahabali Shera. Shera wins a short match with The Sky High. The guy needs to learn a suplex, drop kick, back breaker-anything else. His offence is mostly punches & clotheslines.

4. KM W/Sienna vs “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan. Morgan gets the surprising upset win with The Carbon Footprint. Solid match.

5. “The Lone Wolf” Davey Richards w/Angelina Love vs Suicide. Davey wins another good long match with the Shining Wizard.

6. GFW Women’s Champion Sienna w/KM vs the KO Champion Rosemary. Rosemary wins with the Black Wedding.

7. Eli Drake vs Eddie Edwards w/Alicia. Edwards wins an ok match.

8. Moose vs Impact Heavyweight champion, Lashley for the title. Great back & forth match with a REF BUMP-shocking. Moose misses the Game Changer & Lashley nails a spear to retain.

More Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results From 4/22: GFW Tag Titles Vacated, Ultimate X, Former WCW Ring Announcer Appears *Spoilers*

JB is still suspended indefinitely, so Josh & Pope are still announcing with Dave Penzer back again for the in-ring introductions. These will air on May 12th.

4-way X division match: Caleb Konoley vs Desmond Xavier vs Andrew Everett vs Matt Sydal. Everett pins Desmond with the Frankenrama.

Angelina Love w/Davey vs Alisha w/Eddie Edwards. Eddie is using crutches from “last week’s” attack. While the ref is distracted by Davey outside, Angelina gets brass knucks & hits Alicia in the back, but she’s caught & disqualified. Eddie comes in to check on his wife, but is slapped by Angelina, & Davey hits him with a crutch to his bad leg. Referees & other officials come to finally break things up. During the break, JB confirms Impact will be taping from Mumbai, India in May & the next tapings in Orlando would begin with Slammivesary on July 2nd.

A tournament match for the vacant GFW championships. Really? Why? Anyways: Impact Tag Team Champions LAX w/Diamanté, Konann, & Homicide vs Garza Jr & Laredo Kid. Crazy action with Diamente getting a top rope rana on Garza behind the ref’s back leading to LAX hitting their blockbuster into a powerbomb finish. Hopefully this will lead to some “unification” of both titles.

GFW championship match: Magnus vs Alberto El Patron. Long match with lots of near falls. Alberto gets Magnus to tap to the cross-arm breaker to become the new GFW champion.

KM & Kongo Kong w/Sienna & Laurel vs Mahabali Shera & Braxton Sutter w/Allie. Kong ends up walking out on KM & carries Laurel with him. Shera pins KM with the Sky High. The main event will be an Ultimate X match with Low Ki defending against Andrew Everett & Trevor Lee.

Xplosion Match: Suicide vs Desmond Xavier. Xavier wins with a corkscrew Swanton Bomb.

Back to Impact: Kongo Kong w/Laurel Van Ness vs Braxton Sutter w/Allie. Kongo wins a short match with a Driver move. KM & Sienna come out after to attack before Shera comes out for the save. Sutter challenges Kongo & KM to a tag match next week. I think that was the match that was taped earlier.

Officials come to ring with wreaths & black covers for the ring posts. LAX are all out to somber music. Konnan says this will be symbolic of all of the teams in the GFW tournament. He pie faces a man with an American flag. VOW come down & clear LAX from the ring.

Magnus appears to join the announce team. Up next it’s EC3 vs “The Cowboy,” James Storm. Storm tries to use a belt but Magnus takes it from him & gets in Storm’s face. Dave, Earl, & Bruce Pritchard run out to send Magnus to the back. Ethan goes out to get the belt & referee Stifler tries to take it away & gets shoved down. Ethan then takes the belt, takes Stifler’s shirt off and starts to beat Brian with it. Magnus comes back to attack Storm & gets in EC3’s face. Bruce comes down & tells them to knock it off & now there’s no main event for Slammiversary. Next week it’ll be a 3 way with Storm, EC3, & Magnus. Bruce says he told EC3 a few weeks ago to look into the mirror & find himself, now he says EC3 should go to the back & find his balls. EC3 attacks Bruce before Al Snow & other officials pull him away.

JB announces he’s been reinstated & he’s hired an attorney: Joseph Park. Park proposes a tag team with him & JB vs Josh & a partner of his. Josh leaves & JB will call the main event.

