The Official Socialism/Democratic Socialism/Communism/Marxism Thread


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Slavery in general doesn't have to be the result of any economic system, but that doesn't change the fact that the rise of Capitalism in Europe is intimately connected to all the major events in the history of slavery from that same period. It also doesn't change the fact that the profit motive was a clear driving force in the emergence of the Transatlantic slave trade (which isn't to say that the profit motive entails slavery or anything like it.) Slavery can still be a result of capitalism, in other words. Furthermore, the government sanctioning slavery doesn't mean that the history begins there. The government only did so because slavery became seen as a necessary element in economic growth, and was thus argued for vociferously by early Capitalists. Both Fernand Braudel's epic 3-volume history of Capitalism and books like Eric Williams' Slavery and Capitalism do a good job of arguing these points.
The point is slavery existed in socialist nations, fascist nations, capitalist etc. Its a silly correlation to try and make. Its the idea that every man should be free that is new as far as history is measured. The question should be "where did freedom come from" if we are being serious.:upsetfavre:
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The Real

May 8, 2012
The point is slavery existed i socialist nations, fascist nations, capitalist etc. Its a silly correlation to try and make. Its the idea that every man should be free that is new as far as history is measured. The question should be "where did freedom come from" if we are being serious.:upsetfavre:

It's not a correlation, though... it's an empirical historical point that chattel slavery (the most extreme form of slavery to exist in history at that time) was inextricably linked with the development and rise of Capitalism in Europe. Again, this doesn't mean that other things don't cause slavery, or that slavery never existed before Capitalism, or that Capitalism must always lead to chattel slavery. It just means that Capitalism and its attendant profit motive did indeed contribute heavily to the existence of chattel slavery, as a simple historical fact.
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Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
It's not a correlation, though... it's an empirical historical point that chattel slavery (the most extreme form of slavery to exist in history at that time) was inextricably linked with the development and rise of Capitalism in Europe. Again, this doesn't mean that other things don't cause slavery, or that slavery never existed before Capitalism, or that Capitalism must always lead to chattel slavery. It just means that Capitalism and its attendant profit motive did indeed contribute heavily to the existence of chattel slavery, as a simple historical fact.
:ehh: Same can said for socialism in Brazil(which shipped more slaves than the U.S.). Or Communism in China which enslaved more than both the U.S. and Brazil... i don't see what you are getting at with this slavery/profit motive correlation...
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Jun 17, 2012
Actually most aliens are communist-like, but without the corruption. Capitalism, as it exists on earth is looked at as primitive by most cultures. It is utterly inefficient and prone to complete corruption. Other beings. - amenti hall

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
To me, this gets to the heart of Socialism. Even if you don't subscribe to the notion of authentic satisfaction, etc, which I don't myself, the fact is that Socialism, at heart, concerns the character of labor. Historically, the term has been used to describe theories of production, NOT theories of distribution (which is what Republicans here want you to believe- Socialism is just about redistribution of wealth, etc.) Distribution is part of the picture, sometimes, maybe even most of the time, but strictly speaking, it's not an essential element. As the great Socialist (even Hayek, of all people, calls him a "wise man") R.H. Tawney said, "What is important is not that all men should receive the same pecuniary income. It is that the surplus resources of society should be so husbanded and applied that it is a matter of minor significance whether they should receive it or not." Similarly, look at Marx's famous line from his Critique of the Gotha Program: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." A lot of clowns who want to slander Marx take this quote as a sign that Marx wants crushing, conformist equality where everyone is forced to be the same and rationed out the exact same resources, when, if you actually read it closely, the quote itself clearly assumes all manner of diversity and thus, forms of inequality, including in the case of resources. The kind of egalitarianism that Socialism is committed to is centrally a kind of baseline quality of life, and thus basic equality of opportunity. This is what separates Socialism from Capitalism.

Same goes for statism- once again, Republicans and the modern Right in general wants people to believe that Socialism is essentially about rampant government expansion and state control. This is simply not true. Historically, government regulation or oversight of industry was seen as a means, not an end- it only became seen as an end relatively recently, which is a big mistake. Some Socialists ended up becoming Statists due to the clear successes (and there were successes, which the Right loves to ignore) that came from nationalizing or regulating some industries, ignoring the failures elsewhere, which, despite being often overstated by the Right, do exist and can't be ignored. Once you see state control as means to a particular end- the transformation of labor- you're free to apply it where it works and reject it where it doesn't.

At bottom, the Socialist argument is that work should be functional, NOT acquisitive. Humans can be both incredibly greedy and incredibly altruistic. We aren't the utility-maximizing, perfectly rational, atomistic actors that free marketers and much of the Right wants us to be- we're homeostatic creatures who employ what Herbert Simon calls "satisficing reason." Whatever human nature we have, both history and modern science demonstrates it to neither be purely individualist and greedy, nor purely generous and communal, and thus not strongly tilted enough in the direction that makes ultra-capitalist arguments worthwhile.

