Cabbage Patch
The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Now THAT was a well done episode. The effects of wenching on a conquered society. b*stard mulattos on Bajor, who'd rather be Cardi than Bajoran because the Bajorans hated them but Cardis were like whatever, broken families, bedwenches choosing material wealth over honor, Bajor husbands sucking it up for a hot meal and medicine, Cardi men acting like plantation masters, and the while thing culminating in Gul Dukat and Kai Winn's twisted relationship.Dukat wanted some of Kiras mom not to mention Kira later on lol.
Dukat wanted Kira because he had always lusted after her. Kira couldn't return the affection because
Kira....might not even have been Bajoran at that point, but was that ever canonized, or not?