Ultimate X 3 way Championship Match: Andrew Everett vs Trevor Lee vs Low Ki. Shane Helms is out with Trevor, as usual. Low Ki may have hurt his right at one point after punching a chair into Lee’s face. Helms goes to the top & does a fantastic looking swinging neck breaker onto Everett. The finish comes with Low Ki climbing up to the top of the structure while Lee & Everett are scaling the ropes, Low Ki claims to the middle & kicks Trevor & Adam off & gets the X division title.
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Apr 16, 2013
Bram is about to fukk up their NOAH deal :mjlol::scust:

Impact Wrestling Star Suspended By Pro Wrestling NOAH For Social Media Post -

Pro Wrestling NOAH announced on Saturday that Bram has been suspended from the Global Tag League for an inappropriate photo that he posted on his Instagram. The photo depicted Bram lying in a refrigerator in a convenience store, which received backlash from fans. Bram apologized for the photo and deleted it from his Instagram.

Pro Wrestling NOAH Chairman Masayuki Uchida apologized for the incident and said that the company will introduce social media workshops for wrestlers and employees in the future. Kazma Sakamoto will be taking Bram's place in the Global Tag Teague.
"I am very sorry, I will take the decision of NOAH seriously and I apologize sincerely," Bram stated.

While the photo has been deleted from Bram's Instagram, you can view it below:



Also Eddie Edwards got injured.......again

Eddie Edwards Injured at Impact Taping, Will Undergo Knee Surgery

Impact Wrestling star Eddie Edwards is once again on the shelf … because the former world champ suffered a surgery-requiring knee injury at last week’s television tapings.

Edwards was booked for The Wrestling Revolver’s next event in Iowa on May 5th, but the promotion pulled him from the show via Twitter on Monday.

Our sources say the injury isn’t super serious, but does require attention.

Davey Richards, who is currently feuding with Edwards as his former American Wolves tag partner, posted a video on Monday afternoon bragging about Edwards’ injury and announced he’d take his place at the Iowa event in a match against Michael Elgin.

Mr. Brown

All Star
Apr 30, 2012
I haven't watched in probably 10 years but I wanted to buy that Essential AJ Styles DVD that's 3 discs so I went on their website. Saw they were having a sale and it was $23 but shipping was $7, unless the order is over $40 in which case it's free. I looked around and didn't really find anything I really wanted so I decided to add 1 of those Don West brown bag specials where you get a mystery collection of 4 dvds, a t-shirt and a banner. Just to get the free shipping, in hopes that I got something I actually wanted and if not I'd just trade them in somewhere or try to sell them on eBay.

My order came in today and the mystery stuff was
Hard Justice 2005
Bound for Glory 2006
One Night Only: Tournament of Champions
Slammiversary 2014
a Gail Kim banner
a white t-shirt with the Impact Wrestling logo
and a TNA bag

I'm never going to do anything with the banner and the t-shirt could've been better but it seems comfortable enough to just wear around the house or to work out. But thoughts on the DVDs? I'm pretty sure I saw BFG 06 back then but know nothing about the other 3. Worth keeping or should I just try to sell them? If anything I still think it's worth it just for that AJ collection, which I've usually seen between $30-$35, so basically another $10 for all the other stuff

Lurk Angle

All Star
Jan 29, 2016
I haven't watched in probably 10 years but I wanted to buy that Essential AJ Styles DVD that's 3 discs so I went on their website. Saw they were having a sale and it was $23 but shipping was $7, unless the order is over $40 in which case it's free. I looked around and didn't really find anything I really wanted so I decided to add 1 of those Don West brown bag specials where you get a mystery collection of 4 dvds, a t-shirt and a banner. Just to get the free shipping, in hopes that I got something I actually wanted and if not I'd just trade them in somewhere or try to sell them on eBay.

My order came in today and the mystery stuff was
Hard Justice 2005
Bound for Glory 2006
One Night Only: Tournament of Champions
Slammiversary 2014
a Gail Kim banner
a white t-shirt with the Impact Wrestling logo
and a TNA bag

I'm never going to do anything with the banner and the t-shirt could've been better but it seems comfortable enough to just wear around the house or to work out. But thoughts on the DVDs? I'm pretty sure I saw BFG 06 back then but know nothing about the other 3. Worth keeping or should I just try to sell them? If anything I still think it's worth it just for that AJ collection, which I've usually seen between $30-$35, so basically another $10 for all the other stuff
Hard justice 05 was a good show
BFG 06 was good to for what it was
So I would keep those