Is this a showtime show? I want to catch it on hulu
This is a show that will definitely leave you

after each episode. From the cave woman opening to mystery bird chirps and mystery pies to Eddie Winslow and his magic finger paintings to birds in boxes. I had mixed feelings about the 1st season, but the premiere has me intrigued for now.
Eddie Winslow might be this year's version of Holy Wayne, just w/out knocking up Asian women. John didn't have to burn his house down like that
Who was that the son went to visit in the trailer park- I thought maybe his grandfather. Why is he so intent on handing out his mom's leftovers to the town bum

I guess Evie running naked in the woods with her friends is a step up from Kevin's daughter locking herself in a fridge and playing sex games at parties. Hope she comes back