The goal is to cultivate this altruism through public culture, again, not specifically or necessarily through State imposition, making work a form of public service and not primarily about seeking profit, and involving the recognition that even our most individualistic self-interest can only be served interdependently. That is what it all comes down to. It's not about eliminating all markets, enterprise, ambition, diversity of lifestyles, or even all inequality of resources. That's also where Socialism's historical focus on the conditions and dignity of work come from- the end of child labor, increased safety and comfort standards in the workplace, proper pay/vacation/etc, are all products of specifically Socialist thought (through unions,) and had to be fought for and taken from the capitalists.

@Type Username Here @Broke Wave @Broletariat @No_bammer_weed @VictorVonDoom
Some of you may be specifically interested in these ideas, whether you agree or not.

This was a really great read breh :to:

You 100% hit the nail on the head when you said "Baseline quality of life". Although I am coming from a religious perspective, even from a strictly humanist view the idea that a fellow human being should be afforded at least basic sustinence and the opportunity not for wealth but for at least hapiness is something we can feel as human beings. It's the reason why when there is a natural disaster in a region, people from all different races classes creeds etc suddenly become heroic and do not allow each other to be harmed. It's that instinctual movement towards the uplifting of the human self over money or society which has driven all meaningful advancement in our society. It's what drives scientists, doctors, great men/women, the great religious figures and everyone else we benefit from.

I'm probably very far from a "socialist" in the traditional sense... I study and want to work in capital markets, I even enjoy learning about and see the value in archaic financial products like CFD's but my over arching ideas about society and economics will always be driven by socialist thinkers and the reality of the success of socialism in the world today.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
At bottom, the Socialist argument is that work should be functional, NOT acquisitive. Humans can be both incredibly greedy and incredibly altruistic. We aren't the utility-maximizing, perfectly rational, atomistic actors that free marketers and much of the Right wants us to be- we're homeostatic creatures who employ what Herbert Simon calls "satisficing reason." Whatever human nature we have, both history and modern science demonstrates it to neither be purely individualist and greedy, nor purely generous and communal, and thus not strongly tilted enough in the direction that makes ultra-capitalist arguments worthwhile.

I want to center my response on this exerpt, because i think it gets to the nexus of the modern capitalism/socialism debate. Libertarians and conservatives promote this idea, directly or indirectly, that personal material and economic resources are a morality unto itself, so any attempts to mediate on behalf of the working class: unions, keynesian inspired intervention, taxing the wealthy, ext, are some sort of violation to this moral order. Its the only governing idea that gives their illogic any semblance of standing reason.

This notion that our economic environs operate with exclusive utility-maximizing logic is easily falseifiable---the least of which the fact that it was basically illegal for blacks to accrue wealth (before big bad govt intrvened), which blocked millions from partipating and growing the economy. To that point, discognitives carry the intellectual weight for anarcho-capitalists. As a country we refer to the mid20th century as "the golden era", a time of socialistic mechanisms like 91% effective tax rates, and strong unions. The inference is clear--- these mechanisms were celebrated because it promoted an economic circulation that benefitted white males only....blacks and women knew their place, and asians/mexicans were non-existent. Again, this is social inspiration, not internal economic logic.

The reagan revolution of intellectual and moral bankruptcy which says that the middle class doesnt need protection, is akin to saying that law enforcement isnt needed because people should know better than to injure another, and indiciduals have the means to protect themselves...its anarchy.

There are all kinds of methods used to enforce this insanity....i.e. the bootstrap narrative that all conervatives seem to have, which we all know is b.s since, statistically, the rich stay rich through inherited generational wealth, and social mobility is becoming a lockness monster type realty. Overall, capitalism is largely principle-free, and any social economy, socialism included, is only as good as its intentions and practice to benefit the greater good, not theory.
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Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012
The amount of poverty and suffering required for the emergence of a Rockefeller, and the amount of depravity that the accumulation of a fortune of such magnitude entails, are left out of the picture, and it is not always possible to make the people in general see this.

Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012


Feb 13, 2013
coLT$, kAkALAk
capitalists would say allow drunk driving .. also might not care if someone else got thrown in jail for it
socialists solution to both drunk driving and anti-jail would be for us all to have breathalizer keychains [with the perfect limit , its prob not as low as it is]

speed limits - we all hate them - everybody like fukk the police
but instead of audobon everywhere they should be adjusted [prob like 15-20 mph] .. and tracks built for speed thrills

number one reason we hate cops - drug war - nothing to be said we all know its time for it to end