The official TLR State of the Union fukkery watch thread (Starts at 9PM ET)

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
it’s called standing on principle. i am far more comfortable with democrats losing on principle than winning on the exploitation of my vulnerability as a black man.

i think it’s time that there was a reckoning with our past, the white supremacist elements of which are embodied by trump and the people who follow him.

continually kicking the can down the road hasn’t helped black people, only prolonging an inevitable confrontation with the staunchest defenders of white supremacy in our society.

at some point, those people have to be dealt with if black people are to make any substantial inroads in our recovery from slavery and its generational aftermath.

i don’t believe the neoconfederate element in america can be properly excised in democrats continue running and winning on a policy of benign neglect where black america is concerned.


Okay so explain to me this. When the fascist do take over what exactly is the game plan for black America?

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
Okay so explain to me this. When the fascist do take over what exactly is the game plan for black America?
i wont speak for him but i have a question for you.

what is the game plan now?

you're concerned about the worst case scenario for black people. but tell me what the plan for black people is now from democrats. what has worked and what needs to work to secure their votes? from 2021 to 2024


Nov 18, 2016
ATL - Cleveland Ave.
it’s called standing on principle. i am far more comfortable with democrats losing on principle than winning on the exploitation of my vulnerability as a black man.

i think it’s time that there was a reckoning with our past, the white supremacist elements of which are embodied by trump and the people who follow him.

continually kicking the can down the road hasn’t helped black people, only prolonging an inevitable confrontation with the staunchest defenders of white supremacy in our society.

at some point, those people have to be dealt with if black people are to make any substantial inroads in our recovery from slavery and its generational aftermath.

i don’t believe the neoconfederate element in america can be properly excised if democrats continue running and winning on a policy of benign neglect where black america is concerned.

Oct 22, 2017
Okay so explain to me this. When the fascist do take over what exactly is the game plan for black America?
we let them try to play their hands, which will be a massive overstep, the likes of which will be met with resistance from the public at large.

trump is already planning to invoke the resurrection act and deploy the national guard to unfriendly cities because he knows that millions of americans will not abide his regime.

they will fukk around and find out.

for me, i feel as if questions like this come from a place of fright, from men who aren’t willing to actually risk blood for freedom.

depending on incrementalism hasn’t helped us, despite it being the option we’ve availed every election cycle since the civil rights act was passed.

i want a reckoning with what maga represents. that will not happen as long as we keep electing moderate liberals (read:casual racists) to office.


Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
it’s called standing on principle. i am far more comfortable with democrats losing on principle than winning on the exploitation of my vulnerability as a black man.

i think it’s time that there was a reckoning with our past, the white supremacist elements of which are embodied by trump and the people who follow him.

continually kicking the can down the road hasn’t helped black people, only prolonging an inevitable confrontation with the staunchest defenders of white supremacy in our society.

Ok, sounds like you're tired of waiting for this confrontation. How do you plan to handle it and what do you define as a victory?

at some point, those people have to be dealt with if black people are to make any substantial inroads in our recovery from slavery and its generational aftermath.

Who are "those people" and how should they be dealt with?

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
we let them try to play their hands, which will be a massive overstep, the likes of which will be met with resistance from the public at large.

trump is already planning to invoke the resurrection act and deploy the national guard to unfriendly cities because he knows that millions of americans will not abide his regime.

they will fukk around and find out.

for me, i feel as if questions like this come from a place of fright, from men who aren’t willing to actually risk blood for freedom.

depending on incrementalism hasn’t helped us, despite it being the option we’ve availed every election cycle since the civil rights act was passed.

i want a reckoning with what maga represents. that will not happen as long as we keep electing moderate liberals (read:casual racists) to office.


Forget my post. Seems like you answered it here.

Sounds like you're fantasizing about a civil war because fukk practicality and pragmatism.
Oct 22, 2017
Forget my post. Seems like you answered it here.

Sounds like you're fantasizing about a civil war because fukk practicality and pragmatism.
fam, we are already in the midst of a cold civil war. the other side has been preparing to make it hot for a while now.

what are we, as a people, doing? standing behind moderate bourgeois liberals who bleed fascism the minute you scratch them?

like, what is pragmatic or practical about that? it’s what we’ve done for decades. how has it helped us?

honest question.


Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
i wont speak for him but i have a question for you.

what is the game plan now?

you're concerned about the worst case scenario for black people. but tell me what the plan for black people is now from democrats. what has worked and what needs to work to secure their votes? from 2021 to 2024

If we don't have a plan in the best of times we certainly wont have one in the worst of times. Protecting black people from immediate harm from the policies fascist will undoubtedly pursue is enough of a deciding factor to continue voting for Dems. It supercedes any misgivings I have with the Democratic party. I know it doesn't sound pretty. But when you have vulnerable people in your life(in my case a young black daughter) its the most rational mindset. I don't want her to live in a country where fascists have total power (which is what will occur if DT gets another term) therefore I will vote for Biden's corpse. And highly suggest everyone does.

