the puss drainage didn't bother me much but I had to look away or at the background of the scene during that nose shyt. jesus fukk. A nose without the skin on it looks so fukking disgusting. Those noises of him cracking her shyt
I made the mistake of thinking I could finish eating before things starting cooking on the show

. Had to stop, until they switched up the scene. Did Thack use her earring to help him with the nose surgery

? It's just good to have this show back, the direction and score of the show is just

Almost forgot how well the show did in establishing the supporting characters on the show during the 1st season.
So when Cornelia is in San Francisco and her father-in-law enters the frame of her bedroom, you get the sense of dread that something bad will happen
The relationship between the abortion nun and ambulance dude, so when Mother Superior turns her back on her she at least has dude trying to help her out

. Even the health inspector who was bringing the laughs last year has a new case he is working on.
Birdie letting Nurse Elkins know she can miss him with that early birthday gift nonsense
Everett giving Thack when

when he asked him what time it was after one minute. He would rather sail to the ends of the earth before working under Algernon. Even though he is racist as hell, I appreciate the fact the writers didn't make him one dimensional. He is helping Thack even if it is in his own self interest, and he bought his wife some new teeth

. Just better not make the mistake again of getting her a new baby
