She was talking about how you can balance the usage of heroin and cocaine at the same time to have the negative effects counteract against each other to create the perfect high. Which means Thack is either gonna try it, or simply realized how the chemical components of the two drugs affect the human body for his research. Most likely the first though.
Wu Tang Clan running up in the spot with all his hoes and that new doc being happy to oblige with the check-ups had me dying.
'My nose and sense of smell are more than enough to get the job done, nurse.' 
Elkins' pops is one of those looney down south preacher types. Whole sermon was on some suspect shyt.
Health inspector got got for getting too close to finding out how widespread the plague really is on the ships and in the harbor I think. Ship companies hiding the true body count caused from the plague to prevent from being shut down.
So the girl Thack keeps seeing is most likely his first medical fukk-up, right? The one that put him onto cocaine to numb his feelings from all the death on his surgery table?