And lets be honest collectively, we are not ready for a fascist takeover of America. We can barely adhere to a damn boycott. When martial law gets declared and law enforcement starts rounding up innocent black people (under the guise of cracking down on immigration) what power do we have to stop it? When it becomes illegal to organize protests in public, what power do we have to stop it? When they start overtly undermining our political power by rolling back voting rights and using intimidation tactics at the polls, what power do we have to stop it? When hate crimes against black Americans accelerate and the fascists control the means of the communication that we'd typically use to spread awareness, what power do we have to stop it?

This is what living under fascist rule looks like. This isn't traditional small government conservatism. MAGA has made it abundantely clear that this isn't the party of Reagan anymore. The Republican party is firmly in the hands of authoritarians.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
i wont speak for him but i have a question for you.

what is the game plan now?

Educate and radicalize as many people as possible to:

a) Build up our own institutions to support Black and other marginalized communities and do what the government is failing to do, especially in education, and

b) Vote for more radical candidates in the primaries that will unseat moderate establishment Democrats and push the agenda we actually want.

a and b will both happen substantially faster if young people, Black people, and leftists vote in higher numbers. They will both be significantly hampered the longer Republicans stay in office and are allowed to destroy the judicial ranks and change voting laws to cement their advantage.

Elim Garak

Mar 8, 2015

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
we let them try to play their hands, which will be a massive overstep, the likes of which will be met with resistance from the public at large.

trump is already planning to invoke the resurrection act and deploy the national guard to unfriendly cities because he knows that millions of americans will not abide his regime.

they will fukk around and find out.

for me, i feel as if questions like this come from a place of fright, from men who aren’t willing to actually risk blood for freedom.

depending on incrementalism hasn’t helped us, despite it being the option we’ve availed every election cycle since the civil rights act was passed.

i want a reckoning with what maga represents. that will not happen as long as we keep electing moderate liberals (read:casual racists) to office.


Me and you have starkly different priorities. As I've stated in a previous post I have a little one and I don't have time to get caught up in the civil unrest that's coming our way if Trump is elected. My objective is harm reduction. It seems you acknowledge and are very aware of the danger if Trump gets reelected. I sincerely hope you come to realize that things won't turn out how they do in the movies with the romanticized uprising that topples the dictator. Things will play out exactly how they are in places like Russia, China and Hungary. Once these fascist seize the full might of the American military they will institute what will probably be the most impenetrable and effective police state the world has ever witnessed. All that advance firepower and military hardware that was once pointed at other countries will be pointed directly at us. Sure, there will be pockets of resistance but over time they'll dwindle down and the mostly docile American populace will accept it as a way of life. .....

Or we can simply vote Blue until this wave of fascism is over and the Republican party implodes due to having outdated ideas or grows a spine and unequivocally denounces the MAGA movement and embraces the fact that we are a multi-cultural and multi-racial Democracy.

Accelerationism doesn't work my friend.
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Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
fam, we are already in the midst of a cold civil war. the other side has been preparing to make it hot for a while now.

Are you ready to start talking specifics of this supposed confrontation you mentioned earlier?

Matter of fact, who are the people that need to be dealt with and how does Biden losing get us closer to properly dealing with them.
Oct 22, 2017
Me and you have starkly different priorities. As I've stated in a previous post I have a little one and I don't have time to get caught up in the civil unrest that's coming our way if Trump is elected. My objective is harm reduction. It seems you acknowledge and are very aware of the danger if Trump gets reelected. I sincerely hope you come to realize that things won't turn out how they do in the movies with the romanticized uprising that topples the dictator. Things will play out exactly how they are in places like Russia, China and Hungary. Once these fascist seize the full might of the American military they will institute what will probably be the most impenetrable and effective police state the world has ever witness. All that advance firepower and military hardware that was once pointed at other countries will be pointed directly at us. Sure, there will be pockets of resistance but over time they'll dwindle down and the mostly docile American populace will accept it as a way of life.

Accelerationism doesn't work my friend.
here’s the thing. not every country has the same history nor historical consciousness. america is unique in that, its grotesque record of human rights abuses aside, it has been an experiment in freedom that no other nation in modern times can lay claim to.

and, that experiment took painful steps forward because of the blood black people shed for what little freedom we now enjoy.

because of that, the people have been inculcated on the ideals - however false or empty they may be - of “freedom” and “liberty.”

if you think the public will submit to fascism and go quietly into the night, you couldn’t be more mistaken.

i respect you have children, but you do know that many of the men who fought against nazi germany, vichy france, and other fascist regimes of that period had children, too, right?