1800s small pox is a scary sight
Infected blankets given to indigenous folks
That's the nefarious CaCs I know
Cocaine got Dr. Thack
intestines on Lean
Separated conjoined twins step-by-step
Harriet and Clearly
needs to kiss and makeup
Herman Go HAM On HAWG wife
Put a stroke victim
on that DeathBed Screen: VULGAR
Nurse Elk ETHER her Pops slow
AlG had zero shots
against Eugenics Supremacy
Shoulda had Bertie in his corner
, to counter that SucKKKapunch
Overzealous Cornelia with another technical L
Elitist Dad and new Knick set ablaze
How convenient Henry didn't arrive in time
, to enter the doom inferno
Soderberg cinematography, tho